package limithandler import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // GetLockKey function defines the lock key of an RPC invocation based on its context type GetLockKey func(context.Context) string // LimitConcurrencyByRepo implements GetLockKey by using the repository path as lock. func LimitConcurrencyByRepo(ctx context.Context) string { if info := requestinfohandler.Extract(ctx); info != nil { return info.Repository.GetRelativePath() } return "" } // LimiterMiddleware contains rate limiter state type LimiterMiddleware struct { methodLimiters map[string]limiter.Limiter getLockKey GetLockKey requestsDroppedMetric *prometheus.CounterVec collect func(metrics chan<- prometheus.Metric) } // New creates a new middleware that limits requests. SetupFunc sets up the // middlware with a specific kind of limiter. func New(cfg config.Cfg, getLockKey GetLockKey, setupMiddleware SetupFunc) *LimiterMiddleware { middleware := &LimiterMiddleware{ getLockKey: getLockKey, requestsDroppedMetric: prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "gitaly_requests_dropped_total", Help: "Number of requests dropped from the queue", }, []string{ "system", "grpc_service", "grpc_method", "reason", }, ), } setupMiddleware(cfg, middleware) return middleware } // Describe is used to describe Prometheus metrics. func (c *LimiterMiddleware) Describe(descs chan<- *prometheus.Desc) { prometheus.DescribeByCollect(c, descs) } // Collect is used to collect Prometheus metrics. func (c *LimiterMiddleware) Collect(metrics chan<- prometheus.Metric) { c.requestsDroppedMetric.Collect(metrics) if c.collect != nil { c.collect(metrics) } } // UnaryInterceptor returns a Unary Interceptor func (c *LimiterMiddleware) UnaryInterceptor() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor { return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) { lockKey := c.getLockKey(ctx) if lockKey == "" { return handler(ctx, req) } limiter := c.methodLimiters[info.FullMethod] if limiter == nil { // No concurrency limiting return handler(ctx, req) } return limiter.Limit(ctx, lockKey, func() (interface{}, error) { return handler(ctx, req) }) } } // StreamInterceptor returns a Stream Interceptor func (c *LimiterMiddleware) StreamInterceptor() grpc.StreamServerInterceptor { return func(srv interface{}, stream grpc.ServerStream, info *grpc.StreamServerInfo, handler grpc.StreamHandler) error { wrapper := &wrappedStream{stream, info, c, true} return handler(srv, wrapper) } } // SetupFunc set up a middleware to limiting requests type SetupFunc func(cfg config.Cfg, middleware *LimiterMiddleware) type wrappedStream struct { grpc.ServerStream info *grpc.StreamServerInfo limiterMiddleware *LimiterMiddleware initial bool } func (w *wrappedStream) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error { if err := w.ServerStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil { return err } // Only perform limiting on the first request of a stream if !w.initial { return nil } w.initial = false ctx := w.Context() lockKey := w.limiterMiddleware.getLockKey(ctx) if lockKey == "" { return nil } limiter := w.limiterMiddleware.methodLimiters[] if limiter == nil { // No concurrency limiting return nil } ready := make(chan struct{}) errs := make(chan error) go func() { if _, err := limiter.Limit(ctx, lockKey, func() (interface{}, error) { close(ready) <-ctx.Done() return nil, nil }); err != nil { errs <- err } }() select { case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() case <-ready: // It's our turn! return nil case err := <-errs: return err } } // WithConcurrencyLimiters sets up middleware to limit the concurrency of // requests based on RPC and repository func WithConcurrencyLimiters(cfg config.Cfg) (map[string]*limiter.AdaptiveLimit, SetupFunc) { perRPCLimits := map[string]*limiter.AdaptiveLimit{} for _, concurrency := range cfg.Concurrency { limitName := fmt.Sprintf("perRPC%s", concurrency.RPC) if concurrency.Adaptive { perRPCLimits[concurrency.RPC] = limiter.NewAdaptiveLimit(limitName, limiter.AdaptiveSetting{ Initial: concurrency.InitialLimit, Max: concurrency.MaxLimit, Min: concurrency.MinLimit, BackoffFactor: limiter.DefaultBackoffFactor, }) } else { perRPCLimits[concurrency.RPC] = limiter.NewAdaptiveLimit(limitName, limiter.AdaptiveSetting{ Initial: concurrency.MaxPerRepo, }) } } return perRPCLimits, func(cfg config.Cfg, middleware *LimiterMiddleware) { acquiringSecondsMetric := prometheus.NewHistogramVec( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Namespace: "gitaly", Subsystem: "concurrency_limiting", Name: "acquiring_seconds", Help: "Histogram of time calls are rate limited (in seconds)", Buckets: cfg.Prometheus.GRPCLatencyBuckets, }, []string{"system", "grpc_service", "grpc_method"}, ) inProgressMetric := prometheus.NewGaugeVec( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "gitaly", Subsystem: "concurrency_limiting", Name: "in_progress", Help: "Gauge of number of concurrent in-progress calls", }, []string{"system", "grpc_service", "grpc_method"}, ) queuedMetric := prometheus.NewGaugeVec( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "gitaly", Subsystem: "concurrency_limiting", Name: "queued", Help: "Gauge of number of queued calls", }, []string{"system", "grpc_service", "grpc_method"}, ) middleware.collect = func(metrics chan<- prometheus.Metric) { acquiringSecondsMetric.Collect(metrics) inProgressMetric.Collect(metrics) queuedMetric.Collect(metrics) } result := make(map[string]limiter.Limiter) for _, concurrency := range cfg.Concurrency { concurrency := concurrency result[concurrency.RPC] = limiter.NewConcurrencyLimiter( perRPCLimits[concurrency.RPC], concurrency.MaxQueueSize, concurrency.MaxQueueWait.Duration(), limiter.NewPerRPCPromMonitor( "gitaly", concurrency.RPC, queuedMetric, inProgressMetric, acquiringSecondsMetric, middleware.requestsDroppedMetric, ), ) } // Set default for ReplicateRepository. replicateRepositoryFullMethod := "/gitaly.RepositoryService/ReplicateRepository" if _, ok := result[replicateRepositoryFullMethod]; !ok { result[replicateRepositoryFullMethod] = limiter.NewConcurrencyLimiter( limiter.NewAdaptiveLimit("staticLimit", limiter.AdaptiveSetting{Initial: 1}), 0, 0, limiter.NewPerRPCPromMonitor( "gitaly", replicateRepositoryFullMethod, queuedMetric, inProgressMetric, acquiringSecondsMetric, middleware.requestsDroppedMetric, ), ) } middleware.methodLimiters = result } } // WithRateLimiters sets up a middleware with limiters that limit requests // based on its rate per second per RPC func WithRateLimiters(ctx context.Context) SetupFunc { return func(cfg config.Cfg, middleware *LimiterMiddleware) { result := make(map[string]limiter.Limiter) for _, limitCfg := range cfg.RateLimiting { if limitCfg.Burst > 0 && limitCfg.Interval > 0 { serviceName, methodName := splitMethodName(limitCfg.RPC) rateLimiter := limiter.NewRateLimiter( limitCfg.Interval.Duration(), limitCfg.Burst, helper.NewTimerTicker(5*time.Minute), middleware.requestsDroppedMetric.With(prometheus.Labels{ "system": "gitaly", "grpc_service": serviceName, "grpc_method": methodName, "reason": "rate", }), ) result[limitCfg.RPC] = rateLimiter go rateLimiter.PruneUnusedLimiters(ctx) } } middleware.methodLimiters = result } } func splitMethodName(fullMethodName string) (string, string) { fullMethodName = strings.TrimPrefix(fullMethodName, "/") // remove leading slash service, method, ok := strings.Cut(fullMethodName, "/") if !ok { return "unknown", "unknown" } return service, method }