package testhelper import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "math/rand" "net" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "syscall" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // RepositoryAuthToken is the default token used to authenticate // against other Gitaly servers. It is inject as part of the // GitalyServers metadata. RepositoryAuthToken = "the-secret-token" // DefaultStorageName is the default name of the Gitaly storage. DefaultStorageName = "default" ) // IsWALEnabled returns whether write-ahead logging is enabled in this testing run. func IsWALEnabled() bool { _, ok := os.LookupEnv("GITALY_TEST_WAL") return ok } // SkipWithWAL skips the test if write-ahead logging is enabled in this testing run. A reason // should be provided either as a description or a link to an issue to explain why the test is // skipped. func SkipWithWAL(tb testing.TB, reason string) { if IsWALEnabled() { tb.Skip(reason) } } // IsPraefectEnabled returns whether this testing run is done with Praefect in front of the Gitaly. func IsPraefectEnabled() bool { _, enabled := os.LookupEnv("GITALY_TEST_WITH_PRAEFECT") return enabled } // SkipWithPraefect skips the test if it is being executed with Praefect in front // of the Gitaly. func SkipWithPraefect(tb testing.TB, reason string) { if IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skipf(reason) } } // MustReadFile returns the content of a file or fails at once. func MustReadFile(tb testing.TB, filename string) []byte { tb.Helper() content, err := os.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { tb.Fatal(err) } return content } // WriteFiles writes a map of files to the filesystem where the map key is the // filename relative to root and the value is one of string, []byte or // io.Reader. func WriteFiles(tb testing.TB, root string, files map[string]any) { tb.Helper() require.DirExists(tb, root) for name, value := range files { path := filepath.Join(root, name) require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), perm.SharedDir)) switch content := value.(type) { case string: require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(path, []byte(content), perm.PublicFile)) case []byte: require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(path, content, perm.PublicFile)) case io.Reader: func() { f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(tb, err) defer MustClose(tb, f) _, err = io.Copy(f, content) require.NoError(tb, err) }() default: tb.Fatalf("WriteFiles: %q: unsupported file content type %T", path, value) } } } // GitlabTestStoragePath returns the storage path to the gitlab-test repo. func GitlabTestStoragePath() string { if testDirectory == "" { panic("you must call testhelper.Configure() before GitlabTestStoragePath()") } return filepath.Join(testDirectory, "storage") } // MustRunCommand runs a command with an optional standard input and returns the standard output, or fails. func MustRunCommand(tb testing.TB, stdin io.Reader, name string, args ...string) []byte { tb.Helper() if filepath.Base(name) == "git" { require.Fail(tb, "Please use gittest.Exec or gittest.ExecStream to run git commands.") } cmd := exec.Command(name, args...) if stdin != nil { cmd.Stdin = stdin } output, err := cmd.Output() var exitErr *exec.ExitError if errors.As(err, &exitErr) { require.NoError(tb, err, "%s %s: %s", name, args, exitErr.Stderr) } return output } // MustClose calls Close() on the Closer and fails the test in case it returns // an error. This function is useful when closing via `defer`, as a simple // `defer require.NoError(t, closer.Close())` would cause `closer.Close()` to // be executed early already. func MustClose(tb testing.TB, closer io.Closer) { require.NoError(tb, closer.Close()) } // Server is an interface for a server that can serve requests on a specific listener. This // interface is used by the MustServe helper function. type Server interface { Serve(net.Listener) error } // MustServe starts to serve the given server with the listener. This function asserts that the // server was able to successfully serve and is useful in contexts where one wants to simply spawn a // server in a Goroutine. func MustServe(tb testing.TB, server Server, listener net.Listener) { tb.Helper() // `http.Server.Serve()` is expected to return `http.ErrServerClosed`, so we special-case // this error here. if err := server.Serve(listener); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) { require.NoError(tb, err) } } // CopyFile copies a file at the path src to a file at the path dst func CopyFile(tb testing.TB, src, dst string) { fsrc, err := os.Open(src) require.NoError(tb, err) defer MustClose(tb, fsrc) fdst, err := os.Create(dst) require.NoError(tb, err) defer MustClose(tb, fdst) _, err = io.Copy(fdst, fsrc) require.NoError(tb, err) } // GetTemporaryGitalySocketFileName will return a unique, useable socket file name func GetTemporaryGitalySocketFileName(tb testing.TB) string { require.NotEmpty(tb, testDirectory, "you must call testhelper.Configure() before GetTemporaryGitalySocketFileName()") tmpfile, err := os.CreateTemp(testDirectory, "gitaly.socket.") require.NoError(tb, err) name := tmpfile.Name() require.NoError(tb, tmpfile.Close()) require.NoError(tb, os.Remove(name)) return name } // GetLocalhostListener listens on the next available TCP port and returns // the listener and the localhost address (host:port) string. func GetLocalhostListener(tb testing.TB) (net.Listener, string) { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0") require.NoError(tb, err) addr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port) return l, addr } // ContextOpt returns a new context instance with the new additions to it. type ContextOpt func(context.Context) context.Context // Context returns that gets canceled at the end of the test. func Context(tb testing.TB, opts ...ContextOpt) context.Context { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ContextWithoutCancel(opts...)) tb.Cleanup(cancel) return ctx } // ContextWithSimulatedTimeout creates a new context and allows the caller to simulate a timeout event. It returns a new // context, a cancelation function, and a function that triggers the timeout event. After timeout, ctx.Done() channel // is closed and ctx.Err() returns context.DeadlineExceeded. The context can be cancelled earlier by calling the // returned cancelation function. This behavior is similar to any context returned from context.WithTimeout() or // context.WithDeadline(). func ContextWithSimulatedTimeout(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc, context.CancelFunc) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancelCause(ctx) tctx := &timeoutContext{ctx} return tctx, func() { cancel(nil) }, func() { cancel(errSimulatedDeadlineExceeded) } } var errSimulatedDeadlineExceeded = fmt.Errorf("simulated deadline exceeded") type timeoutContext struct { context.Context } func (c *timeoutContext) Err() error { if c.Context.Err() == nil { return nil } if err := context.Cause(c); errors.Is(err, errSimulatedDeadlineExceeded) { return context.DeadlineExceeded } return c.Context.Err() } // ContextWithoutCancel returns a non-cancellable context. func ContextWithoutCancel(opts ...ContextOpt) context.Context { ctx := context.Background() // Enable use of explicit feature flags. Each feature flag which is checked must have been // explicitly injected into the context, or otherwise we panic. This is a sanity check to // verify that all feature flags we introduce are tested both with the flag enabled and // with the flag disabled. ctx = featureflag.ContextWithExplicitFeatureFlags(ctx) // There are some feature flags we need to enable in this function because they end up very // deep in the call stack, so almost every test function would have to inject it into its // context. The values of these flags should be randomized to increase the test coverage. // Randomly enable mailmap ctx = featureflag.ContextWithFeatureFlag(ctx, featureflag.MailmapOptions, rand.Int()%2 == 0) // Randomly enable limiter.resizableSemaphore ctx = featureflag.ContextWithFeatureFlag(ctx, featureflag.UseResizableSemaphoreInConcurrencyLimiter, rand.Int()%2 == 0) // Randomly enable ExecCommandDirectlyInCgroup. ctx = featureflag.ContextWithFeatureFlag(ctx, featureflag.ExecCommandDirectlyInCgroup, rand.Int()%2 == 0) // Randomly enable newer Git version. ctx = featureflag.ContextWithFeatureFlag(ctx, featureflag.GitV243, rand.Int()%2 == 0) // Disable LogGitTraces ctx = featureflag.ContextWithFeatureFlag(ctx, featureflag.LogGitTraces, false) for _, opt := range opts { ctx = opt(ctx) } return ctx } // CreateGlobalDirectory creates a directory in the test directory that is shared across all // between all tests. func CreateGlobalDirectory(tb testing.TB, name string) string { require.NotEmpty(tb, testDirectory, "global temporary directory does not exist") path := filepath.Join(testDirectory, name) require.NoError(tb, os.Mkdir(path, perm.PublicDir)) return path } // TempDir is a wrapper around os.MkdirTemp that provides a cleanup function. func TempDir(tb testing.TB) string { if testDirectory == "" { panic("you must call testhelper.Configure() before TempDir()") } tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(testDirectory, "") require.NoError(tb, err) tb.Cleanup(func() { require.NoError(tb, os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)) }) return tmpDir } // Cleanup functions should be called in a defer statement // immediately after they are returned from a test helper type Cleanup func() // WriteExecutable ensures that the parent directory exists, and writes an executable with provided // content. The executable must not exist previous to writing it. Returns the path of the written // executable. func WriteExecutable(tb testing.TB, path string, content []byte) string { dir := filepath.Dir(path) require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(dir, perm.SharedDir)) tb.Cleanup(func() { assert.NoError(tb, os.RemoveAll(dir)) }) // Open the file descriptor and write the script into it. It may happen that any other // Goroutine forks while we hold this writeable file descriptor, and as a consequence we // leak it into the other process. Subsequently, even if we close the file descriptor // ourselves this other process may still hold on to the writeable file descriptor. The // result is that calls to execve(3P) on our just-written file will fail with ETXTBSY, // which is raised when trying to execute a file which is still open to be written to. // // We thus need to perform file locking to ensure that all writeable references to this // file have been closed before returning. executable, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY, perm.SharedExecutable) require.NoError(tb, err) _, err = io.Copy(executable, bytes.NewReader(content)) require.NoError(tb, err) // We now lock the file descriptor for exclusive access. If there was a forked process // holding the writeable file descriptor at this point in time, then it would refer to the // same file descriptor and thus be locked for exclusive access, as well. If we fork after // creating the lock and before closing the writeable file descriptor, then the dup'd file // descriptor would automatically inherit the lock. // // No matter what, after this step any file descriptors referring to this writeable file // descriptor will be exclusively locked. require.NoError(tb, syscall.Flock(int(executable.Fd()), syscall.LOCK_EX)) // We now close this file. The file will be automatically unlocked as soon as all // references to this file descriptor are closed. MustClose(tb, executable) // We now open the file again, but this time only for reading. executable, err = os.Open(path) require.NoError(tb, err) // And this time, we try to acquire a shared lock on this file. This call will block until // the exclusive file lock on the above writeable file descriptor has been dropped. So as // soon as we're able to acquire the lock we know that there cannot be any open writeable // file descriptors for this file anymore, and thus we won't get ETXTBSY anymore. require.NoError(tb, syscall.Flock(int(executable.Fd()), syscall.LOCK_SH)) MustClose(tb, executable) return path } var umask perm.Umask = func() perm.Umask { oldMask := syscall.Umask(0) syscall.Umask(oldMask) return perm.Umask(oldMask) }() // Umask return the umask of the current procses. Note that this value is computed once at initialization time because // it is shared global state that is unsafe to access when there are multiple threads running at the same time. It // follows that tests should never update the umask. func Umask() perm.Umask { return umask } // Unsetenv unsets an environment variable. The variable will be restored after the test has // finished. func Unsetenv(tb testing.TB, key string) { tb.Helper() // We're first using `tb.Setenv()` here due to two reasons: first, it will automitcally // handle restoring the environment variable for us after the test has finished. And second, // it performs a check whether we're running with `tb.Parallel()`. tb.Setenv(key, "") // And now we can unset the environment variable given that we know we're not running in a // parallel test and where the cleanup function has been installed. require.NoError(tb, os.Unsetenv(key)) } // GitalyOrPraefect returns either the Gitaly- or Praefect-specific object depending on whether // tests are running with Praefect as a proxy or not. func GitalyOrPraefect[Type any](gitaly, praefect Type) Type { if IsPraefectEnabled() { return praefect } return gitaly } // SkipQuarantinedTest skips the test if the test name has been specified as // quarantined. If no test names are provided the test is always skipped. func SkipQuarantinedTest(t *testing.T, issue string, tests ...string) { if issue == "" { panic("issue not specified") } if len(tests) == 0 || slices.Contains(tests, t.Name()) { t.Skipf("This test has been quarantined. Please see %s for more information.", issue) } } // pkgPath is used to determine the package path using reflection. type pkgPath struct{} // PkgPath returns the gitaly module package path, including major version // number. paths will be path joined to the returned package path. func PkgPath(paths ...string) string { internalPkgPath := path.Dir(reflect.TypeOf(pkgPath{}).PkgPath()) rootPkgPath := path.Dir(internalPkgPath) return path.Join(append([]string{rootPkgPath}, paths...)...) }