syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; option go_package = ""; import "lint.proto"; import "shared.proto"; service BlobService { // GetBlob returns the contents of a blob object referenced by its object // ID. We use a stream to return a chunked arbitrarily large binary // response rpc GetBlob(GetBlobRequest) returns (stream GetBlobResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } rpc GetBlobs(GetBlobsRequest) returns (stream GetBlobsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } rpc GetLFSPointers(GetLFSPointersRequest) returns (stream GetLFSPointersResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } rpc GetNewLFSPointers(GetNewLFSPointersRequest) returns (stream GetNewLFSPointersResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } rpc GetAllLFSPointers(GetAllLFSPointersRequest) returns (stream GetAllLFSPointersResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } } message GetBlobRequest { Repository repository = 1[(target_repository)=true]; // Object ID (SHA1) of the blob we want to get string oid = 2; // Maximum number of bytes we want to receive. Use '-1' to get the full blob no matter how big. int64 limit = 3; } message GetBlobResponse { // Blob size; present only in first response message int64 size = 1; // Chunk of blob data bytes data = 2; // Object ID of the actual blob returned. Empty if no blob was found. string oid = 3; } message GetBlobsRequest { message RevisionPath { string revision = 1; bytes path = 2; } Repository repository = 1[(target_repository)=true]; // Revision/Path pairs of the blobs we want to get. repeated RevisionPath revision_paths = 2; // Maximum number of bytes we want to receive. Use '-1' to get the full blobs no matter how big. int64 limit = 3; } message GetBlobsResponse { // Blob size; present only on the first message per blob int64 size = 1; // Chunk of blob data, could span over multiple messages. bytes data = 2; // Object ID of the current blob. Only present on the first message per blob. Empty if no blob was found. string oid = 3; bool is_submodule = 4; int32 mode = 5; string revision = 6; bytes path = 7; ObjectType type = 8; } message LFSPointer { int64 size = 1; bytes data = 2; string oid = 3; } message NewBlobObject { int64 size = 1; string oid = 2; bytes path = 3; } message GetLFSPointersRequest { Repository repository = 1[(target_repository)=true]; repeated string blob_ids = 2; } message GetLFSPointersResponse { repeated LFSPointer lfs_pointers = 1; } message GetNewLFSPointersRequest { Repository repository = 1[(target_repository)=true]; bytes revision = 2; int32 limit = 3; // Note: When `not_in_all` is true, `not_in_refs` is ignored bool not_in_all = 4; repeated bytes not_in_refs = 5; } message GetNewLFSPointersResponse { repeated LFSPointer lfs_pointers = 1; } message GetAllLFSPointersRequest { Repository repository = 1[(target_repository)=true]; reserved 2; } message GetAllLFSPointersResponse { repeated LFSPointer lfs_pointers = 1; }