syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; import "errors.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "lint.proto"; import "shared.proto"; option go_package = ""; // CommitService is a service which provides RPCs that interact with Git // commits. service CommitService { // ListCommits lists all commits reachable via a set of references by doing a // graph walk. This deprecates FindAllCommits and FindCommits (except Follow // is not yet supported). Any unknown revisions will cause the RPC to fail. rpc ListCommits(ListCommitsRequest) returns (stream ListCommitsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // ListAllCommits lists all commits present in the repository, including // those not reachable by any reference. rpc ListAllCommits(ListAllCommitsRequest) returns (stream ListAllCommitsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // CommitIsAncestor checks whether a provided commit is the ancestor of // another commit. rpc CommitIsAncestor(CommitIsAncestorRequest) returns (CommitIsAncestorResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // TreeEntry provides the tree entry for the provided path and revision. The data // is broken into chunks and streamed. rpc TreeEntry(TreeEntryRequest) returns (stream TreeEntryResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // CountCommits provides the number of commits which adhere to the given filters. rpc CountCommits(CountCommitsRequest) returns (CountCommitsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // CountDivergingCommits provides the number of diverging commits between two revisions. rpc CountDivergingCommits(CountDivergingCommitsRequest) returns (CountDivergingCommitsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // GetTreeEntries provides the tree entries for the provided path and revision. This includes // subtrees present under the tree with the option of recursive fetching. rpc GetTreeEntries(GetTreeEntriesRequest) returns (stream GetTreeEntriesResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // ListFiles lists all the files (including files in sub-dirs) present in the working tree // of a given treeish. rpc ListFiles(ListFilesRequest) returns (stream ListFilesResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // FindCommit finds a commit for a given commitish. Returns nil if the commit is not found. rpc FindCommit(FindCommitRequest) returns (FindCommitResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // CommitStats provides the stats for a given commitish. rpc CommitStats(CommitStatsRequest) returns (CommitStatsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // FindAllCommits lists all the commits which can be traversed from the // provided commitish. rpc FindAllCommits(FindAllCommitsRequest) returns (stream FindAllCommitsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // FindCommits lists all the commits which are associated with the provided revision // and paths. rpc FindCommits(FindCommitsRequest) returns (stream FindCommitsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // CommitLanguages detects the source code languages of the whole tree for a // given commit. Returns an error in case no languages could be detected. rpc CommitLanguages(CommitLanguagesRequest) returns (CommitLanguagesResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // RawBlame blames lines in a blob to when they have last been changed. Returns the raw output of the git-blame(1) // command. rpc RawBlame(RawBlameRequest) returns (stream RawBlameResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // LastCommitForPath returns the last commit that has changed a given path. // // The following special cases apply and have grown historically: // // - Absolute paths that or relative paths that escape the repository root will cause an error. // - A nonexistent path inside the repository leads to a successful but empty response. rpc LastCommitForPath(LastCommitForPathRequest) returns (LastCommitForPathResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // ListLastCommitsForTree lists the last commits for a given tree. rpc ListLastCommitsForTree(ListLastCommitsForTreeRequest) returns (stream ListLastCommitsForTreeResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // CommitsByMessage list commits which match the provided query. rpc CommitsByMessage(CommitsByMessageRequest) returns (stream CommitsByMessageResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // ListCommitsByOid lists the commits for the provided commitish object IDs. rpc ListCommitsByOid(ListCommitsByOidRequest) returns (stream ListCommitsByOidResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // ListCommitsByRefName lists the commits for the provided references. rpc ListCommitsByRefName(ListCommitsByRefNameRequest) returns (stream ListCommitsByRefNameResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // FilterShasWithSignatures filters out signed commits. rpc FilterShasWithSignatures(stream FilterShasWithSignaturesRequest) returns (stream FilterShasWithSignaturesResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // GetCommitSignatures parses the commit signature information for the provided commitish object IDs. rpc GetCommitSignatures(GetCommitSignaturesRequest) returns (stream GetCommitSignaturesResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // GetCommitMessages returns the commits messages for the provided commitish object IDs. rpc GetCommitMessages(GetCommitMessagesRequest) returns (stream GetCommitMessagesResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // CheckObjectsExist will check for the existence of revisions against a // repository. It returns two sets of data. An array containing the revisions // from the input that it found on the repository, and an array that contains all // revisions from the input it did not find on the repository. rpc CheckObjectsExist(stream CheckObjectsExistRequest) returns (stream CheckObjectsExistResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } } // ListCommitsRequest is a request for the ListCommits RPC. message ListCommitsRequest { // Order is the order in which commits should be traversed. enum Order { // NONE defaults to reverse chronological order. NONE = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // TOPO order will cause no parents to be shown before all of its children // are shown. Furthermore, multiple lines of history will not be // intermixed. TOPO = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // DATE order will cause no parents to be shown before all of its children // are shown. Otherwise, commits are shown in commit timestamp order. This // can cause history to be shown intermixed. DATE = 2; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX }; // repository is the repository in which commits should be searched for. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revisions is the set of revisions which should be walked to enumerate // commits. Accepts all notation as documented in gitrevisions(7) as well as // the pseudo-revisions `--not` and `--all` as documented in git-rev-list(1). // Must not be empty. repeated string revisions = 2; // pagination_params controls paging. Refer to PaginationParameter documentation for // further info. PaginationParameter pagination_params = 3; // order is the order in which commits should be traversed. Please refer to // the enum's documentation for further information. Order order = 4; // reverse will cause all commits to be listed in reverse. bool reverse = 11; // max_parents will skip all commits which have more than the specified number // of parents. If set to `0`, no filtering by parents will happen. If set to // `1`, all merge commits will be omitted. uint32 max_parents = 5; // disable_walk will disable walking the graph. As a result, only commits // which are immediately referenced by Revisions will be returned. bool disable_walk = 6; // first_parent will cause the graph walk to only go down the first-parent // chain of commits. Merge commits will thus only cause the mainline to be // enumerated. bool first_parent = 7; // after will only list commits which are more recent than the specified date. google.protobuf.Timestamp after = 8; // before will only list commits which are older than the specified date. google.protobuf.Timestamp before = 9; // author will only list commits whose author matches the given pattern, // which is a regular expression. bytes author = 10; // ignore_case will apply case-sensitive behaviour while regex matching. bool ignore_case = 12; // commit_message_patterns will only list commits whose commit message matches // any of the given patterns. repeated bytes commit_message_patterns = 13; } // ListCommitsResponse is a response for the ListCommits RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message ListCommitsResponse { // commits is the list of commits found. repeated GitCommit commits = 1; } // ListAllCommitsRequest is a request for the ListAllCommits RPC. message ListAllCommitsRequest { // repository is the repository in which commits should be searched for. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // pagination_params controls paging. Refer to PaginationParameter documentation for // further info. PaginationParameter pagination_params = 2; } // ListAllCommitsResponse is a response for the ListAllCommits RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message ListAllCommitsResponse { // commits is the list of commits found. repeated GitCommit commits = 1; } // CommitStatsRequest is the request for the CommitStats RPC. message CommitStatsRequest { // repository is the repository in which the commit is present. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is a commitish for which we want to get the stats. bytes revision = 2; } // CommitStatsResponse is the request for the CommitStats RPC. message CommitStatsResponse { // oid is the commit object ID. It is empty if the commit is not found. string oid = 1; // additions refers to the number of lines added in the commit. int32 additions = 2; // deletions refers to the number of lines deleted in the commit. int32 deletions = 3; } // CommitIsAncestorRequest is the request for the CommitIsAncestor RPC. message CommitIsAncestorRequest { // repository is the repository for which we need to check the ancestry. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // ancestor_id is the object ID of the commit which needs to be checked as ancestor. string ancestor_id = 2; // child_id is the object ID of the commit whose ancestor needs to be confirmed. string child_id = 3; } // CommitIsAncestorResponse is the response for the CommitIsAncestor RPC. message CommitIsAncestorResponse { // value denotes whether the provided commit is the ancestor or not. bool value = 1; } // TreeEntryRequest is a request for the TreeEntry RPC. message TreeEntryRequest { // repository is the repository for which to read the tree entry. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is the commitish at which the tree entry is to be read. bytes revision = 2; // path is the path of the entry that shall be read, relative to the tree of the specified revision. bytes path = 3; // limit is the maximum number of bytes to fetch. If object is bigger, remaining bytes are not sent // 0 means there is no limit. int64 limit = 4; // max_size is the maximum allowed object size. If bigger, a FailedPrecondition error is returned // 0 means there is no maximum size. int64 max_size = 5; } // TreeEntryResponse is a response for the TreeEntry RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message TreeEntryResponse { // ObjectType is the type of the returned tree entry. // // TODO: Replace this enum with ObjectType in shared.proto enum ObjectType { // COMMIT indicates that the tree entry is a commit, which may be the case for submodules. COMMIT = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // BLOB indicates that the tree entry is a blob. BLOB = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // TREE indicates that the tree entry is a tree, which may be the case for subdirectories. TREE = 2; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // TAG indicates that the tree entry is a tag. This case should never happen. TAG = 3; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // type is the object type of the tree entry. ObjectType type = 1; // oid is the object ID of the tree entry. In case of submodules, it contains the commit ID that the submodule // currently refers to. string oid = 2; // size is the size of the tree entry. int64 size = 3; // mode is the mode of the tree entry. int32 mode = 4; // data contains the raw object contents. This data may be split up across multiple messages. bytes data = 5; } // CountCommitsRequest is the request for the CountCommits RPC. message CountCommitsRequest { // repository is the repository in which we want to count the number of commits. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is a commitish which is the start point for the traversal of commits. bytes revision = 2; // after is used to filter commits more recent than a specific date. google.protobuf.Timestamp after = 3; // before is used to filter commits older than a specific date. google.protobuf.Timestamp before = 4; // path is used to filter commits which modify the provided path. bytes path = 5; // max_count is used to cap the number of commits. int32 max_count = 6; // all is used to consider all refs (including HEAD) as the start point for the traversal. // all and Revision options are mutually exclusive. bool all = 7; // first_parent ensures that only the first parent commit is followed in the traversal. bool first_parent = 8; // global_options contains the global options used to modify the behaviour of Git. GlobalOptions global_options = 9; } // CountCommitsResponse is the response for the CountCommits RPC. message CountCommitsResponse { // count denotes the number of commits found as per the given filters. int32 count = 1; } // CountDivergingCommitsRequest is the request for the CountDivergingCommits RPC. message CountDivergingCommitsRequest { // repository is the repository in which we want to find the number of diverging commits. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // from is the object ID of one of the commits against which we want to check the // number of diverging commits. The From and To fields are interchangeable. bytes from = 2; // to is the object ID of one of the commits against which we want to check the // number of diverging commits. The To and From fields are interchangeable. bytes to = 3; reserved 4; reserved 5; reserved 6; // max_count denotes the cap for the number of diverging commits to be reported. int32 max_count = 7; } // CountDivergingCommitsResponse is the response for the CountDivergingCommits RPC. message CountDivergingCommitsResponse { // left_count denotes the number of diverging commits present in the 'From' commit provided. int32 left_count = 1; // right_count denotes the number of diverging commits present in the 'To' commit provided. int32 right_count = 2; } // TreeEntry denotes a single tree entry. message TreeEntry { // EntryType denotes the different types of tree entry. enum EntryType { // BLOB indicates that the tree entry is a blob. BLOB = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // TREE indicates that the tree entry is a tree, which may be the case for subdirectories. TREE = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // COMMIT indicates that the tree entry is a commit, which may be the case for submodules. COMMIT = 3; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // oid of the object this tree entry points to. string oid = 1; // path is the path of the entry relative to the tree of the specified revision. bytes path = 3; // type denotes the type of the tree entry. EntryType type = 4; // mode is the mode of the tree entry. int32 mode = 5; // commit_oid is the commit object via which this entry was retrieved. string commit_oid = 6; // flat_path is the relative path of the first subdir that doesn't have only one directory descendant. bytes flat_path = 7; // RootOid used to refer to the resolved object ID of the root tree. This field has been removed // with no replacement. reserved "root_oid"; reserved 2; } // GetTreeEntriesRequest is the request for the GetTreeEntries RPC. message GetTreeEntriesRequest { // SortBy provides the sorting parameters. enum SortBy { // DEFAULT preserves the order of git ls-tree. DEFAULT = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // TREES_FIRST sorts the entries by trees, blobs and submodules. TREES_FIRST = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // repository is the repository to get the tree entries from. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is the commitish at which the tree entries is to be read. bytes revision = 2; // path is the path of the entry that shall be read, relative to the tree of the specified revision. bytes path = 3; // recursive denotes wether to recursively fetch sub-trees. bool recursive = 4; // sort defines the sorting parameter. SortBy sort = 5; // pagination_params controls paging. Refer to PaginationParameter documentation for // further info. PaginationParameter pagination_params = 6; // skip_flat_paths is an option to skip the expensive operation of populating flat paths. bool skip_flat_paths = 7; } // GetTreeEntriesResponse is the response for the GetTreeEntries RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message GetTreeEntriesResponse { // entries denotes a list of tree entries. repeated TreeEntry entries = 1; // pagination_cursor defines the offset for subsequent requests. Refer to PaginationCursor // documentation for further info. PaginationCursor pagination_cursor = 2; } // GetTreeEntriesError may be returned when GetTreeEntries fails with a specific root // cause. message GetTreeEntriesError { oneof error { // resolve_tree is set when the provided revision ID could not be resolved. ResolveRevisionError resolve_tree = 1; // path is set when the provided path is not valid. PathError path = 2; } } // ListFilesRequest is the request for the ListFiles RPC. message ListFilesRequest { // repository is the repository to list the files from. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is a commitish against which we list all files. bytes revision = 2; } // ListFilesResponse is the response for the ListFiles RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message ListFilesResponse { // paths is the list of paths found for the requested revision. Clients must // remember to force utf-8 encoding. repeated bytes paths = 1; } // FindCommitRequest is the request for the FindCommit RPC. message FindCommitRequest { // repository is the repository in which we want to find the commit. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is a commitish which is to be resolved to a commit. bytes revision = 2; // trailers if set, parses and adds the trailing information of the commit. bool trailers = 3; } // FindCommitResponse is the request for the FindCommit RPC. Returns empty response // if the commit is not found. message FindCommitResponse { // commit is the requested commit, it is nil when the commit was not found. GitCommit commit = 1; } // ListCommitsByOidRequest is the request for the ListCommitsByOid RPC. message ListCommitsByOidRequest { // repository is the repository to list commits from. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // oid is a set of commitish object IDs to list commits for. // If there is no commit against a provided object ID, no error is thrown. It is simply ignored. repeated string oid = 2; // protolint:disable:this REPEATED_FIELD_NAMES_PLURALIZED } // ListCommitsByOidResponse is the response for the ListCommitsByOid RPC. message ListCommitsByOidResponse { // commits are the list of commits for the provided object IDs from the request. repeated GitCommit commits = 1; } // ListCommitsByRefNameRequest is the request for the ListCommitsByRefName RPC. message ListCommitsByRefNameRequest { // repository is the repository to list commits from. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // ref_names is a set of references to obtain commits for. // If there is no commit against a provided reference, no error is thrown. It is simply ignored. repeated bytes ref_names = 2; } // ListCommitsByRefNameResponse is the response for the ListCommitsByRefName RPC. message ListCommitsByRefNameResponse { reserved 1; // CommitForRef holds the commit for a given reference. message CommitForRef { // commit is the commit object against the reference. GitCommit commit = 1; // ref_name is a reference from the repository. bytes ref_name = 2; } // commit_refs is a list of CommitForRef objects which provides the commits // against the requested references. repeated CommitForRef commit_refs = 2; } // FindAllCommitsRequest is the request for the FindAllCommits RPC. message FindAllCommitsRequest { // Order is the order in which commits should be traversed. enum Order { // NONE denotes the default ordering where the commits are shown in // reverse chronological order. NONE = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // TOPO order will cause no parents to be shown before all of its children // are shown. Furthermore, multiple lines of history will not be // intermixed. TOPO = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // DATE order will cause no parents to be shown before all of its children // are shown. Otherwise, commits are shown in commit timestamp order. This // can cause history to be shown intermixed. DATE = 2; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // repository is the repository from which we will list the commits. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is the commitish which is the starting point for the traversal. When nil, // return all commits reachable by any branch in the repo. bytes revision = 2; // max_count is the maximum number of commits to list. int32 max_count = 3; // skip is the number of commits to skip before starting to show the // commit output. int32 skip = 4; // order is the order in which commits should be traversed. Refer to // the enum's documentation for further information. Order order = 5; } // FindAllCommitsResponse is the response for the FindAllCommits RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message FindAllCommitsResponse { // commits is a list of commits produced as per the request. repeated GitCommit commits = 1; } // FindCommitsRequest is the request for the FindCommits RPC. message FindCommitsRequest { // Order is the order in which commits should be traversed. enum Order { // NONE defaults to reverse chronological order. NONE = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // TOPO order will cause no parents to be shown before all of its children // are shown. Furthermore, multiple lines of history will not be // intermixed. TOPO = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // repository is the repository from which the commits are listed. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is a commitish against which the commits for the provided // paths are listed. If there is no revision provided, the default branch // is considered. It is mutually exclusive with the `All` option. bytes revision = 2; // limit is maximum number of commits to list. int32 limit = 3; // offset is the number of commits to skip before starting the traversal. int32 offset = 4; // paths is a list of non-empty paths for which we want to list commits. repeated bytes paths = 5; // follow is used to list the history of a file beyond renames (works only for // a single file). bool follow = 6; // skip_merges is used to skip merge commits. bool skip_merges = 7; // disable_walk is no longer supported. bool disable_walk = 8 [deprecated = true]; // after will only list commits which are more recent than the specified date. google.protobuf.Timestamp after = 9; // before will only list commits which are older than the specified date. google.protobuf.Timestamp before = 10; // all is used to consider all refs (including HEAD) as the start point for the traversal. // `all` and `revision` options are mutually exclusive. bool all = 11; // first_parent ensures that only the first parent commit is followed in the traversal. bool first_parent = 12; // author will only list commits whose author matches the given pattern, // which is a regular expression. bytes author = 13; // order is the order in which commits should be traversed. Please refer to // the enum's documentation for further information. Order order = 14; // global_options contains the global options used to modify the behaviour of Git. GlobalOptions global_options = 15; // trailers if set, parses and adds the trailing information of the commit. bool trailers = 16; // include_shortstat determines whether to include the number of lines and files // changed in the commits. Populates the `ShortStats` field. bool include_shortstat = 17; // include_referenced_by determines whether to include references that point to a // commit in the response. The field contains patterns that are matched against // references. Only matching references are included in the response. For // example, one can get tags pointing to a commit with `refs/tags`, or branches // respectively with `refs/heads`. By sending both, the response will include all // references that match either pattern. repeated bytes include_referenced_by = 18; // protolint:disable:this REPEATED_FIELD_NAMES_PLURALIZED } // FindCommitsResponse is the response for the FindCommits RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message FindCommitsResponse { // commits is a list of commits produced as per the request. repeated GitCommit commits = 1; } // FindCommitsError is an error returned by the FindCommits RPC when no commit is found. message FindCommitsError { // error denotes the type of error encountered. oneof error { // bad_object is returned when the revision cannot be found in the git repository. BadObjectError bad_object = 1; // ambiguous_ref is returned when the given revision cannot be found. AmbiguousReferenceError ambiguous_ref = 2; // invalid_range is returned when the provided revision-range cannot be found in the git repository. InvalidRevisionRange invalid_range = 3; } } // CommitLanguagesRequest requests to detect the source code languages. message CommitLanguagesRequest { // repository is the repository where to detect the languages in. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision tells for which commitish the languages should be detected. If it's // omitted, the HEAD commit of the default branch is used. bytes revision = 2; } // CommitLanguagesResponse returns the language statistics. message CommitLanguagesResponse { // Language specifies the statistics for one language. message Language { // name is the name of the detected language, for example: Ruby, Go, HTML // A full list of language names can be found at: // string name = 1; // share is the percentual share (value between 0 and 100) of this language // in relation to other languages that exist in the given revision. float share = 2; // color specifies the associated color for this language, for example #3fd5e0. string color = 3; // FileCount was a uint32 that stored how many files with this language were found. // However, it was never used and there is no client demand for it. // See: reserved 4; reserved "file_count"; // bytes is the total amount of bytes written in this language uint64 bytes = 5; } // languages is a set of all the detected languages and their statistics. repeated Language languages = 1; } // RawBlameRequest is a request for the RawBlame RPC. message RawBlameRequest { // repository is the repository to perform the blame on. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is the commitish at which to start the blame. bytes revision = 2; // path is the path of the blob that should be blamed. bytes path = 3; // range is the comma-separated range of line numbers to perform the blame on, e.g. "1,1000". Optional - if no range // is provided, the whole file will be blamed. bytes range = 4; } // RawBlameResponse is a response for the RawBlame RPC. The response will be // chunked into multiple message if the returned data exceeds gRPC message limits. message RawBlameResponse { // data is the raw data as generated by git-blame(1). bytes data = 1; } // RawBlameError is used as error detail when the RawBlame RPC fails in a specific way. message RawBlameError { // OutOfRangeError indicates that the specified file range that is to be blamed exceeds the length of the blamed // file. message OutOfRangeError { // actual_lines contains the actual number of lines that can be blamed in the file. uint64 actual_lines = 1; } // error denotes the type of error encountered. oneof error { // path_not_found is returned when the blamed path cannot be found in the revision. PathNotFoundError path_not_found = 1; // out_of_range is returned when the specified blamed range exceeds the file length. OutOfRangeError out_of_range = 2; } } // LastCommitForPathRequest is a request for the LastCommitForPath RPC. message LastCommitForPathRequest { // repository is the repository to run the query in. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is the commitish that is used as the start commit to perform the search. bytes revision = 2; // path is the path for which the last commit should be searched. This path can either point to a blob or to a // tree. The path must be relative and must not escape the repository root. If the path is empty or "/", then the // repository root will be searched instead. bytes path = 3; // literal_pathspec will treat the path literally. No globbing or pathspec magic is performed. This option is // deprecated in favor of GlobalOptions. bool literal_pathspec = 4; // global_options contains the global options used to modify the behaviour of Git. GlobalOptions global_options = 5; } // LastCommitForPathResponse is a response for the LastCommitForPath RPC. message LastCommitForPathResponse { // commit is the commit that has last modified the given path. Unset in case the path could not be found. GitCommit commit = 1; } // ListLastCommitsForTreeRequest is the request for the ListLastCommitsForTree RPC. message ListLastCommitsForTreeRequest { // repository is the repository to run the query in. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is the treeish to retrieve commits against. string revision = 2; // path is the relative path to further filter against the treeish revision. This path can either point to a blob // or to a tree. The path must be relative and must not escape the repository root. If the path is empty or "/", then // it will be replaced with the root of of the repository. bytes path = 3; // limit is the number of tree entries to limit the response to. int32 limit = 4; // offset is the offset of the tree entries from which to start the response. int32 offset = 5; // literal_pathspec is deprecated. bool literal_pathspec = 6 [deprecated = true]; // global_options contains the global options used to modify the behaviour of Git. GlobalOptions global_options = 7; } // ListLastCommitsForTreeResponse is the response for the ListLastCommitsForTree RPC. message ListLastCommitsForTreeResponse { // CommitForTree denotes the last commit for associated path. message CommitForTree { reserved 1; // commit is the commit that has last modified the path. GitCommit commit = 2; reserved 3; // path_bytes is the path associated with the commit. bytes path_bytes = 4; } // commits is a set of CommitForTree objects. repeated CommitForTree commits = 1; } // CommitsByMessageRequest is the request for the CommitsByMessage RPC. message CommitsByMessageRequest { // repository is the repository to run the query in. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revision is the commitish to retrieve commits against. bytes revision = 2; // offset is the offset from which to list commits. int32 offset = 3; // limit is the maximum number of commits to list. int32 limit = 4; // path is the relative path to filter the commits to. bytes path = 5; // query is the search param to search commit messages against. string query = 6; // global_options contains the global options used to modify the behaviour of Git. GlobalOptions global_options = 7; } // CommitsByMessageResponse is the response for the CommitsByMessage RPC. // One 'page' of the paginated response of CommitsByMessage. message CommitsByMessageResponse { // commits is the list of commits which match the query from the request. repeated GitCommit commits = 1; } // FilterShasWithSignaturesRequest is the request for the FilterShasWithSignatures RPC. message FilterShasWithSignaturesRequest { // repository is the repository to retrieve the commits from. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // shas is a set of commitish object IDs. If there is no corresponding commit for a // provided sha, no error will be thrown. Only signed commits will be returned in the // response. repeated bytes shas = 2; } // FilterShasWithSignaturesResponse is the response for the FilterShasWithSignatures RPC. message FilterShasWithSignaturesResponse { // shas is the filtered list of shas from the request which have an associated signed // commit. repeated bytes shas = 1; } // GetCommitSignaturesRequest is the request for the GetCommitSignatures RPC. message GetCommitSignaturesRequest { // repository is the repository to retrieve the commits from. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // commit_ids is the list of commitish object IDs for whom we want to retrieve // signature information. If a commit doesn't have associated signature information // it will be omitted from the results. repeated string commit_ids = 2; } // GetCommitSignaturesResponse is the response for the GetCommitSignatures RPC. message GetCommitSignaturesResponse { // Signer of the commit. A commit can be signed either by a user or by Gitaly itself. enum Signer { // SIGNER_UNSPECIFIED indicates that the signer has not been specified. SIGNER_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // SIGNER_USER indicates that the commit has been signed by a user. SIGNER_USER = 1; // SIGNER_SYSTEM indicates that the commit has been signed by Gitaly itself. SIGNER_SYSTEM = 2; } // commit_id of the signature. string commit_id = 1; // signature of the commit (GPG or SSH). bytes signature = 2; // signed_text is text that is used to verify the signature. bytes signed_text = 3; // signer of the commit Signer signer = 4; } // GetCommitMessagesRequest is the request for the GetCommitMessages RPC. message GetCommitMessagesRequest { // repository is the repository to retrieve the commits from. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // commit_ids is the list of commitish object IDs for whom we want to retrieve // the commit message. repeated string commit_ids = 2; } // GetCommitMessagesResponse is the response for the GetCommitMessages RPC. message GetCommitMessagesResponse { // commit_id is the commit object ID. A response with commit_id set, will be followed with // response with the message field set with the commit message for that commit. string commit_id = 1; // message is the commit message for the commit. bytes message = 2; } // CheckObjectsExistRequest is a request for the CheckObjectsExist RPC. message CheckObjectsExistRequest { // repository is the repository in which existence of objects and refs // are checked. Only the initial request must contain a repository, the repository of all // subsequent requests will be ignored. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // revisions contains the revisions that shall be checked for existence. This accepts all revisions // as documented in gitrevisions(7). repeated bytes revisions = 2; } // CheckObjectsExistResponse is a response for the CheckObjectsExist RPC. message CheckObjectsExistResponse { // RevisionExistence lists a revision with information about its existence. message RevisionExistence { // name refers to the revision. bytes name = 1; // exists is true if the revision exists in the repository. bool exists = 2; }; // revisions is the list of RevisionExistence objects used to indicate which // revisions exist. repeated RevisionExistence revisions = 1; }