syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; option go_package = ""; import "lint.proto"; import "shared.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; service ConflictsService { rpc ListConflictFiles(ListConflictFilesRequest) returns (stream ListConflictFilesResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // ResolveConflicts tries to resolve a conflicting merge with a set of // user-provided merge resolutions. If resolving the conflict succeeds, the // result will be a new merge commit. rpc ResolveConflicts(stream ResolveConflictsRequest) returns (ResolveConflictsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: MUTATOR }; } } message ListConflictFilesRequest { Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; string our_commit_oid = 2; string their_commit_oid = 3; // AllowTreeConflicts will not cause the request to fail in case there are // tree conflicts. If set to true, then responses may contain conflict files // where some of the paths are unset. bool allow_tree_conflicts = 4; } message ConflictFileHeader { reserved 1; string commit_oid = 2; bytes their_path = 3; bytes our_path = 4; int32 our_mode = 5; bytes ancestor_path = 6; } message ConflictFile { oneof conflict_file_payload { ConflictFileHeader header = 1; bytes content = 2; } } message ListConflictFilesResponse { repeated ConflictFile files = 1; } // ResolveConflictsRequestHeader is the first message that must be sent for // each ResolveConflicts call. message ResolveConflictsRequestHeader { // Repository is the repository in which conflicts shall be resolved and // where SourceBranch shall be updated with the resolved conflict. Repository repository = 1 [(gitaly.target_repository)=true]; // OurCommitOid is the OID of the commit representing the local commit. string our_commit_oid = 2; // TargetRepository is the repository from which TheirCommitOid shall be // retrieved. Repository target_repository = 3; // TheirCommitOid is the OID of the commit representing the remote commit // which is to be merged into the local commit. string their_commit_oid = 4; // SourceBranch is the branch on which the new commit shall be created. bytes source_branch = 5; // TargetBranch identifies the branch which will be fetched from // TargetRepository in case TheirCommitOid does not exist in Repository. bytes target_branch = 6; // CommitMessage is the message of the newly created merge commit. bytes commit_message = 7; // User is the user used as author and committer of the newly created merge // commit. User user = 8; // timestamp is the optional timestamp to use for the commit as committer // date. If it's not set, the current time will be used. google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 9; } // ResolveConflictsRequest is a request for the ResolveConflicts RPC. message ResolveConflictsRequest { // RequestPayload is the payload part of the request. The first message sent // must always be a ResolveConflictsRequestHeader, whereas all remaining // requests must be FilesJson requests. oneof resolve_conflicts_request_payload { // Header is the initial message specifying parameters of the RPC call. ResolveConflictsRequestHeader header = 1; // FilesJson is a JSON-encoded list of conflicts resolutions. bytes files_json = 2; } } // ResolveConflictsResponse is a response of the ResolveConflicts RPC. Conflict // resolution may have failed even if the RPC has returned OK. The user must // check ResolutionError to verify whether the merge commit was correctly // computed or not. message ResolveConflictsResponse { // ResolutionError contains a description of why conflict resolution has // failed. string resolution_error = 1; }