syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; import "lint.proto"; import "shared.proto"; option go_package = ""; // DiffService is a service which provides RPCs to inspect differences // introduced between a set of commits. service DiffService { // Returns stream of CommitDiffResponse with patches chunked over messages rpc CommitDiff(CommitDiffRequest) returns (stream CommitDiffResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // Return a stream so we can divide the response in chunks of deltas rpc CommitDelta(CommitDeltaRequest) returns (stream CommitDeltaResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. rpc RawDiff(RawDiffRequest) returns (stream RawDiffResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. rpc RawPatch(RawPatchRequest) returns (stream RawPatchResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. rpc DiffStats(DiffStatsRequest) returns (stream DiffStatsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // Return a list of files changed along with the status of each file rpc FindChangedPaths(FindChangedPathsRequest) returns (stream FindChangedPathsResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } // GetPatchID computes a patch ID for a patch. Patch IDs are a unique ID computed by hashing // a patch with some parameters like line numbers ignored. The patch ID can thus be used to compare // whether diffs make the same change. Please refer to git-patch-id(1) for further information. // If the difference between old and new change is empty then this RPC returns an error. rpc GetPatchID(GetPatchIDRequest) returns (GetPatchIDResponse) { option (op_type) = { op: ACCESSOR }; } } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message CommitDiffRequest { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. enum DiffMode { // DEFAULT is the standard diff mode and results in a linewise diff for textfiles. DEFAULT = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // WORDDIFF is a word diff and computes the diff for whitespace separated words instead of for whole lines. WORDDIFF = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // WhiteSpaceChanges states which whitespace changes we should ignore. These options correlate to // the ones present in git-diff(1). enum WhitespaceChanges { // WHITESPACE_CHANGES_UNSPECIFIED is used to not ignore any whitespace changes. This also defaults // to the value in the deprecated field `ignore_whitespace_change` to stay backward compatible. WHITESPACE_CHANGES_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // WHITESPACE_CHANGES_IGNORE specifies to use the `--ignore-space-change` flag of git-diff(1). // Only changes in amount of whitespace are ignored. WHITESPACE_CHANGES_IGNORE = 1; // WHITESPACE_CHANGES_IGNORE_ALL specifies to use the `--ignore-all-space` flag of git-diff(1). // All whitespace characters are ignored when comparing lines. WHITESPACE_CHANGES_IGNORE_ALL = 2; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string left_commit_id = 2; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string right_commit_id = 3; // This field is deprecated, use the `whitespace_changes` field instead. bool ignore_whitespace_change = 4 [deprecated=true]; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. repeated bytes paths = 5; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bool collapse_diffs = 6; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bool enforce_limits = 7; // These limits are only enforced when enforce_limits == true. int32 max_files = 8; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 max_lines = 9; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 max_bytes = 10; // Limitation of a single diff patch, // patches surpassing this limit are pruned by default. // If this is 0 you will get back empty patches. int32 max_patch_bytes = 14; // These limits are only enforced if collapse_diffs == true. int32 safe_max_files = 11; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 safe_max_lines = 12; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 safe_max_bytes = 13; // DiffMode is the mode used for generating the diff. Please refer to the enum declaration for supported modes. DiffMode diff_mode = 15; // Overrides max patch bytes for file extension. // If the file does not have an extension (eg Dockerfile), then the file name is used for matching. // For files with more than on extension (eg file.html.tmpl) only the last extension is matched. map max_patch_bytes_for_file_extension = 16; // WhitespaceChanges states which whitespace changes should be included in the diff. // Please refer to the enum declaration for supported modes. WhitespaceChanges whitespace_changes = 17; } // A CommitDiffResponse corresponds to a single changed file in a commit. message CommitDiffResponse { reserved 8; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes from_path = 1; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes to_path = 2; // Blob ID as returned via `git diff --full-index` string from_id = 3; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string to_id = 4; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 old_mode = 5; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 new_mode = 6; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bool binary = 7; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes raw_patch_data = 9; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bool end_of_patch = 10; // Indicates the diff file at which we overflow according to the limitations sent, // in which case only this attribute will be set. bool overflow_marker = 11; // Indicates the patch surpassed a "safe" limit and was therefore pruned, but // the client may still request the full patch on a separate request. bool collapsed = 12; // Indicates the patch was pruned since it surpassed a hard limit, and can // therefore not be expanded. bool too_large = 13; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message CommitDeltaRequest { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string left_commit_id = 2; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string right_commit_id = 3; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. repeated bytes paths = 4; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message CommitDelta { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes from_path = 1; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes to_path = 2; // Blob ID as returned via `git diff --full-index` string from_id = 3; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string to_id = 4; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 old_mode = 5; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 new_mode = 6; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message CommitDeltaResponse { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. repeated CommitDelta deltas = 1; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message RawDiffRequest { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string left_commit_id = 2; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string right_commit_id = 3; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message RawDiffResponse { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes data = 1; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message RawPatchRequest { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string left_commit_id = 2; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string right_commit_id = 3; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message RawPatchResponse { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes data = 1; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message DiffStatsRequest { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string left_commit_id = 2; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. string right_commit_id = 3; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message DiffStats { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes path = 1; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 additions = 2; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. int32 deletions = 3; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes old_path = 4; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message DiffStatsResponse { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. repeated DiffStats stats = 1; } // Given a list of commits, return the files changed. Each commit is compared // to its parent. Merge commits will show files which are different to all of // its parents. message FindChangedPathsRequest { // Request is a single request to pass to git diff-tree. message Request { // TreeRequest compares two trees. message TreeRequest { // left_tree_revision is the revision of the left tree to compare. Accepts any revision that // peels to a tree object. string left_tree_revision = 1; // right_tree_revision is the revision of the right tree to compare. Accepts any revision that // peels to a tree object. string right_tree_revision = 2; } // CommitRequest compares a commit to its parents (or some other commits.) message CommitRequest { // commit_revision is the revision of the commit that should be compared. If no `parent_commit_revisions` // are given, then the commit will be compared against its parents. The revision needs to peel to a // commit object. string commit_revision = 1; // parent_commit_revisions are the revisions of commits to treat as the commit's parents. This is an // optional field: if not specified, the actual parents of the commit referred to by `commit_revision` // are used. repeated string parent_commit_revisions = 2; } oneof type { // tree_request is a request comparing two trees with each other. TreeRequest tree_request = 1; // commit_request is a request comparing one or more commits with each other. CommitRequest commit_request = 2; } } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // commits is the list of commits to compare to their parents. This field is deprecated. To adapt to the new calling // convention you can create one `CommitRequest` per commit, where each `CommitRequest` has only the `commit_revision` // field. repeated string commits = 2 [deprecated=true]; // requests specifies the requests of what to compare. repeated Request requests = 3; } // Returns a list of files that have been changed in the commits given message FindChangedPathsResponse { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. repeated ChangedPaths paths = 1; } // Includes the path of the file, and the status of the change message ChangedPaths { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. enum Status { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. ADDED = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // This comment is left unintentionally blank. MODIFIED = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // This comment is left unintentionally blank. DELETED = 2; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // This comment is left unintentionally blank. TYPE_CHANGE = 3; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // This comment is left unintentionally blank. COPIED = 4; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. bytes path = 1; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Status status = 2; // old_mode is the mode of the changed path previous to the change. May be one of the following values: // // - 0o000000 if the path does not exist. // - 0o100644 if the path refers to a normal file. // - 0o100755 if the path refers to an executable file. // - 0o040000 if the path refers to a tree entry. // - 0o160000 if the path refers to a submodule. int32 old_mode = 3; // new_mode is the mode of the changed path after the change. Please refer to `old_mode` for a list of potential values. int32 new_mode = 4; } // GetPatchIDRequest is a request for the GetPatchID RPC. message GetPatchIDRequest { // Repository is the repository the patch ID shall be computed in. Repository repository = 1 [(target_repository)=true]; // OldRevision is the old revision that shall be used to compute the patch // from that will then be passed to git-patch-id(1). Accepts revisions as // specified in gitrevisions(5). bytes old_revision = 2; // newRevision is the new revision that shall be used to compute the patch // from that will then be passed to git-patch-id(1). Accepts revisions as // specified in gitrevisions(5). bytes new_revision = 3; } // GetPatchIDResponse is a response for the GetPatchID RPC. message GetPatchIDResponse { // PatchId is the patch ID that was generated by hashing the diff of the // given old and new revision. string patch_id = 1; }