syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; option go_package = ""; // PackfileNegotiationStatistics represents the git packfile negotiation. message PackfileNegotiationStatistics { // PayloadSize is the total size of all pktlines' payload in bytes. This excludes the pktline prefix. int64 payload_size = 1; // Packets is the total number of packets. int64 packets = 2; // Caps is the capabilities announced by the client. repeated string caps = 3; // Wants is the number of objects the client announced it wants. int64 wants = 4; // Haves is the number of objects the client announced it has. int64 haves = 5; // Shallows is the number of shallow boundaries announced by the client. int64 shallows = 6; // Deepen is one of "deepen ", "deepen-since ", "deepen-not ". // [deepen |deepen-since |deepen-not ] string deepen = 7; // Filter is specified by the client. string filter = 8; }