syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; option go_package = ""; import "lint.proto"; service ServerService { option (intercepted) = true; rpc ServerInfo(ServerInfoRequest) returns (ServerInfoResponse); rpc DiskStatistics(DiskStatisticsRequest) returns (DiskStatisticsResponse); } message ServerInfoRequest {} message ServerInfoResponse { message StorageStatus { string storage_name = 1; bool readable = 2; bool writeable = 3; string fs_type = 4; string filesystem_id = 5; uint32 replication_factor = 6; } string server_version = 1; string git_version = 2; repeated StorageStatus storage_statuses = 3; } message DiskStatisticsRequest {} message DiskStatisticsResponse { message StorageStatus { // When both available and used fields are equal 0 that means that // Gitaly was unable to determine storage stats. string storage_name = 1; int64 available = 2; int64 used = 3; } repeated StorageStatus storage_statuses = 1; }