syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; option go_package = ""; // ServiceConfig defines the configuration that allows service owners to publish parameters to be // automatically used by all clients of their service. gRPC doesn't export this protobuf. So, we // built a minimized version to for Gitaly use. The completed version is defined at // message ServiceConfig { // protolint:disable:next REPEATED_FIELD_NAMES_PLURALIZED repeated LoadBalancingConfig load_balancing_config = 1; // protolint:disable:next REPEATED_FIELD_NAMES_PLURALIZED repeated MethodConfig method_config = 2; } // LoadBalancingConfig wraps around the round-robin strategies. Only one strategy can be selected. message LoadBalancingConfig { oneof policy { // PickFirst strategy PickFirstConfig pick_first = 1 [json_name = "pick_first"]; // RoundRobin strategy RoundRobinConfig round_robin = 2 [json_name = "round_robin"]; } } // PickFirstConfig signals the pick_first load-balancing strategy. This strategy is the default // strategy of grpc client libraries so that the connection has only one subchannel, which is the // first address after resolution message PickFirstConfig { } // RoundRobinConfig indicates the round_robin strategy. This strategy distributes the incoming // requests to active subchannels in a round-robin fashion. message RoundRobinConfig { } // Configuration for a method. message MethodConfig { // Name is an object indicating which services/methods being affected by the config message Name { // service is name of the service,including its package. For example: gitaly.SmartHTTPService string service = 1; // method is the name of the method within the above service. Empty method name implies the // method policy is effective for all methods of the service string method = 2; } // RetryPolicy defines the configuration for exponential backoff when a request fails message RetryPolicy { // max_attempts is the total retry attempts client perform before bailing out uint32 max_attempts = 1; // initial_backoff is the minimum delay for the first retries google.protobuf.Duration initial_backoff = 2; // max_backoff is the minimum delay google.protobuf.Duration max_backoff = 3; // backoff_multiplier is the factor determining "how fast" the delay increases after each retry float backoff_multiplier = 4; // retryable_status_codes defines the list of eligible status codes. The status must be in // capitalized snake_case form. For example, UNAVAILABLE, FAILED_PRECONDITION repeated string retryable_status_codes = 5; } // name defines the list of affected services/methods // The name should be is the definition of grpc. Nothing we can do about it // protolint:disable:next REPEATED_FIELD_NAMES_PLURALIZED repeated Name name = 1; // The following fields are unused by Gitaly at the moment. Please refer to the original // documentation for more information // protolint:disable FIELDS_HAVE_COMMENT google.protobuf.BoolValue wait_for_ready = 2; google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 3; google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_request_message_bytes = 4; google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_response_message_bytes = 5; // protolint:enable FIELDS_HAVE_COMMENT // retry_policy defines the exponential backoff configuration for the affected services/methods RetryPolicy retry_policy = 6; }