syntax = "proto3"; package gitaly; import "lint.proto"; import "shared.proto"; option go_package = ""; // RefTransaction is a service which provides RPCs to interact with reference // transactions. Reference transactions are used in the context of Gitaly // Cluster to ensure that all nodes part of a single transaction perform the // same change: given a set of changes, the changes are hashed and the hash is // then voted on. service RefTransaction { option (intercepted) = true; // VoteTransaction casts a vote on a transaction to establish whether the // node is doing the same change as all the other nodes part of the // transaction. This RPC blocks until quorum has been reached, which may be // _before_ all nodes have cast a vote. // // This RPC may return one of the following error codes: // // - `NotFound` in case the transaction could not be found. // - `Canceled` in case the transaction has been canceled before quorum was // reached. rpc VoteTransaction (VoteTransactionRequest) returns (VoteTransactionResponse); // StopTransaction gracefully stops a transaction. This RPC can be used if // only a subset of nodes executes specific code which may cause the // transaction to fail. One such example is Git hooks, which only execute on // the primary Gitaly noded. Other nodes which vote on this transaction will // get a response with the `STOP` state being set. // // This RPC may return one of the following error codes: // // - `NotFound` in case the transaction could not be found. // - `Canceled` in case the transaction has been canceled before quorum was // reached. rpc StopTransaction (StopTransactionRequest) returns (StopTransactionResponse); } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message VoteTransactionRequest { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. enum Phase { // UNKNOWN_PHASE is the unknown voting phase. This value has been the // default because phases have been introduced. Eventually, using this // phase will become unsupported. UNKNOWN_PHASE = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // PREPARED_PHASE is the prepratory phase. The data that is about to change // is locked for concurrent modification, but changes have not yet been // written to disk. PREPARED_PHASE = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // COMMITTED_PHASE is the committing phase. Data has been committed to disk // and will be visible in all subsequent requests. COMMITTED_PHASE = 2; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX }; // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1[(target_repository)=true]; // ID of the transaction we're processing uint64 transaction_id = 2; // Name of the Gitaly node that's voting on a transaction. string node = 3; // SHA1 of the references that are to be updated bytes reference_updates_hash = 4; // Phase is the voting phase. Phase phase = 5; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message VoteTransactionResponse { // The outcome of the given transaction telling the client whether the // transaction should be committed or rolled back. enum TransactionState { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. COMMIT = 0; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH // This comment is left unintentionally blank. ABORT = 1; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX // This comment is left unintentionally blank. STOP = 2; // protolint:disable:this ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_PREFIX } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. TransactionState state = 1; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message StopTransactionRequest { // This comment is left unintentionally blank. Repository repository = 1[(target_repository)=true]; // ID of the transaction we're processing uint64 transaction_id = 2; } // This comment is left unintentionally blank. message StopTransactionResponse { }