require 'securerandom' module Gitlab module Git # These are monkey patches on top of the vendored version of Repository. class Repository include Gitlab::Git::RepositoryMirroring include Gitlab::Git::Popen include Gitlab::EncodingHelper include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize # In # We copied this prefix into gitaly-go, so don't change it # or things will break! (REBASE_WORKTREE_PREFIX) REBASE_WORKTREE_PREFIX = 'rebase'.freeze AM_WORKTREE_PREFIX = 'am'.freeze GITALY_INTERNAL_URL = 'ssh://gitaly/internal.git'.freeze AUTOCRLF_VALUES = { 'true' => true, 'false' => false, 'input' => :input }.freeze RUGGED_KEY = :rugged_list GIT_ALLOW_SHA_UPLOAD = 'uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant=true'.freeze NoRepository = InvalidRef = GitError = class CreateTreeError < StandardError attr_reader :error def initialize(error) @error = error end end class << self def from_gitaly(gitaly_repository, call) new( gitaly_repository, GitalyServer.repo_path(call), GitalyServer.gl_repository(call), Gitlab::Git::GitlabProjects.from_gitaly(gitaly_repository, call), GitalyServer.repo_alt_dirs(call), GitalyServer.feature_flags(call) ) end def from_gitaly_with_block(gitaly_repository, call) repository = from_gitaly(gitaly_repository, call) result = yield repository repository.cleanup result end end attr_reader :path # Directory name of repo attr_reader :name attr_reader :gitlab_projects, :storage, :gl_repository, :gl_project_path, :relative_path def initialize(gitaly_repository, path, gl_repository, gitlab_projects, combined_alt_dirs = "", feature_flags ={})) @gitaly_repository = gitaly_repository @alternate_object_directories = combined_alt_dirs .split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) .map { |d| File.join(path, d) } @storage = gitaly_repository.storage_name @relative_path = gitaly_repository.relative_path @path = path @gl_repository = gl_repository @gl_project_path = gitaly_repository.gl_project_path @gitlab_projects = gitlab_projects @feature_flags = feature_flags end def ==(other) [storage, relative_path] == [, other.relative_path] end attr_reader :gitaly_repository attr_reader :alternate_object_directories def sort_branches(branches, sort_by) case sort_by when 'name' branches.sort_by(&:name) when 'updated_desc' branches.sort do |a, b| b.dereferenced_target.committed_date <=> a.dereferenced_target.committed_date end when 'updated_asc' branches.sort do |a, b| a.dereferenced_target.committed_date <=> b.dereferenced_target.committed_date end else branches end end def exists? File.exist?(File.join(path, 'refs')) end def root_ref @root_ref ||= discover_default_branch end def rugged @rugged ||= begin # Open in bare mode, for a slight performance gain # Rugged::Repository.bare(path, alternates: alternate_object_directories).tap do |repo| Thread.current[RUGGED_KEY] << repo if Thread.current[RUGGED_KEY] end end rescue Rugged::RepositoryError, Rugged::OSError raise NoRepository, 'no repository for such path' end def branch_names end def branches branches_filter end def local_branches(sort_by: nil) branches_filter(filter: :local, sort_by: sort_by) end # Git repository can contains some hidden refs like: # /refs/notes/* # /refs/git-as-svn/* # /refs/pulls/* # This refs by default not visible in project page and not cloned to client side. def has_visible_content? strong_memoize(:has_visible_content) do branches_filter(filter: :local).any? do |ref| begin && # ensures the branch is valid true rescue Rugged::ReferenceError false end end end end def tags rugged.references.each("refs/tags/*").map do |ref| message = nil if tag_message = message = tag_message.chomp if tag_message.respond_to?(:chomp) end target_commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(self,, name: ref.canonical_name, target:, target_commit: target_commit, message: message) end.sort_by(&:name) end # Discovers the default branch based on the repository's available branches # # - If no branches are present, returns nil # - If one branch is present, returns its name # - If two or more branches are present, returns current HEAD or master or first branch def discover_default_branch names = branch_names return if names.empty? return names[0] if names.length == 1 if rugged_head extracted_name = Ref.extract_branch_name( return extracted_name if names.include?(extracted_name) end if names.include?('master') 'master' else names[0] end end def ancestor?(from, to) return false if from.nil? || to.nil? merge_base(from, to) == from rescue Rugged::OdbError false end def update_branch(branch_name, user:, newrev:, oldrev:, push_options: nil, transaction: nil), self).update_branch(branch_name, newrev, oldrev, push_options: push_options, transaction: transaction) end def diff_exists?(sha1, sha2) rugged.diff(sha1, sha2).size.positive? end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def rebase(user, rebase_id, branch:, branch_sha:, remote_repository:, remote_branch:, push_options: nil, timestamp: nil, transaction: nil) worktree =, REBASE_WORKTREE_PREFIX, rebase_id) env = user.git_env(timestamp) with_repo_branch_commit(remote_repository, remote_branch) do |commit| diff_range = "#{commit.sha}...#{branch}" diff_files = begin run_git!( %W[diff --name-only #{diff_range}] ).chomp rescue GitError [] end with_worktree(worktree, branch, sparse_checkout_files: diff_files, env: env) do run_git!( %W[rebase #{commit.sha}], chdir: worktree.path, env: env, include_stderr: true ) rebase_sha = run_git!(%w[rev-parse HEAD], chdir: worktree.path, env: env).strip yield rebase_sha if block_given? update_branch(branch, user: user, newrev: rebase_sha, oldrev: branch_sha, push_options: push_options, transaction: transaction) rebase_sha end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists def commit_patches(start_point, patches, extra_env: {}) worktree =, AM_WORKTREE_PREFIX, SecureRandom.hex) with_worktree(worktree, start_point, env: extra_env) do result, status = run_git(%w[am --quiet --3way], chdir: worktree.path, env: extra_env) do |stdin| loop { stdin.write( } end raise Gitlab::Git::PatchError, result unless status == 0 run_git!( %w[rev-parse --quiet --verify HEAD], chdir: worktree.path, env: extra_env ).chomp end end def update_submodule(submodule_path, commit_sha, branch, committer, message) target = rugged.rev_parse("refs/heads/" + branch) raise CommitError, 'Invalid branch' unless target.is_a?(Rugged::Commit) current_entry = rugged_submodule_entry(target, submodule_path) raise CommitError, 'Invalid submodule path' unless current_entry raise CommitError, "The submodule #{submodule_path} is already at #{commit_sha}" if commit_sha == current_entry[:oid] commit_tree = target.tree.update([action: :upsert, oid: commit_sha, filemode: 0o160000, path: submodule_path]) options = { parents: [target.oid], tree: commit_tree, message: message, author: committer, committer: committer } create_commit(options).tap do |result| raise CommitError, 'Failed to create commit' unless result end end def with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, start_ref) start_repository = unless start_repository.is_a?(RemoteRepository) if start_repository.empty? return yield nil elsif start_repository.same_repository?(self) # Directly return the commit from this repository return yield commit(start_ref) end # Find the commit from the remote repository (this triggers an RPC) commit_id = start_repository.commit_id(start_ref) return yield nil unless commit_id if existing_commit = commit(commit_id) # Commit is already present (e.g. in a fork, or through a previous fetch) yield existing_commit else fetch_sha(start_repository, commit_id) yield commit(commit_id) end end # Directly find a branch with a simple name (e.g. master) # # force_reload causes a new Rugged repository to be instantiated # # This is to work around a bug in libgit2 that causes in-memory refs to # be stale/invalid when packed-refs is changed. # See def find_branch(name, force_reload = false) reload_rugged if force_reload rugged_ref = rugged.ref("refs/heads/" + name) if rugged_ref target_commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(self,, rugged_ref.canonical_name,, target_commit) end end def delete_refs(*ref_names) git_delete_refs(*ref_names) end # Returns true if the given branch exists # # name - The name of the branch as a String. def branch_exists?(name) rugged.branches.exists?(name) # If the branch name is invalid (e.g. ".foo") Rugged will raise an error. # Whatever code calls this method shouldn't have to deal with that so # instead we just return `false` (which is true since a branch doesn't # exist when it has an invalid name). rescue Rugged::ReferenceError false end def merge_base(from, to) rugged.merge_base(from, to) rescue Rugged::ReferenceError nil end def user_to_committer(user, timestamp = nil) Gitlab::Git.committer_hash(email:, name:, timestamp: timestamp) end # Fetch a commit from the given source repository def fetch_sha(source_repository, sha) source_repository = unless source_repository.is_a?(RemoteRepository) env = source_repository.fetch_env(git_config_options: [GIT_ALLOW_SHA_UPLOAD]) args = %W[fetch --no-tags #{GITALY_INTERNAL_URL} #{sha}] message, status = run_git(args, env: env, include_stderr: true) raise Gitlab::Git::CommandError, message unless sha end # Lookup for rugged object by oid or ref name def lookup(oid_or_ref_name) rugged.rev_parse(oid_or_ref_name) end def commit_index(user, branch_name, index, options, timestamp = nil) committer = user_to_committer(user, timestamp), self).with_branch(branch_name) do commit_params = options.merge( tree: index.write_tree(rugged), author: committer, committer: committer ) create_commit(commit_params) end end # Return the object that +revspec+ points to. If +revspec+ is an # annotated tag, then return the tag's target instead. def rev_parse_target(revspec) obj = rugged.rev_parse(revspec) Ref.dereference_object(obj) end def add_remote(remote_name, url, mirror_refmap: nil) rugged.remotes.create(remote_name, url) set_remote_as_mirror(remote_name, refmap: mirror_refmap) if mirror_refmap rescue Rugged::ConfigError remote_update(remote_name, url: url) end # Update the specified remote using the values in the +options+ hash # # Example # repo.update_remote("origin", url: "path/to/repo") def remote_update(remote_name, url:) # TODO: Implement other remote options rugged.remotes.set_url(remote_name, url) nil end def commit(ref = nil) ref ||= root_ref Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(self, ref) end def empty? !has_visible_content? end def autocrlf AUTOCRLF_VALUES[rugged.config['core.autocrlf']] end def autocrlf=(value) rugged.config['core.autocrlf'] = AUTOCRLF_VALUES.invert[value] end def blob_at(sha, path) Gitlab::Git::Blob.find(self, sha, path) unless Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(sha) end def cleanup # Opening a repository may be expensive, and we only need to close it # if it's been open. rugged&.close if defined?(@rugged) end def head_symbolic_ref message, status = run_git(%w[symbolic-ref HEAD]) return 'main' if status.nonzero? Ref.extract_branch_name(message.squish) end private def sparse_checkout_empty?(output) output.include?("error: Sparse checkout leaves no entry on working directory") end def disable_sparse_checkout run_git!(%w[config core.sparseCheckout false], include_stderr: true) end def run_git(args, chdir: path, env: {}, nice: false, include_stderr: false, lazy_block: nil, &block) cmd = [Gitlab.config.git.bin_path, *args] cmd.unshift("nice") if nice object_directories = alternate_object_directories env['GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES'] = object_directories.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) if object_directories.any? popen(cmd, chdir, env, include_stderr: include_stderr, lazy_block: lazy_block, &block) end def run_git!(args, chdir: path, env: {}, nice: false, include_stderr: false, lazy_block: nil, &block) output, status = run_git(args, chdir: chdir, env: env, nice: nice, include_stderr: include_stderr, lazy_block: lazy_block, &block) raise GitError, output unless output end def branches_filter(filter: nil, sort_by: nil) branches = rugged.branches.each(filter).map do |rugged_ref| begin target_commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(self,, rugged_ref.canonical_name,, target_commit) rescue Rugged::ReferenceError # Omit invalid branch end end.compact sort_branches(branches, sort_by) end def git_delete_refs(*ref_names) instructions = do |ref| "delete #{ref}\x00\x00" end message, status = run_git(%w[update-ref --stdin -z], include_stderr: true) do |stdin| stdin.write(instructions.join) end raise GitError, "Could not delete refs #{ref_names}: #{message}" unless end def create_commit(params = {}) params[:message].delete!("\r") Rugged::Commit.create(rugged, params) end def rugged_head rugged.head rescue Rugged::ReferenceError nil end def with_worktree(worktree, branch, sparse_checkout_files: nil, env:) base_args = %w[worktree add --detach] run_git!(%w[config core.splitIndex false]) # Note that we _don't_ want to test for `.present?` here: If the caller # passes an non nil empty value it means it still wants sparse checkout # but just isn't interested in any file, perhaps because it wants to # checkout files in by a changeset but that changeset only adds files. if sparse_checkout_files # Create worktree without checking out run_git!(base_args + ['--no-checkout', worktree.path], env: env, include_stderr: true) worktree_git_path = run_git!(%w[rev-parse --git-dir], chdir: worktree.path).chomp configure_sparse_checkout(worktree_git_path, sparse_checkout_files) # After sparse checkout configuration, checkout `branch` in worktree output, cmd_status = run_git(%W[checkout --detach #{branch}], chdir: worktree.path, env: env, include_stderr: true) # If sparse checkout fails, fall back to a regular checkout. if cmd_status.nonzero? if sparse_checkout_empty?(output) disable_sparse_checkout run_git!(%W[checkout --detach #{branch}], chdir: worktree.path, env: env, include_stderr: true) else raise GitError, output end end else # Create worktree and checkout `branch` in it run_git!(base_args + [worktree.path, branch], env: env, include_stderr: true) end yield ensure run_git(%W[worktree remove -f #{}], include_stderr: true) end # Adding a worktree means checking out the repository. For large repos, # this can be very expensive, so set up sparse checkout for the worktree # to only check out the files we're interested in. def configure_sparse_checkout(worktree_git_path, files) run_git!(%w[config core.sparseCheckout true], include_stderr: true) return if files.empty? worktree_info_path = File.join(worktree_git_path, 'info') FileUtils.mkdir_p(worktree_info_path) File.write(File.join(worktree_info_path, 'sparse-checkout'), files) end def gitlab_projects_error raise CommandError, @gitlab_projects.output end def rugged_submodule_entry(target, submodule_path) parent_dir = File.dirname(submodule_path) parent_dir = '' if parent_dir == '.' parent_tree = rugged.rev_parse("#{target.oid}^{tree}:#{parent_dir}") return unless parent_tree.is_a?(Rugged::Tree) current_entry = parent_tree[File.basename(submodule_path)] valid_submodule_entry?(current_entry) ? current_entry : nil end def valid_submodule_entry?(entry) entry && entry[:type] == :commit end end end end