require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Git::Repository do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength include TestRepo include Gitlab::EncodingHelper using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:mutable_repository) { gitlab_git_from_gitaly(new_mutable_git_test_repo) } let(:repository) { gitlab_git_from_gitaly(git_test_repo_read_only) } let(:repository_path) { repository.path } let(:repository_rugged) { } let(:storage_path) { DEFAULT_STORAGE_DIR } let(:user) {'johndone', 'John Doe', '', 'user-1') } describe '.from_gitaly_with_block' do let(:call_metadata) do { 'user-agent' => 'grpc-go/1.9.1', 'gitaly-storage-path' => DEFAULT_STORAGE_DIR, 'gitaly-repo-path' => TEST_REPO_PATH, 'gitaly-gl-repository' => 'project-52', 'gitaly-repo-alt-dirs' => '' } end let(:call) { double(metadata: call_metadata) } it 'cleans up the repository' do described_class.from_gitaly_with_block(test_repo_read_only, call) do |repository| expect(repository.rugged).to receive(:close) end end it 'returns the passed result of the block passed' do result = described_class.from_gitaly_with_block(test_repo_read_only, call) { 'Hello world' } expect(result).to eq('Hello world') end end describe "Respond to" do subject { repository } it { respond_to(:root_ref) } it { respond_to(:tags) } end describe '#root_ref' do it 'calls #discover_default_branch' do expect(repository).to receive(:discover_default_branch) repository.root_ref end end describe '#branch_names' do subject { repository.branch_names } it 'has SeedRepo::Repo::BRANCHES.size elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq(SeedRepo::Repo::BRANCHES.size) end it { include("master") } it { is_expected.not_to include("branch-from-space") } end describe '#tags' do describe 'first tag' do let(:tag) { repository.tags.first } it { expect( eq("v1.0.0") } it { expect( eq("f4e6814c3e4e7a0de82a9e7cd20c626cc963a2f8") } it { expect(tag.dereferenced_target.sha).to eq("6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9") } it { expect(tag.message).to eq("Release") } end describe 'last tag' do let(:tag) { repository.tags.last } it { expect( eq("v1.2.1") } it { expect( eq("2ac1f24e253e08135507d0830508febaaccf02ee") } it { expect(tag.dereferenced_target.sha).to eq("fa1b1e6c004a68b7d8763b86455da9e6b23e36d6") } it { expect(tag.message).to eq("Version 1.2.1") } end it { expect(repository.tags.size).to eq(SeedRepo::Repo::TAGS.size) } end describe '#empty?' do it { expect(repository).not_to be_empty } end describe '#delete_refs' do let(:repository) { mutable_repository } it 'deletes the ref' do repository.delete_refs('refs/heads/feature') expect(repository_rugged.references['refs/heads/feature']).to be_nil end it 'deletes all refs' do refs = %w[refs/heads/wip refs/tags/v1.1.0] repository.delete_refs(*refs) refs.each do |ref| expect(repository_rugged.references[ref]).to be_nil end end it 'does not fail when deleting an empty list of refs' do expect { repository.delete_refs }.not_to raise_error end it 'raises an error if it failed' do expect { repository.delete_refs('refs\heads\fix') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Repository::GitError) end end describe '#merge_base' do where(:from, :to, :result) do '570e7b2abdd848b95f2f578043fc23bd6f6fd24d' | '40f4a7a617393735a95a0bb67b08385bc1e7c66d' | '570e7b2abdd848b95f2f578043fc23bd6f6fd24d' '40f4a7a617393735a95a0bb67b08385bc1e7c66d' | '570e7b2abdd848b95f2f578043fc23bd6f6fd24d' | '570e7b2abdd848b95f2f578043fc23bd6f6fd24d' '40f4a7a617393735a95a0bb67b08385bc1e7c66d' | 'foobar' | nil 'foobar' | '40f4a7a617393735a95a0bb67b08385bc1e7c66d' | nil end with_them do it { expect(repository.merge_base(from, to)).to eq(result) } end end describe '#find_branch' do it 'should return a Branch for master' do branch = repository.find_branch('master') expect(branch).to be_a_kind_of(Gitlab::Git::Branch) expect( eq('master') end it 'should handle non-existent branch' do branch = repository.find_branch('this-is-garbage') expect(branch).to eq(nil) end end describe '#branches' do subject { repository.branches } context 'with local and remote branches' do let(:repository) { mutable_repository } before do create_remote_branch('joe', 'remote_branch', 'master') create_branch(repository, 'local_branch', 'master') end it 'returns the local and remote branches' do expect(subject.any? { |b| == 'joe/remote_branch' }).to eq(true) expect(subject.any? { |b| == 'local_branch' }).to eq(true) end end end describe '#branch_exists?' do it 'returns true for an existing branch' do expect(repository.branch_exists?('master')).to eq(true) end it 'returns false for a non-existing branch' do expect(repository.branch_exists?('kittens')).to eq(false) end it 'returns false when using an invalid branch name' do expect(repository.branch_exists?('.bla')).to eq(false) end end describe '#local_branches' do let(:repository) { mutable_repository } before do create_remote_branch('joe', 'remote_branch', 'master') create_branch(repository, 'local_branch', 'master') end it 'returns the local branches' do expect(repository.local_branches.any? { |branch| == 'remote_branch' }).to eq(false) expect(repository.local_branches.any? { |branch| == 'local_branch' }).to eq(true) end end describe '#with_repo_branch_commit' do let(:start_repository) { } let(:start_commit) { source_repository.commit } context 'when start_repository is empty' do let(:source_repository) { gitlab_git_from_gitaly(new_empty_test_repo) } before do expect(start_repository).not_to receive(:commit_id) expect(repository).not_to receive(:fetch_sha) end it 'yields nil' do expect do |block| repository.with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, 'master', &block) yield_with_args(nil) end end context 'when start_repository is the same repository' do let(:source_repository) { repository } before do expect(start_repository).not_to receive(:commit_id) expect(repository).not_to receive(:fetch_sha) end it 'yields the commit for the SHA' do expect do |block| repository.with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, start_commit.sha, &block) yield_with_args(start_commit) end it 'yields the commit for the branch' do expect do |block| repository.with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, 'master', &block) yield_with_args(start_commit) end end context 'when start_repository is different' do let(:source_repository) { gitlab_git_from_gitaly(test_repo_read_only) } context 'when start commit already exists' do let(:start_commit) { repository.commit } before do expect(start_repository).to receive(:commit_id).and_return(start_commit.sha) expect(repository).not_to receive(:fetch_sha) end it 'yields the commit for the SHA' do expect do |block| repository.with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, start_commit.sha, &block) yield_with_args(start_commit) end it 'yields the commit for the branch' do expect do |block| repository.with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, 'master', &block) yield_with_args(start_commit) end end context 'when start commit does not exist' do before do expect(start_repository).to receive(:commit_id).and_return(start_commit.sha) expect(repository).to receive(:fetch_sha).with(start_repository, start_commit.sha) end it 'yields the fetched commit for the SHA' do expect do |block| repository.with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, start_commit.sha, &block) yield_with_args(nil) # since fetch_sha is mocked end it 'yields the fetched commit for the branch' do expect do |block| repository.with_repo_branch_commit(start_repository, 'master', &block) yield_with_args(nil) # since fetch_sha is mocked end end end end describe '#fetch_sha' do let(:source_repository) { } let(:sha) { 'b971194ee2d047f24cb897b6fb0d7ae99c8dd0ca' } let(:git_args) { %W[fetch --no-tags ssh://gitaly/internal.git #{sha}] } before do expect(source_repository).to receive(:fetch_env) .with(git_config_options: ['uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant=true']) .and_return({}) end it 'fetches the commit from the source repository' do expect(repository).to receive(:run_git) .with(git_args, env: {}, include_stderr: true) .and_return(['success', 0]) expect(repository.fetch_sha(source_repository, sha)).to eq(sha) end it 'raises an error if the commit does not exist in the source repository' do expect(repository).to receive(:run_git) .with(git_args, env: {}, include_stderr: true) .and_return(['error', 1]) expect do repository.fetch_sha(source_repository, sha) raise_error(Gitlab::Git::CommandError, 'error') end end describe 'remotes' do let(:repository) { mutable_repository } let(:remote_name) { 'my-remote' } let(:url) { 'http://my-repo.git' } describe '#add_remote' do let(:mirror_refmap) { '+refs/*:refs/*' } it 'added the remote' do begin repository_rugged.remotes.delete(remote_name) rescue Rugged::ConfigError # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions end repository.add_remote(remote_name, url, mirror_refmap: mirror_refmap) expect(repository_rugged.remotes[remote_name]).not_to be_nil expect(repository_rugged.config["remote.#{remote_name}.mirror"]).to eq('true') expect(repository_rugged.config["remote.#{remote_name}.prune"]).to eq('true') expect(repository_rugged.config["remote.#{remote_name}.fetch"]).to eq(mirror_refmap) end end end describe '#rebase' do let(:repository) { mutable_repository } let(:rebase_id) { '2' } let(:branch_name) { 'rd-add-file-larger-than-1-mb' } let(:branch_sha) { 'c54ad072fabee9f7bf9b2c6c67089db97ebfbecd' } let(:remote_branch) { 'master' } subject do opts = { branch: branch_name, branch_sha: branch_sha, remote_repository: repository, remote_branch: remote_branch } repository.rebase(user, rebase_id, **opts) end describe 'sparse checkout' do let(:expected_files) { %w[files/images/emoji.png] } it 'lists files modified in source branch in sparse-checkout' do allow(repository).to receive(:with_worktree).and_wrap_original do |m, *args, **kwargs|*args, **kwargs) do worktree = args[0] sparse = repository.path + "/worktrees/#{}/info/sparse-checkout" diff_files = IO.readlines(sparse, chomp: true) expect(diff_files).to eq(expected_files) end end subject end end end describe '#cleanup' do context 'when Rugged has been called' do it 'calls close on Rugged::Repository' do rugged = repository.rugged expect(rugged).to receive(:close).and_call_original repository.cleanup end end context 'when Rugged has not been called' do it 'does not call close on Rugged::Repository' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:rugged) repository.cleanup end end end describe '#rugged' do after do Thread.current[described_class::RUGGED_KEY] = nil end it 'stores reference in Thread.current' do Thread.current[described_class::RUGGED_KEY] = [] 2.times do rugged = repository.rugged expect(rugged).to be_a(Rugged::Repository) expect(Thread.current[described_class::RUGGED_KEY]).to eq([rugged]) end end it 'does not store reference if Thread.current is not set up' do rugged = repository.rugged expect(rugged).to be_a(Rugged::Repository) expect(Thread.current[described_class::RUGGED_KEY]).to be_nil end end describe "#commit_patches" do let(:repository) { gitlab_git_from_gitaly(new_mutable_test_repo) } let(:testdata_dir) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../../../internal/gitaly/service/operations/testdata') } let(:patches) { File.foreach(File.join(testdata_dir, patch_file_name)) } def apply_patches(branch_name) repository.commit_patches(branch_name, patches) end context 'when the patch applies' do let(:patch_file_name) { '0001-A-commit-from-a-patch.patch' } it 'creates a new rev with the patch' do new_rev = apply_patches(repository.root_ref) commit = repository.commit(new_rev) expect(new_rev).not_to be_nil expect(commit.message).to eq("A commit from a patch\n") # Ensure worktree cleanup occurs result, status = repository.send(:run_git, %w[worktree list --porcelain]) expect(status).to eq(0) expect(result).to eq("worktree #{repository_path}\nbare\n\n") end end context 'when the patch does not apply' do let(:patch_file_name) { '0001-This-does-not-apply-to-the-feature-branch.patch' } it 'raises a PatchError' do expect { apply_patches('feature') }.to raise_error Gitlab::Git::PatchError end end end describe '#update_submodule' do let(:new_oid) { 'db97db76ecd478eb361f439807438f82d97b29a5' } let(:repository) { gitlab_git_from_gitaly(new_mutable_test_repo) } let(:submodule) { 'gitlab-grack' } let(:head_commit) { repository.commit(branch) } let!(:head_submodule_reference) { repository.blob_at(, submodule).id } let(:committer) { repository.user_to_committer(user) } let(:message) { 'Update submodule' } let(:branch) { 'master' } subject do repository.update_submodule(submodule, new_oid, branch, committer, message) end it 'updates the submodule oid' do blob = repository.blob_at(subject, submodule) expect( eq head_submodule_reference expect( eq new_oid end end describe '#head_symbolic_ref' do subject { repository.head_symbolic_ref } it 'returns the symbolic ref in HEAD' do expect(subject).to eq('master') end context 'when repo is empty' do let(:repository) { gitlab_git_from_gitaly(new_empty_test_repo) } it 'returns the symbolic ref in HEAD' do repository.rugged.head = 'refs/heads/foo' expect(subject).to eq('foo') end end end def create_remote_branch(remote_name, branch_name, source_branch_name) source_branch = repository.branches.find { |branch| == source_branch_name } repository_rugged.references.create("refs/remotes/#{remote_name}/#{branch_name}", source_branch.dereferenced_target.sha) end def create_branch(repository, branch_name, start_point = 'HEAD') repository.rugged.branches.create(branch_name, start_point) end end