package main import ( "go/ast" "go/token" "regexp" "strings" "" ) const quoteInterpolationAnalyzerName = "string_interpolation_quote" type quoteInterpolationAnalyzerSettings struct { IncludedFunctions []string `mapstructure:"included-functions"` } // newQuoteInterpolationAnalyzer returns an analyzer to detect manually quoted string interpolation // with '%s' and "%s". Quoting this way doesn't escape special characters such as endline and makes // debugging harder later. We encourage to use %q verb instead. // // - Bad // return fmt.Errorf("gl_id='%s' is invalid", glID) // // - Bad // fmt.Sprintf("fatal: not a git repository: '%s'", repoPath) // // - Good // return fmt.Errorf("gl_id=%q is invalid", glID) // // - Good // fmt.Sprintf("fatal: not a git repository: %q", repoPath) // // For more information: // func newQuoteInterpolationAnalyzer(settings *quoteInterpolationAnalyzerSettings) *analysis.Analyzer { return &analysis.Analyzer{ Name: quoteInterpolationAnalyzerName, Doc: `Unless it would lead to incorrect results, always use %q when interpolating strings. For more information:`, Run: runStringInterpolationQuoteAnalyzer(settings.IncludedFunctions), } } // offendedFormatPattern matches string interpolation having '%s' and "%s" format var offendedFormatPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`['"]%s['"]`) func analyzeInterpolation(call *ast.CallExpr, pass *analysis.Pass) { if len(call.Args) <= 1 { return } if str, ok := call.Args[0].(*ast.BasicLit); ok && str.Kind == token.STRING { value := str.Value if strings.HasPrefix(value, `'`) || strings.HasPrefix(value, `"`) { value = value[1:] } if strings.HasSuffix(value, `'`) || strings.HasSuffix(value, `"`) { value = value[:len(value)-1] } for _, index := range offendedFormatPattern.FindAllIndex([]byte(value), -1) { start := token.Pos(int(str.Pos()) + index[0] + 1) end := token.Pos(int(str.Pos()) + index[1]) pass.Report(analysis.Diagnostic{ Pos: start, End: end, Message: "wrapping %s verb with quotes is not encouraged, please use %q instead", SuggestedFixes: nil, }) } } } func runStringInterpolationQuoteAnalyzer(rules []string) func(*analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) { return func(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) { matcher := NewMatcher(pass) for _, file := range pass.Files { ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool { if call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok { if matcher.MatchFunction(call, rules) { analyzeInterpolation(call, pass) } } return true }) } return nil, nil } }