############################################### # Test the website # ############################################### # # Test the links in the global nav for all MRs in `gitlab-docs` # test_global_nav_links: image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-html:alpine-3.18-ruby-3.2.2-4207821e extends: - .rules_site_tests - .bundle stage: test script: # Only check files in top-level directories. This means a much faster and less repetitive check of global navigation links. - echo " all:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " exclude_files:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " - '\/(ee|runner|omnibus|charts|operator)\/.*\/.*'" >> nanoc.yaml - "parallel time bundle exec nanoc check ::: internal_links internal_anchors" # # Check the redirect file for duplicates # check_duplicate_redirects: image: busybox extends: - .rules_site_tests needs: [] stage: test script: - grep -Ir " - from:" content/_data/redirects.yaml | sort | uniq -d | tee output.txt - exit $(cat output.txt | wc -l) # # Check global navigation for: # # - Identical duplicate entries. # - index.html in the entries. # - Entries that don't conform to the schema. # check_global_nav_entries: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .bundle needs: [] stage: test script: - make check-global-navigation # # Check that asdf dependencies install correctly # check_asdf_installation: image: ubuntu:22.04 variables: ASDF_VERSION: '0.11.1' needs: [] stage: test before_script: - apt update - apt install -y build-essential git curl zlib1g-dev libyaml-dev libssl-dev script: - git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git ~/.asdf --branch v$ASDF_VERSION - source "$HOME/.asdf/asdf.sh" - make setup-asdf - make install-asdf-dependencies rules: - if: '$DOCS_PROJECT_PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /^MR pipeline.*/' changes: - .tool-versions # # Run rspec tests # rspec: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .bundle_and_yarn needs: [] stage: test script: - make rspec-tests coverage: '/\(\d+.\d+\%\) covered/' artifacts: reports: coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage/coverage.xml # # Run JavaScript tests # jest: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .yarn needs: [] stage: test script: - make jest-tests # # Lint JavaScript # js_lint: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .yarn needs: [] stage: test script: - make eslint-tests - make prettier-tests # # RuboCop # rubocop: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .bundle needs: [] stage: test script: - make rubocop-tests # # Lint SCSS # stylelint: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .yarn needs: [] stage: test script: - make stylelint-tests # # Yamllint of *.yml for .gitlab-ci.yml. # This uses rules from project root `.yamllint`. # yamllint: extends: - .rules_site_tests needs: [] stage: test script: - apk add yamllint - make yamllint-tests # # Run markdownlint tests # markdownlint: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .yarn needs: [] stage: test script: - make markdownlint-tests # # Run ShellCheck tests # shellcheck: extends: - .rules_site_tests image: koalaman/shellcheck-alpine:v0.9.0 needs: [] stage: test script: - apk add make - make shellcheck-tests # # Check for broken external links from the GitLab project # test_external_links_gitlab: extends: - .bundle - .rules_chores stage: test script: - echo " all:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " exclude_files:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " - '\/(runner|omnibus|charts|operator)\/.*\/.*'" >> nanoc.yaml - bundle exec nanoc check external_links # # Check for broken external links from the Omnibus GitLab project # test_external_links_omnibus_gitlab: extends: - .bundle - .rules_chores stage: test script: - echo " all:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " exclude_files:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " - '\/(ee|runner|charts|operator)\/.*\/.*'" >> nanoc.yaml - bundle exec nanoc check external_links # # Check for broken external links from the GitLab Runner project # test_external_links_gitlab_runner: extends: - .bundle - .rules_chores stage: test script: - echo " all:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " exclude_files:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " - '\/(ee|omnibus|charts|operator)\/.*\/.*'" >> nanoc.yaml - bundle exec nanoc check external_links # # Check for broken external links from the GitLab Chart project # test_external_links_charts: extends: - .bundle - .rules_chores stage: test script: - echo " all:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " exclude_files:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " - '\/(ee|runner|omnibus|operator)\/.*\/.*'" >> nanoc.yaml - bundle exec nanoc check external_links # # Check for broken external links from the GitLab Operator project # test_external_links_operator: extends: - .bundle - .rules_chores stage: test script: - echo " all:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " exclude_files:" >> nanoc.yaml - echo " - '\/(ee|runner|omnibus|charts)\/.*\/.*'" >> nanoc.yaml - bundle exec nanoc check external_links # # Run markdownlint to find EOL whitespace to clean up # test_EOL_whitespace: extends: - .rules_site_tests - .bundle_and_yarn stage: test image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-html:alpine-3.18-ruby-3.2.2-4207821e needs: [] before_script: [] dependencies: [] script: - apk add jq - bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle' # Install dependencies into ./vendor/bundle - bundle install - bundle exec rake default - make markdownlint-whitespace-tests test_unlinked_images: extends: - .rules_chores - .bundle stage: test image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-html:alpine-3.18-ruby-3.2.2-4207821e needs: [] before_script: [] dependencies: [] script: - apk add jq - bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle' # Install dependencies into ./vendor/bundle - bundle install - bundle exec rake default - cp tasks/unlinked-images.sh ../gitlab/unlinked-images.sh - cp tasks/unlinked-images.sh ../charts-gitlab/unlinked-images.sh - cp tasks/unlinked-images.sh ../omnibus-gitlab/unlinked-images.sh - cp tasks/unlinked-images.sh ../gitlab-runner/unlinked-images.sh - cd ../omnibus-gitlab - ./unlinked-images.sh doc - cd ../charts-gitlab - ./unlinked-images.sh doc - cd ../gitlab-runner - ./unlinked-images.sh docs - cd ../gitlab - ./unlinked-images.sh doc lint_dockerfiles: extends: - .rules_site_tests image: hadolint/hadolint:latest-alpine needs: [] dependencies: [] script: - apk add make - make hadolint-tests # # Untamper job overrides # untamper-my-lockfile: rules: - if: '$DOCS_PROJECT_PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /^MR pipeline.*/' changes: - yarn.lock