######################################## ## ## ## Files under content/ and layouts/ ## ## ## ######################################## ## Versions pointing to archives/ - source: '/(content\/_data\/versions.yaml|layouts\/archives.html)/' public: 'archives/' ## Everything under content/*/index.md - source: '/content/(.+)\/index.md/' public: '\1' ## Home page - source: '/(content\/index.erb|layouts\/home.html)' public: 'index.html' ## 404 - source: '/(content|layouts)\/404.html' public: '404.html' ########################## ## ## ## Files under content/ ## ## ## ########################## ## Everything ending in erb hosted under content/ - source: '/content\/(.+).erb/' public: '\1' ## HTML files - source: '/content\/(.+?\/html)/' public: '\1' ## Other files - source: '/content\/(.*)/' public: '\1' ########################## ## ## ## Files under layouts/ ## ## ## ########################## ## Search - source: '/layouts\/instantsearch*/' public: 'search/' - source: 'layouts/landing-header.html' public: 'index.html'