FROM gitpod/workspace-full:2023-05-08-21-16-55 # Install Ruby version 3.2.2 and set it as default. # Required when the base Gitpod Docker image doesn't provide the version of Ruby we want. # For more information, see: RUN _ruby_version=ruby-3.2.2 \ && printf "rvm_gems_path=/home/gitpod/.rvm\n" > ~/.rvmrc \ && bash -lc "rvm reinstall ${_ruby_version} && \ rvm use ${_ruby_version} --default" \ && printf "rvm_gems_path=/workspace/.rvm" > ~/.rvmrc \ && printf "{ rvm use \$(rvm current); } >/dev/null 2>&1\n" >> "$HOME/.bashrc.d/70-ruby" RUN brew install hadolint # hadolint ignore=DL3004,DL3059 RUN sudo install-packages yamllint shellcheck