# # Copy this Dockerfile to each branch you want to create an archive # # Set to the version for this archive (must match the branch name) ARG VER=10.4 # Replace the versions to march the stable branches of the upstream projects ARG BRANCH_EE=10-4-stable-ee ARG BRANCH_CE=10-4-stable ARG BRANCH_OMNIBUS=10-4-stable ARG BRANCH_RUNNER=10-4-stable # This image comes from the Dockerfile.builder.onbuild file # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gitlab-docs/blob/master/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.builder.onbuild FROM registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gitlab-docs:builder-onbuild AS builder # This image comes from the Dockerfile.nginx.onbuild file # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gitlab-docs/blob/master/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.nginx.onbuild FROM registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gitlab-docs:nginx-onbuild