# GitLab Documentation This site is generated using [Nanoc](http://nanoc.ws). ## Development To set up the site locally: - `bundle install` - `bundle exec nanoc live` This will host the site at `localhost:3000`. Changes will be reloaded automatically using [Guard Nanoc](https://github.com/guard/guard-nanoc). To pull down the documentation content, run `rake pull_repos`. If you want to force-delete the `tmp/` and `content/` folders so the task will run without manual intervention, run `RAKE_FORCE_DELETE=true rake pull_repos`. ## Examples and Resources ### Open Source Nanoc Sites **NOTE**: We use Nanoc 4.0 which has some significant differences from 3.0, be aware that not all example sites use 4.0. - [Nanoc's Website](https://github.com/nanoc/nanoc.ws) - [GitHub Developer Site](https://github.com/github-archive/developer.github.com) - [Spree Guides](https://github.com/spree/spree/tree/master/guides) - [Atom Flight Manual](https://github.com/atom/flight-manual.atom.io) - [Prometheus Docs](https://github.com/prometheus/docs) ### Good Documentation - [SendGrid](https://sendgrid.com/docs) - [Stripe](https://stripe.com/docs) - [Stripe API](https://stripe.com/docs/api) - [CircleCI](https://circleci.com/docs) - [Heroku](https://devcenter.heroku.com/) - [Slack](https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us) - [Slack API](https://api.slack.com/) - [Kong](https://getkong.org/docs/) ## Requirements/Goals - [ ] Feature parity with the existing [docs.gitlab.com](https://docs.gitlab.com/) - [x] Use GitLab CI / GitLab Pages for compilation, deployment, and hosting of the Documentation site. - [x] Sections for Community Edition, Enterprise Edition, GitLab CI, and Omnibus. - [x] Pull documentation from the repositories mentioned above. - [ ] Versioned documentation (e.g. switch between documentation for 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, "latest", etc.) - [ ] Search the documentation (Can either re-use existing Documentation search functionality or implement search using Algolia or something else? Ideally simple and open source, but it doesn't really matter too much.) - [ ] Link to "Edit on GitLab.com" for every page to encourage contribution. - [ ] Responsive design. ### Nice-to-haves - [ ] Some way to embed/package the site inside the Rails app so the documentation can be included with the application itself. This would be nice for users behind firewalls, etc. This _should not_ be handled by Rails itself, as that causes all kinds of problems. It should just be a set of static pages. - [ ] Some way to export the documentation as PDF/ePub for use offline. - [ ] Future-proofing for internationalization. - [ ] Tests for working internal links and such. (Nanoc includes this by default!) - [ ] Automated screenshots! (Not really directly related, but I still want it.) - [ ] A blog post explaining how we do all this using GitLab, GitLab CI, and GitLab Pages, as well as all open source tools. - [ ] Auto-generated Table of Contents for every page. - [ ] Anchor links for every page section. - [x] Syntax highlighting with Rouge. - [ ] Auto-generated documentation structure based on YML frontmatter. - [ ] Version dropdown that links to the current page for that version (if it exists). - [ ] Automatically generated API documentation. ## Implementation details ### URLs URLs should be in the form of `https://docs.gitlab.com/PRODUCT/LANGUAGE/VERSION/documentation-file-name.html`. Examples: - `https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/en/9-0/documentation-file-name.html` - `https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/en/9-1/documentation-file-name.html` - `https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/en/9-5/documentation-file-name.html` Relative paths between documentation pages would need to automatically correct to the right product, language, and version. ### Pulling `docs` directories from the CE, EE, and Omnibus repositories #### Requirements - Needs to be able to use Git tags to pull in versions. - Needs to be performant, can't take a huge amount of time to generate the documentation site. Goal is 15 minutes maximum. - Fully runnable locally so we can easily test changes locally. #### Possible options **Submodules**: Include the `docs` directories for each repo in the gitlab-docs repo using submodules. - Not well-supported by GitLab - Not sure if submodules can be used to pull down just a directory? **Artifacts**: Have the build process for the Docs site pull artifacts down from each repository. - Artifacts would need to be hosted long-term by CI. - Can't generate artifacts exclusively for tags, would be generated for every commit. **Pull in repositories dynamically**: Pull down the repositories during the build process and splice the docs directories together in the right places for use with the nanoc site. **Include the built site in the repository itself**: This is almost definitely out of the question due to how bloated the repository would become and how much of a pain it'd be to maintain this, but it is an option and would make the build process quite a bit faster. ### Performance - Use artifacts to store previous versions of the site so they don't have to be regenerated constantly. - Nanoc is supposedly quite fast. ### Differentiating between CE and EE features One potential problem with having separate docs for CE vs. EE is the inability to easily track differences between the two. Their documentation won't necessarily be kept in-sync and pages that differ between CE and EE may cause conflicts when merging the CE repository into EE. One potential solution to this problem is to include the EE docs inside the CE repository and then label pages as either Universal or EE-only (using frontmatter). The same could be done for specific sections on the page. This has the potential downside of complicating the documentation-writing process for contributors, but arguably the complexity of the CE/EE repositories already exists, so we're not really adding complexity so much as switching its form. The Atom Flight Manual has [the ability to switch between platforms for given pages](http://flight-manual.atom.io/using-atom/sections/atom-selections/), this code could be repurposed for including/excluding features based on whether the documentation is CE or EE ([Source](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/atom/flight-manual.atom.io/4c8f8d14e13b84584fe206e914ea06c6dc2b7a96/content/using-atom/sections/atom-selections.md)).