require './lib/task_helpers' require 'fileutils' task default: [:setup_repos, :pull_repos, :setup_content_dirs, :generate_feature_flags] task :setup_git do puts "\n=> Setting up dummy user/email in Git" `git config --global "John Doe"` `git config --global` end desc 'Setup repositories for EE, Omnibus, and Runner in special way exposing only their doc directories' task :setup_repos do products.each_value do |product| branch = retrieve_branch(product['slug']) # Limit the pipeline to pull only the repo where the MR is, not all 4, to save time/space. # First we check if the branch on the docs repo is other than the default branch and # then we skip if the remote branch variable is the default branch name. Finally, # check if the pipeline was triggered via the API (multi-project pipeline) # to exclude the case where we create a branch right off the gitlab-docs # project. next if ENV["CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"] != ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] && branch == ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] && ENV["CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE"] == 'pipeline' next if File.exist?(product['temp_dir']) puts "\n=> Setting up repository #{product['repo']} into #{product['temp_dir']}\n" `git init #{product['temp_dir']}` Dir.chdir(product['temp_dir']) do `git remote add origin #{product['repo']}` # Configure repository for sparse-checkout `git config core.sparsecheckout true`'.git/info/sparse-checkout', 'w') do |file| product['content_dirs'].each do |content_dir| file.puts("/#{content_dir['doc_dir']}/*") end end end end end desc 'Pulls down the CE, EE, Omnibus and Runner git repos fetching and keeping only the most recent commit' task :pull_repos do products.each_value do |product| branch = retrieve_branch(product['slug']) # Limit the pipeline to pull only the repo where the MR is, not all 4, to save time/space. # First we check if the branch on the docs repo is other than the default branch and # then we skip if the remote branch variable is the default branch name. Finally, # check if the pipeline was triggered via the API (multi-project pipeline) # to exclude the case where we create a branch right off the gitlab-docs # project. next if ENV["CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"] != ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] && branch == ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] && ENV["CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE"] == 'pipeline' puts "\n=> Pulling #{branch} of #{product['repo']}\n" # Enter the temporary directory and return after block is completed. Dir.chdir(product['temp_dir']) do `git fetch origin #{branch} --depth 1` # Stash modified and untracked files so we have "clean" environment # without accidentally deleting data `git stash -u` if git_workdir_dirty? `git checkout #{branch}` # Reset so that if the repo is cached, the latest commit will be used `git reset --hard origin/#{branch}` # Print the latest commit so that we can compare it to the branch we're # pulling from, should we need to debug anything. puts "Latest commit: #{`git log --oneline -n 1`}" end end end desc 'Setup content directories by symlinking to the repositories documentation folder' task :setup_content_dirs do products.each_value do |product| next unless File.exist?(product['temp_dir']) product['content_dirs'].each do |content_dir| source = File.join('../', product['temp_dir'], content_dir['doc_dir']) target = content_dir['dest_dir'] next if File.symlink?(target) puts "\n=> Setting up content directory for #{product['repo']}\n" `ln -s #{source} #{target}` end end end desc 'Clean temp directories and symlinks' task :clean_dirs do products.each_value do |product| temp_dir = product['temp_dir'] product['content_dirs'].each do |content_dir| dest_dir = content_dir['dest_dir'] FileUtils.rm_rf(temp_dir) puts "Removed #{temp_dir}" FileUtils.rm_rf(dest_dir) puts "Removed #{dest_dir}" end end end desc 'Generates _data/feature_flags.yaml' task :generate_feature_flags do feature_flags_dir = File.join('tmp', 'feature_flags') feature_flags_ee_dir = File.join('tmp', 'feature_flags-ee') unless Dir.exist?(feature_flags_dir) abort('The feature flags directory does not exist. See') end unless Dir.exist?(feature_flags_ee_dir) abort('The feature flags EE directory does not exist. See') end paths = { 'GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition' => File.join('tmp', 'feature_flags', '**', '*.yml'), 'GitLab Enterprise Edition only' => File.join('tmp', 'feature_flags-ee', '**', '*.yml') } feature_flags = { products: {} } paths.each do |key, path| feature_flags[:products][key] = [] Dir.glob(path).each do |feature_flag_yaml| feature_flags[:products][key] << YAML.safe_load( end end feature_flags_yaml = File.join('content', '_data', 'feature_flags.yaml') puts "Generating #{feature_flags_yaml}" File.write(feature_flags_yaml, feature_flags.to_yaml) end namespace :release do desc 'Creates a single release archive' task :single, :version do |t, args| require "highline/import" version = args.version.to_s source_dir = File.expand_path(__dir__) raise 'You need to specify a version, like 10.1' unless version.match?(/\A\d+\.\d+\z/) # Check if the chart version has been defined unless chart_version_added?(version) abort('Rake aborted! The chart version does not exist. Make sure `content/_data/charts_versions.yaml` is updated.') end # Check if local branch exists abort("Rake aborted! The branch already exists. Delete it with `git branch -D #{version}` and rerun the task.") if local_branch_exist?(version) # Stash modified and untracked files so we have "clean" environment # without accidentally deleting data puts "Stashing changes" `git stash -u` if git_workdir_dirty? # Sync with upstream default branch `git checkout #{ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH']}` `git pull origin #{ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH']}` # Create branch `git checkout -b #{version}` # Replace the branches variables in Dockerfile.X.Y dockerfile = "#{source_dir}/Dockerfile.#{version}" if File.exist?(dockerfile) abort('rake aborted!') if ask("#{dockerfile} already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", %w[y n]) == 'n' end content ='dockerfiles/Dockerfile.single') content.gsub!('X.Y', version) content.gsub!('X-Y','.', '-')) content.gsub!('W-Z', chart_version(version).tr('.', '-')), 'w') do |post| post.puts content end # Replace the branches variables in .gitlab-ci.yml ci_yaml = "#{source_dir}/.gitlab-ci.yml" ci_yaml_content = ci_yaml_content.gsub!("BRANCH_EE: 'master'", "BRANCH_EE: '#{'.', '-')}-stable-ee'") ci_yaml_content.gsub!("BRANCH_OMNIBUS: 'master'", "BRANCH_OMNIBUS: '#{'.', '-')}-stable'") ci_yaml_content.gsub!("BRANCH_RUNNER: 'master'", "BRANCH_RUNNER: '#{'.', '-')}-stable'") ci_yaml_content.gsub!("BRANCH_CHARTS: 'master'", "BRANCH_CHARTS: '#{chart_version(version).tr('.', '-')}-stable'"), 'w') do |post| post.puts ci_yaml_content end # Add and commit `git add .gitlab-ci.yml Dockerfile.#{version}` `git commit -m 'Release cut #{version}'` puts puts "--------------------------------" puts puts "=> Created new Dockerfile: #{dockerfile}" puts puts "=> You can now add, commit and push the new branch:" puts puts " git push origin #{version}" puts puts "--------------------------------" end desc 'Creates merge requests to update the dropdowns in all online versions' task :dropdowns do # Check if you're on the default branch before starting. Fail if you are. if `git branch --show-current`.tr("\n", '') == ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] abort(' It appears you are on the default branch. Create the current release branch and run the raketask again. Follow the documentation guide on how to create it: ') end # Load online versions versions = YAML.load_file('./content/_data/versions.yaml') # The first online version should be the current stable one current_version = versions['online'].first # The release branch name release_branch = "release-#{'.', '-')}" # Check if a release branch has been created, if not fail and warn the user if `git rev-parse --verify #{release_branch}`.empty? abort(' A release branch for the latest stable version has not been created. Follow the documentation guide on how to create one: ') end # Create a merge request to update the dropdowns in all online versions versions['online'].each do |version| # Set the commit title mr_title = "Update #{version} dropdown to match that of #{current_version}" mr_description = "Update version dropdown of #{version} release for the #{current_version} release." branch_name = "update-#{'.', '-')}-for-release-#{'.', '-')}" puts "=> Fetch #{version} stable branch" `git fetch origin #{version}` puts "=> Create a new branch off of the online version" `git checkout -b #{branch_name} origin/#{version}` `git reset --hard origin/#{version}` puts "=> Copy the versions.yaml content from the release-#{current_version} branch" `git checkout release-#{'.', '-')} -- content/_data/versions.yaml` puts "=> Commit and push to create a merge request" `git commit -m "Update dropdown to #{current_version}"` `git push origin #{branch_name} -o merge_request.create -o{version} -o merge_request.remove_source_branch -o merge_request.title="#{mr_title}" -o merge_request.description="#{mr_description}" -o merge_request.label="Technical Writing" -o merge_request.label="release"` end end end desc 'Symlink READMEs' task :symlink_readmes do readmes = YAML.load_file('content/_data/readmes.yaml') products.each_value do |product| branch = retrieve_branch(product['slug']) # Limit the pipeline to pull only the repo where the MR is, not all 4, to save time/space. # First we check if the branch on the docs repo is other than the default branch and # then we skip if the remote branch variable is the default branch name. Finally, # check if the pipeline was triggered via the API (multi-project pipeline) # to exclude the case where we create a branch right off the gitlab-docs # project. next if ENV["CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"] != ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] && branch == ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] && ENV["CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE"] == 'pipeline' next if readmes.key?(product['slug']) == false readmes.fetch(product['slug']).each do |readme| dirname = File.dirname(readme) target = "#{dirname}/index.html" next if File.symlink?(target) puts "=> Symlink to #{target}" `ln -sf README.html #{target}` end end end desc 'Create the _redirects file' task :redirects do redirects_yaml = YAML.load_file('content/_data/redirects.yaml') redirects_file = 'public/_redirects' # Remove _redirects before populating it File.delete(redirects_file) if File.exists?(redirects_file) # Iterate over each entry and append to _redirects redirects_yaml.fetch('redirects').each do |redirect|, 'a') do |f| f.puts "#{redirect.fetch('from')} #{redirect.fetch('to')} 301" end end end