#!/usr/bin/env ruby preprocess do @items.each do |item| if item.identifier.to_s.end_with?(".md") && !item.binary? # If there isn't already a 'redirect_to' defined in the yaml frontmatter, # use the text to assume the redirect URL. unless item[:redirect_to] if item.raw_content =~ /^This document was moved to \[.*\]\(.*\)/m # Capture the intended page so the redirect page can redirect to it. item[:redirect_to] = item.raw_content.match(/^This document was moved to \[.*\]\((.*)\)/m)[1] # Correct the URL. item[:redirect_to] = item[:redirect_to].gsub!(/\.md/, '.html') end else # If the provided relative URL is in Markdown, correct it to HTML. unless item[:redirect_to].to_s.match(/.html$/) item[:redirect_to] = item[:redirect_to].gsub!(/\.md/, '.html') end end unless item[:title] title = item.raw_content.match(/^[#] .*$/).to_s title.gsub!('# ', '') item[:title] = title unless title.empty? end end end end compile '/404.*' do filter :erb layout '/404.*' write '/404.html' end compile '/**/*.html' do layout '/default.*' end compile '/**/*.md' do if item[:redirect_to].nil? # If 'toc' is absent in a file's yaml frontmatter, show ToC. # Set to 'toc: false' to disable it. include_toc = item[:toc].nil? ? true : false # Use Redcarpet with Rouge. filter :redcarpet, renderer: HTML, options: { fenced_code_blocks: true, footnotes: true, lax_spacing: true, no_intra_emphasis: true, space_after_headers: true, strikethrough: true, superscript: true, tables: true, autolink: true, }, renderer_options: { with_toc_data: true }, with_toc: include_toc filter :md_to_html_ext filter :admonition if item[:layout].nil? layout '/default.*' else layout "/#{item[:layout]}.*" end else layout '/redirect.*' end end compile '/**/*.scss' do filter :erb filter :sass, syntax: :scss, style: :compressed write item.identifier.without_ext + '-v' + rep.item[:version].to_s + '.css' end compile '/index.*' do filter :erb layout '/home.*' write '/index.html' end compile '/sitemap.*' do filter :erb write '/sitemap.xml' end compile '/robots.*' do filter :erb write '/robots.txt' end route '/**/*.{html,md}' do if item.identifier =~ '/index.*' '/index.html' else item.identifier.without_ext + '.html' end end compile '/**/*' do unless item.identifier.ext == 'scss' write item.identifier.to_s end end layout '/**/*', :erb # Leave the favicon alone. passthrough '/favicon.ico'