topics: - title: Release notes description: Review recent changes by version icon: doc-changes url: - title: Two-factor authentication description: Improve the security of your GitLab account icon: key url: /ee/user/profile/account/two_factor_authentication.html - title: Back up and restore GitLab description: Back up and restore your self-managed GitLab instance icon: archive url: /ee/administration/backup_restore/index.html - title: GitLab groups description: Manage multiple projects at the same time icon: group url: /ee/user/group/ - title: GitLab CI/CD reference description: Configure GitLab CI/CD in the .gitlab-ci.yml file icon: rocket url: /ee/ci/yaml/ - title: Visual Studio Code extension description: | Perform more of your day-to-day tasks from within VS Code url: /ee/editor_extensions/visual_studio_code/ - title: Database settings description: Configure database settings for your Omnibus GitLab self-managed instance icon: table url: /omnibus/settings/database.html - title: Elasticsearch integration description: Enable advanced search by integrating Elasticsearch with GitLab icon: search url: /ee/integration/advanced_search/elasticsearch.html - title: GitLab policies description: Review release and maintenance policies, and upgrade recommendations icon: documents url: /ee/policy/maintenance.html - title: NGINX settings description: NGINX settings for your Omnibus GitLab self-managed instance icon: monitor-lines url: /omnibus/settings/nginx.html - title: SSL configuration description: SSL settings for your Omnibus GitLab self-managed instance icon: lock url: /omnibus/settings/ssl/index.html - title: Activate GitLab EE description: Activate GitLab Enterprise Edition functionality with a license icon: license url: /ee/administration/license.html - title: settings description: | Learn about the settings on, like IP ranges, shared runners, and SSH keys fingerprints icon: settings url: /ee/user/gitlab_com/ - title: Reference architectures description: | Scale your GitLab installation for your number of users icon: tachometer url: /ee/administration/reference_architectures/ - title: Feature availability description: | See what features are available with feature flags icon: flag url: /ee/user/feature_flags.html developer: - title: Developer links: - title: API description: Use the API to develop against GitLab url: /ee/api/ - title: Contributing description: Learn the processes and technical information you need to contribute to GitLab url: /ee/development/