# Monthly documentation releases When a new GitLab version is released on the 22nd, we release version-specific published documentation for the new version. The tasks described in this document cover the preparation steps and the publication steps. The preparation steps are completed on your local computer. The publication steps are completed in the GitLab UI. When you've completed the documentation release process: - The [online published documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com) includes: - The three most recent minor releases of the current major version. For example 13.9, 13.8, and 13.7. - The most recent minor releases of the last two major versions. For example 12.10, and 11.11. - Documentation updates after the 22nd are for the next release. Each documentation release: - Has a dedicated branch, named in the format `XX.yy`. - Has a Docker image that contains a build of that branch. For example: - For [GitLab 13.9](https://docs.gitlab.com/13.9/index.html), the [stable branch](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/tree/13.9) and Docker image: [`registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs:13.9`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/container_registry/631635). - For [GitLab 13.8](https://docs.gitlab.com/13.8/index.html), the [stable branch](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/tree/13.8) and Docker image: [`registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs:13.8`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/container_registry/631635). ## Recommended timeline To minimize problems during the documentation release process, use the following timeline: - Complete the preparation steps between the 17th and the 20th of the month. **All** of the following steps must be completed successfully before proceeding with the publication steps: 1. If an issue was not already created for you by the TW that handled the last release, [create an issue for the release](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/issues/new?issuable_template=release) to track your progress and ensure completeness. 1. Check the `#releases` Slack channel for a `This is the candidate commit to be released on the 22nd` message. When the announcement is made, proceed with the next step. 1. [Create a stable branch and Docker image](#create-stable-branch-and-docker-image-for-release) for the new version. - Complete the publication steps on the 22nd of the month, after the release post is live: 1. [Create a release merge request](#create-release-merge-request) for the new version, which updates the versions list (`versions.json`) for the current documentation and adds the release to the Docker configuration. 1. [Merge the release merge request and run the necessary Docker image builds](#merge-the-release-merge-request-and-run-the-docker-image-builds). If the 22nd of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday, it's OK to complete these publication steps on the next working day. ## Create stable branch and Docker image for release > Note: an [issue exists](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-tools/-/issues/533) > to create the stable branch automatically. To create a stable branch of the `gitlab-docs` project and a Docker image for the release: 1. Make sure you're in the root path of the `gitlab-docs` repository. 1. Update your local clone: ```shell make update ``` 1. Run the Rake task to create the single version. For example, to create the 15.0 release: ```shell ./bin/rake "release:single[15.0]" ``` A branch for the release is created, a new `15.0.Dockerfile` is created and automatically committed, and the new branch is pushed. After the branch is created, the [`image:docs-single` job](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/blob/7fbb5e1313ebde811877044e87f444a0a283fed4/.gitlab/ci/docker-images.gitlab-ci.yml#L107-129) runs and creates a new Docker image tagged with the name of the stable branch (for example, see [the 15.6 release pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipelines/702437095)). When the job finishes, confirm the Docker image has been created. Go to the `registry` environment at and confirm the image is listed. In case the pipeline fails, see the [troubleshooting section](#imagedocs-single-job-fails-when-creating-the-docs-stable-branch). ### Optional. Test locally Prerequisite: - Install Docker. To verify, run `which docker`. 1. Build the image and run it. For example, for GitLab 15.0 documentation: ```shell docker build -t docs:15.0 -f 15.0.Dockerfile . docker run -it --rm -p 4000:4000 docs:15.0 ``` If you get a permission error, try running the commands prefixed with `sudo`. If you're informed that the Docker daemon isn't running, start it manually: - (MacOS) `dockerd` ([read more](https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/#start-the-daemon-manually)). - (Linux) `sudo systemctl start docker` ([read more](https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/systemd/#start-manually)). 1. Visit `http://localhost:4000/15.0` to see if everything works correctly. 1. Stop the Docker container: 1. Identify the container's ID with `docker container ls`. 1. Run `docker stop `. ## Create release merge request **Note:** An [epic is open](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/4361) to automate this step. To create the release merge request for the release: 1. Make sure you're in the root path of the `gitlab-docs` repository. 1. Update your local clone: ```shell make update ``` 1. Create a branch `release-X-Y`. For example: ```shell git checkout -b release-15-0 ``` 1. Edit `content/versions.json` and update the lists of versions to reflect the new release in the Versions menu: - Set `next` to the version number of the next release. For example, if you're releasing `15.2`, set `next` to `15.3`. - Set `current` to the version number of the release you're releasing. For example, if you're releasing `15.2`, set `current` to `15.2`. - Ensure `last_major` is set to the two most recent major versions. Do not include the current major version. For example, if you're releasing `15.2`, ensure `last_major` is `14.10` and `13.12`. - Set `last_minor` to the last two most recent minor releases. For example, if you're releasing `15.2`, set `last_minor` to `15.1` and `15.0`. As a complete example, the `content/versions.json` file for the `15.2` release is: ```json [ { "next": "15.3", "current": "15.2", "last_minor": ["15.1", "15.0"], "last_major": ["14.10", "13.12"] } ] ``` 1. Edit `latest.Dockerfile` by removing the oldest version, and then adding the newest version to the top of the list. 1. Open [`.gitlab/ci/docker-images.gitlab-ci.yml`](../.gitlab/ci/docker-images.gitlab-ci.yml) and edit the `test:image:docs-single:` job to change the `GITLAB_VERSION` variable. Set it to the version number of the release you're releasing. 1. Commit and push to create the merge request. For example: ```shell git add .gitlab/ci/docker-images.gitlab-ci.yml content/versions.json latest.Dockerfile git commit -m "Docs release 15.0" git push origin release-15-0 ``` 1. Create the merge request and add the `~release` label. Mark the merge request as `Draft` until the release post is live. ## Merge the release merge request and run the Docker image builds _Do this after the release post is live._ 1. Verify that the [pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipelines?page=1&scope=all) for the stable branch (filter by branch) has passed and created a [Docker image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/container_registry/631635?orderBy=NAME&sort=desc&search[]=). 1. Merge the [release merge request](#create-release-merge-request). 1. Go to the [scheduled pipelines page](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipeline_schedules) and run the `Build docker images manually` pipeline. 1. In the scheduled pipeline you just started, manually run the **image:docs-latest** job that builds the `:latest` Docker image. 1. When the pipeline is complete, run the `Build docs.gitlab.com every hour` scheduled pipeline to deploy all new versions to the public documentation site. You don't need to run any jobs manually for this second pipeline. ## Post-deployment checklist After the documentation is released, verify the documentation site has been deployed as expected. Open site `docs.gitlab.com` in a browser and confirm both the latest version and the correct `pre-` version are listed in the documentation version dropdown. For example, if you released the 14.1 documentation, the first dropdown entry should be `14.2`, followed by `14.1`. ## Troubleshooting ### `image:docs-single` job fails when creating the docs stable branch When you create the [stable branch](#create-stable-branch-and-docker-image-for-release), the `image:docs-single` job might fail. There are generally two reasons why this could happen: - **Not all upstream stable branches are created yet** The `image:docs-single` job may fail if stable branches have not been created for all the related projects. Some of the stable branches are created close to the 22nd, so you might need to run the pipeline of the stable branch one more time before the release. The error is similar to the following: ```shell Cloning into '../gitlab-runner'... warning: Could not find remote branch 15-6-stable to clone. fatal: Remote branch 15-6-stable not found in upstream origin ``` **Solution**: run a [new pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipelines/new) targeting the docs stable branch after all upstream stable branches have been created. - **Due to broken links** The `image:docs-single` job may fail when the `gitlab-docs` repository contains changes to the navigation menu, but the corresponding page changes in the `gitlab` repository didn't make it into the release. This can happen close to the cutoff for the release. For example: 1. On the 19th, a merge request in `gitlab` is merged, but the GitLab release doesn't include commits from that merge request. The cutoff for the release occurred on the 18th. 1. A navigation menu item in `gitlab-docs` is also merged on the 19th. 1. The `gitlab-docs` stable branch is created on the 20th, and includes the navigation menu changes. 1. The link checker fails, because when building the Docker image, it pulls the stable branch from `gitlab`. This branch doesn't have the new content added on the 19th (first step), but the stable branch in `gitlab-docs` has the navigation menu changes. **Solution**: revert the navigation menu change in the `gitlab-docs` stable branch: 1. Find the change to the navigation menu in [the list of recently merged MRs](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/merge_requests?scope=all&state=merged) for the `gitlab-docs` repository 1. In the **Overview** tab, select **Revert** and target the `gitlab-docs` stable branch. Here's an example of hunting down a broken link of the navbar: 1. [Filtering](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipelines?page=1&scope=all&ref=15.6) the pipelines for 15.6, we can see the [failed job](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/jobs/3341220987), which includes errors like: ```plaintext [ ERROR ] internal_links - broken reference to file:///ee/integration/glab/ ``` This means that a new global nav item made it into `gitlab-docs` 15.6 branch, but didn't in the counterpart `15-6-stable-ee` in `gitlab`. 1. The next step is to find the offending MRs. One option is to look at the `navigation.yaml`, since we know this is where the error lies. Using the [blame](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/blame/main/content/_data/navigation.yaml) button, we can see who committed the `integration/glab/` entry. ![Offending commit](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/uploads/e74554ca538d8c990c14a29bca52ec6c/Screenshot_2022-11-22_at_21-31-33_Blame___content__data_navigation.yaml___main___GitLab.org___GitLab_Docs___GitLab.png) Clicking on the commit message, we can find [the related MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/merge_requests/3284). For this particular one, there's no related content MR in the description, but there's another link pointing to . From the related MRs, we can finally find the [content MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/104282). 1. Now that we have found both the nav MR and the content MR, we can verify that the content MR didn't make it into the `gitlab` stable branch. The stable branches are named after the scheme `X-Y-stable-ee`, so searching the [commits of `15-6-stable-ee`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/commits/15-6-stable-ee/) shows that indeed didn't make it into the stable branch (you can quickly check the dates of the commits and the date the MR was merged and compare). 1. The next step is to revert the nav MR into the `15.6` branch of `gitlab-docs`. For that, we go to , click the Revert button, and select the `15.6` branch from the dropdown. The [revert MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/merge_requests/3298) is then created. 1. After the revert MR is merged, we know that the 15.6 docs branch will pass the tests. So, we [run a new pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipelines/new) targeting the `15.6` branch. 1. After the [pipeline passed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipelines/702437095) and the `image:docs-single` job finished successfully, the Docker image is now uploaded to the registry. ### `Gem::FilePermissionError: You don't have write permissions for the /usr/local/bundle directory` To build the Docker images, we use [Docker-in-Docker (dind)](https://hub.docker.com/_/docker/) as defined in [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/blob/6d4e30f1c14917cf895ee9250c29e0e18309796a/.gitlab-ci.yml#L529-533). If the `image` and `services` images use different docker versions, you are very likely to encounter an error like the following: ```plaintext `/root` is not writable. Bundler will use `/tmp/bundler20220122-1-5zons41' as your home directory temporarily. Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.......... Fetching rake 13.0.6 Installing rake 13.0.6 Gem::FilePermissionError: You don't have write permissions for the /usr/local/bundle directory. An error occurred while installing rake (13.0.6), and Bundler cannot continue. ``` This can also happen if you're using `docker:latest` instead of a stable version. To fix the error, make sure the Docker images for `image` and `services` use the same stable version. For example: ```yaml image: docker:20.10.8 services: - docker:20.10.8-dind ``` If the error still persists, use a more recent `docker:` version (search in [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/_/docker/)).