# Testing the GitLab Docs site Tests for the GitLab Docs site include tests for code and tests for links in content. For more information, see [Documentation testing](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/documentation/testing.html). Tests are run in `gitlab-docs` [CI/CD pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/pipelines), which is configured in the project's [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../.gitlab-ci.yml) file. ## Code tests These code tests are included in the project: | Test target | Tool | Make target | Purpose | |:----------- |:-------------|:---------------------|:-------------------------------------------| | CSS | Stylelint | `stylelint-tests` | Code quality | | Dockerfiles | Hadolint | `hadolint-tests` | Syntax checks | | JavaScript | ESLint | `eslint-tests` | Syntax checks | | JavaScript | Prettier | `prettier-tests` | Code formatting | | Markdown | markdownlint | `markdownlint-tests` | Documentation formatting and syntax checks | | Ruby | RSpec | `rspec-tests` | Unit tests | | Vue | Jest | `jest-tests` | Unit tests | | YAML | yamllint | `yamllint-tests` | Syntax checks | ### Run code tests locally To run all tests: ```shell make test ``` You can also run tests individually by specifying the Make target. For example, to run RSpec tests only: ```shell make rspec-tests ``` ### Install Lefthook If you want to run the tests before pushing changes, use [Lefthook](https://github.com/evilmartians/lefthook#readme). To install Lefthook, run: ```shell lefthook install ``` Tests are run whenever you run `git push`. Lefthook is configured in [`lefthook.yml`](../lefthook.yml). ## Link tests You can use `gitlab-docs` to test links in content. These tests don't test `gitlab-docs`, but the content in the projects that comprise the published GitLab Docs site. ### Run link tests locally To test links between content pages, run: ```shell make internal-links-check ``` To test anchor links, run: ```shell make internal-anchors-check ``` To test both links between content pages and anchor links, run: ```shell make internal-links-and-anchors-check ``` To test external links, run: ```shell make external-links-check ```