# # Base image for other Docker images # Includes all system dependencies to build the GitLab Docs site # # RUBY_VERSION and ALPINE_VERSION are defined in ../.gitlab-ci.yml ARG RUBY_VERSION ARG ALPINE_VERSION FROM ruby:${RUBY_VERSION}-alpine${ALPINE_VERSION} # Install dependencies RUN printf "\n\e[32mINFO: Installing dependencies..\e[39m\n" && apk add --no-cache -U \ bash \ build-base \ curl \ gcompat \ git \ gnupg \ grep \ gzip \ jq \ libcurl \ libxslt \ libxslt-dev \ minify \ nodejs \ openssl \ pngquant \ ruby-dev \ tar \ xz \ xz-dev \ yarn \ && echo 'gem: --no-document' >> /etc/gemrc \ && gem update --silent --system \ && printf "\n\e[32mINFO: Dependency versions:\e[39m\n" \ && echo "Ruby: $(ruby --version)" \ && echo "RubyGems: $(gem --version)" \ && echo "Node.js: $(node --version)" \ && echo "Yarn: $(yarn --version)" \ && printf "\n"