<% if false %> This is a comment! Implement canonical links https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/issues/167 We want to: - All index.html and README.html files stripped - Replace ce/ with ee/ ------------------ if the link ends with 'README.md' or 'index.md' strip 'README.md' or 'index.md' else if link is '/index.erb' use a single '/' else use the link and replace extension with '.html' if the link starts with 'ce' replace it with 'ee' join indentifiers with '/' to form the canonical link <% end %> <% if production? %> <% if (@item.identifier =~ /(index|README)\.md$/) == 0 %> <% identifiers = @item.identifier.to_s.split('/') %> <% identifiers[-1] = '' %> <% elsif @item.identifier.to_s == '/index.erb' %> <% identifiers = ['/'] %> <% else %> <% identifiers = @item.identifier.without_ext.to_s.split('/') %> <% identifiers[-1] = identifiers[-1] + '.html' %> <% end %> <% if identifiers[1] == 'ce' %> <% identifiers[1] = 'ee' %> <% end %> <% canonical_link = identifiers.join('/') %> <% end %>