# frozen_string_literal: true require './lib/tasks/task_helpers' require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' task_helpers = TaskHelpers.new desc 'Clone Git repositories of documentation projects, keeping only the most recent commit' task :clone_repositories do task_helpers.products.each_value do |product| branch = task_helpers.retrieve_branch(product['slug']) # Limit the pipeline to pull only the repo where the MR is, not all 4, to save time/space. # First we check if the branch on the docs repo is other than the default branch and # then we skip if the remote branch variable is the default branch name. Finally, # check if the pipeline was triggered via the API (multi-project pipeline) # to exclude the case where we create a branch right off the gitlab-docs # project. next if ENV["CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"] != ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] \ && branch == ENV['CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH'] \ && ENV["CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE"] == 'pipeline' puts "\n#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_GREEN}INFO: Cloning #{product['repo']}..#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RESET}" # # Handle the cases where we land on a runner that already ran a docs build, # to make sure we're not reusing an old version of the docs, or a review # app's content. # # Remove the cloned repository if it already exists and either the # CI (when run in the runner context) or REMOVE_BEFORE_CLONE (when run localy) # variables are set. # if Dir.exist?(product['project_dir']) if ENV['CI'] || ENV['REMOVE_BEFORE_CLONE'] puts "#{product['project_dir']} already exists. Removing it..." FileUtils.rm_rf(product['project_dir']) else abort("\n#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RED}ERROR: Failed to remove #{product['repo']}. To force remove it, use REMOVE_BEFORE_CLONE=true#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RESET}") end end `git clone --branch #{branch} --single-branch #{product['repo']} --depth 1 #{product['project_dir']}` latest_commit = `git -C #{product['project_dir']} log --oneline -n 1` abort("\n#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RED}ERROR: Failed to clone #{product['repo']}.#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RESET}") if latest_commit.empty? # Print the latest commit from each project so that we can see which commit we're building from. puts "\n#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_GREEN}INFO: Latest commit: #{latest_commit}#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RESET}" end end desc 'Generate feature flags data file' task :generate_feature_flags do feature_flags_dir = Pathname.new('..').join('gitlab', 'config', 'feature_flags').expand_path feature_flags_ee_dir = Pathname.new('..').join('gitlab', 'ee', 'config', 'feature_flags').expand_path abort("\n#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RED}ERROR: The feature flags directory #{feature_flags_dir} does not exist.#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RESET}") unless feature_flags_dir.exist? abort("\n#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RED}ERROR: The feature flags EE directory #{feature_flags_ee_dir} does not exist.#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RESET}") unless feature_flags_ee_dir.exist? paths = { 'GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition' => feature_flags_dir.join('**', '*.yml'), 'GitLab Enterprise Edition only' => feature_flags_ee_dir.join('**', '*.yml') } feature_flags = { products: {} } paths.each do |key, path| feature_flags[:products][key] = [] Dir.glob(path).each do |feature_flag_yaml| feature_flags[:products][key] << YAML.safe_load(File.read(feature_flag_yaml)) end end feature_flags_yaml = File.join('content', '_data', 'feature_flags.yaml') puts "\n#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_GREEN}INFO: Generating #{feature_flags_yaml}..#{TaskHelpers::COLOR_CODE_RESET}" File.write(feature_flags_yaml, feature_flags.to_yaml) end