#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copied and adapted from https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/blob/10b95368133ea0a23326d293b7a80fc71317d011/scripts/deploy # # Exponential backoff, found from StackOverflow at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8350942/how-to-re-run-the-curl-command-automatically-when-the-error-occurs/8351489#8351489 # Retries a command a with backoff. # # The retry count is given by ATTEMPTS (default 5), the # initial backoff timeout is given by TIMEOUT in seconds # (default 1.) # # Successive backoffs double the timeout. # # Beware of set -e killing your whole script! function with_backoff { local max_attempts=${ATTEMPTS-5} local timeout=${TIMEOUT-1} local attempt=0 local exitCode=0 while [[ $attempt -lt $max_attempts ]] do "$@" exitCode=$? if [[ $exitCode == 0 ]] then break fi echo "Failure! Retrying in $timeout.." 1>&2 sleep "$timeout" attempt=$(( attempt + 1 )) timeout=$(( timeout * 2 )) done if [[ $exitCode != 0 ]] then echo "You've failed me for the last time! ($*)" 1>&2 fi return $exitCode } echo "Starting deploy for review app." gcp_project=$GCP_PROJECT_REVIEW_APPS gcp_bucket=$GCP_BUCKET_REVIEW_APPS gcp_service_account_key=$GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_REVIEW_APPS cache_control_max_age='60' src='public/' dest="gs://$gcp_bucket/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG$REVIEW_SLUG" echo "$gcp_service_account_key" > key.json gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json gcloud config set project "$gcp_project" if [ "$DEPLOY_DELETE_APP" = 'true' ]; then echo "Deleting review app from ${dest}..." echo "gsutil -m rm -r \"$dest\"" gsutil -m rm -r "$dest" else echo "Deploying review app to ${dest}..." echo "gsutil -h \"Cache-Control:public, max-age=$cache_control_max_age\" -m rsync -j css,html,js,txt -r -d \"$src\" \"$dest\"" with_backoff gsutil -h "Cache-Control:public, max-age=$cache_control_max_age" -m rsync -j css,html,js,txt -r -d "$src" "$dest" fi