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gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Gemfile.lock')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b389f143c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ remote: git://github.com/ctran/annotate_models.git
+ revision: cfeec96c9ca0fa5035b10be3d73e798cc4fc52f7
+ specs:
+ annotate (2.4.1.beta1)
+ remote: git://github.com/mbleigh/seed-fu.git
+ revision: 29fe8c61ca6cc4408115ea7475fe2647081bd348
+ branch: rails-3-1
+ specs:
+ seed-fu (2.0.1.rails31)
+ activerecord (~> 3.1.0.rc4)
+ activesupport (~> 3.1.0.rc4)
+ remote: git://github.com/randx/albino.git
+ revision: 118380924969f3a856659f86ea1f40c1ba7bfcb1
+ specs:
+ albino (1.3.3)
+ posix-spawn (>= 0.3.6)
+ remote: http://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ ZenTest (4.5.0)
+ actionmailer (3.1.0)
+ actionpack (= 3.1.0)
+ mail (~> 2.3.0)
+ actionpack (3.1.0)
+ activemodel (= 3.1.0)
+ activesupport (= 3.1.0)
+ builder (~> 3.0.0)
+ erubis (~> 2.7.0)
+ i18n (~> 0.6)
+ rack (~> 1.3.2)
+ rack-cache (~> 1.0.3)
+ rack-mount (~> 0.8.2)
+ rack-test (~> 0.6.1)
+ sprockets (~> 2.0.0)
+ activemodel (3.1.0)
+ activesupport (= 3.1.0)
+ bcrypt-ruby (~> 3.0.0)
+ builder (~> 3.0.0)
+ i18n (~> 0.6)
+ activerecord (3.1.0)
+ activemodel (= 3.1.0)
+ activesupport (= 3.1.0)
+ arel (~> 2.2.1)
+ tzinfo (~> 0.3.29)
+ activeresource (3.1.0)
+ activemodel (= 3.1.0)
+ activesupport (= 3.1.0)
+ activesupport (3.1.0)
+ multi_json (~> 1.0)
+ addressable (2.2.6)
+ ansi (1.3.0)
+ archive-tar-minitar (0.5.2)
+ arel (2.2.1)
+ autotest (4.4.6)
+ ZenTest (>= 4.4.1)
+ autotest-rails (4.1.1)
+ ZenTest (= 4.5)
+ awesome_print (0.4.0)
+ bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
+ builder (3.0.0)
+ capybara (1.0.1)
+ mime-types (>= 1.16)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.3.3)
+ rack (>= 1.0.0)
+ rack-test (>= 0.5.4)
+ selenium-webdriver (~> 2.0)
+ xpath (~> 0.1.4)
+ carrierwave (0.5.7)
+ activesupport (~> 3.0)
+ childprocess (0.2.2)
+ ffi (~> 1.0.6)
+ coffee-rails (3.1.1)
+ coffee-script (>= 2.2.0)
+ railties (~> 3.1.0)
+ coffee-script (2.2.0)
+ coffee-script-source
+ execjs
+ coffee-script-source (1.1.2)
+ columnize (0.3.4)
+ database_cleaner (0.6.7)
+ devise (1.4.7)
+ bcrypt-ruby (~> 3.0)
+ orm_adapter (~> 0.0.3)
+ warden (~> 1.0.3)
+ diff-lcs (1.1.3)
+ erubis (2.7.0)
+ execjs (1.2.6)
+ multi_json (~> 1.0)
+ faker (0.9.5)
+ i18n (~> 0.4)
+ ffi (1.0.9)
+ grit (2.4.1)
+ diff-lcs (~> 1.1)
+ mime-types (~> 1.15)
+ haml (3.1.3)
+ haml-rails (0.3.4)
+ actionpack (~> 3.0)
+ activesupport (~> 3.0)
+ haml (~> 3.0)
+ railties (~> 3.0)
+ hike (1.2.1)
+ i18n (0.6.0)
+ inifile (0.4.1)
+ jquery-rails (1.0.14)
+ railties (~> 3.0)
+ thor (~> 0.14)
+ json_pure (1.5.4)
+ spruz (~> 0.2.8)
+ kaminari (0.12.4)
+ rails (>= 3.0.0)
+ launchy (2.0.5)
+ addressable (~> 2.2.6)
+ libv8 (
+ linecache19 (0.5.12)
+ ruby_core_source (>= 0.1.4)
+ lockfile (1.4.3)
+ mail (2.3.0)
+ i18n (>= 0.4.0)
+ mime-types (~> 1.16)
+ treetop (~> 1.4.8)
+ mime-types (1.16)
+ multi_json (1.0.3)
+ net-ssh (2.2.1)
+ nokogiri (1.5.0)
+ orm_adapter (0.0.5)
+ polyglot (0.3.2)
+ posix-spawn (0.3.6)
+ rack (1.3.2)
+ rack-cache (1.0.3)
+ rack (>= 0.4)
+ rack-mount (0.8.3)
+ rack (>= 1.0.0)
+ rack-ssl (1.3.2)
+ rack
+ rack-test (0.6.1)
+ rack (>= 1.0)
+ rails (3.1.0)
+ actionmailer (= 3.1.0)
+ actionpack (= 3.1.0)
+ activerecord (= 3.1.0)
+ activeresource (= 3.1.0)
+ activesupport (= 3.1.0)
+ bundler (~> 1.0)
+ railties (= 3.1.0)
+ rails-footnotes (3.7.5.rc4)
+ rails (>= 3.0.0)
+ railties (3.1.0)
+ actionpack (= 3.1.0)
+ activesupport (= 3.1.0)
+ rack-ssl (~> 1.3.2)
+ rake (>= 0.8.7)
+ rdoc (~> 3.4)
+ thor (~> 0.14.6)
+ rake (0.9.2)
+ rdoc (3.9.4)
+ rspec (2.6.0)
+ rspec-core (~> 2.6.0)
+ rspec-expectations (~> 2.6.0)
+ rspec-mocks (~> 2.6.0)
+ rspec-core (2.6.4)
+ rspec-expectations (2.6.0)
+ diff-lcs (~> 1.1.2)
+ rspec-mocks (2.6.0)
+ rspec-rails (2.6.1)
+ actionpack (~> 3.0)
+ activesupport (~> 3.0)
+ railties (~> 3.0)
+ rspec (~> 2.6.0)
+ ruby-debug-base19 (0.11.25)
+ columnize (>= 0.3.1)
+ linecache19 (>= 0.5.11)
+ ruby_core_source (>= 0.1.4)
+ ruby-debug19 (0.11.6)
+ columnize (>= 0.3.1)
+ linecache19 (>= 0.5.11)
+ ruby-debug-base19 (>= 0.11.19)
+ ruby_core_source (0.1.5)
+ archive-tar-minitar (>= 0.5.2)
+ rubyzip (0.9.4)
+ sass (3.1.7)
+ sass-rails (3.1.1)
+ actionpack (~> 3.1.0)
+ railties (~> 3.1.0)
+ sass (>= 3.1.4)
+ tilt (~> 1.3.2)
+ selenium-webdriver (2.5.0)
+ childprocess (>= 0.2.1)
+ ffi (>= 1.0.7)
+ json_pure
+ rubyzip
+ shoulda (2.11.3)
+ simplecov (0.5.3)
+ multi_json (~> 1.0.3)
+ simplecov-html (~> 0.5.3)
+ simplecov-html (0.5.3)
+ six (0.2.0)
+ sprockets (2.0.0)
+ hike (~> 1.2)
+ rack (~> 1.0)
+ tilt (~> 1.1, != 1.3.0)
+ spruz (0.2.13)
+ sqlite3 (1.3.4)
+ stamp (0.1.6)
+ therubyracer (0.9.4)
+ libv8 (~> 3.3.10)
+ thor (0.14.6)
+ tilt (1.3.3)
+ treetop (1.4.10)
+ polyglot
+ polyglot (>= 0.3.1)
+ turn (0.8.2)
+ ansi (>= 1.2.2)
+ tzinfo (0.3.29)
+ uglifier (1.0.3)
+ execjs (>= 0.3.0)
+ multi_json (>= 1.0.2)
+ warden (1.0.5)
+ rack (>= 1.0)
+ will_paginate (3.0.0)
+ xpath (0.1.4)
+ nokogiri (~> 1.3)
+ ruby
+ albino!
+ annotate!
+ autotest
+ autotest-rails
+ awesome_print
+ capybara
+ carrierwave
+ coffee-rails (~> 3.1.0)
+ database_cleaner
+ devise (= 1.4.7)
+ faker
+ grit
+ haml-rails
+ inifile
+ jquery-rails
+ kaminari
+ launchy
+ lockfile
+ net-ssh
+ rails (= 3.1.0)
+ rails-footnotes (>= 3.7.5.rc4)
+ rspec-rails
+ ruby-debug19
+ sass-rails (~> 3.1.0)
+ seed-fu!
+ shoulda
+ simplecov
+ six
+ sqlite3
+ stamp
+ therubyracer
+ turn
+ uglifier
+ will_paginate (~> 3.0)