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diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/ci/testing/test_coverage_visualization.md')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ci/testing/test_coverage_visualization.md b/doc/ci/testing/test_coverage_visualization.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..472cfca99be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ci/testing/test_coverage_visualization.md
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+stage: Verify
+group: Pipeline Insights
+info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
+# Test coverage visualization **(FREE)**
+> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/3708) in GitLab 12.9.
+> - [Feature flag removed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/249811) in GitLab 13.5.
+With the help of [GitLab CI/CD](../index.md), you can collect the test
+coverage information of your favorite testing or coverage-analysis tool, and visualize
+this information inside the file diff view of your merge requests (MRs). This will allow you
+to see which lines are covered by tests, and which lines still require coverage, before the
+MR is merged.
+![Test Coverage Visualization Diff View](img/test_coverage_visualization_v12_9.png)
+## How test coverage visualization works
+Collecting the coverage information is done via GitLab CI/CD's
+[artifacts reports feature](../yaml/index.md#artifactsreports).
+You can specify one or more coverage reports to collect, including wildcard paths.
+GitLab then takes the coverage information in all the files and combines it
+together. Coverage files are parsed in a background job so there can be a delay
+between pipeline completion and the visualization loading on the page.
+For the coverage analysis to work, you have to provide a properly formatted
+[Cobertura XML](https://cobertura.github.io/cobertura/) report to
+This format was originally developed for Java, but most coverage analysis frameworks
+for other languages have plugins to add support for it, like:
+- [simplecov-cobertura](https://rubygems.org/gems/simplecov-cobertura) (Ruby)
+- [gocover-cobertura](https://github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura) (Golang)
+Other coverage analysis frameworks support the format out of the box, for example:
+- [Istanbul](https://istanbul.js.org/docs/advanced/alternative-reporters/#cobertura) (JavaScript)
+- [Coverage.py](https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/coverage-5.0.4/cmd.html#xml-reporting) (Python)
+- [PHPUnit](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit-documentation-english/blob/master/src/textui.rst#command-line-options) (PHP)
+Once configured, if you create a merge request that triggers a pipeline which collects
+coverage reports, the coverage is shown in the diff view. This includes reports
+from any job in any stage in the pipeline. The coverage displays for each line:
+- `covered` (green): lines which have been checked at least once by tests
+- `no test coverage` (orange): lines which are loaded but never executed
+- no coverage information: lines which are non-instrumented or not loaded
+Hovering over the coverage bar provides further information, such as the number
+of times the line was checked by tests.
+Uploading a test coverage report does not enable:
+- [Test coverage results in merge requests](../pipelines/settings.md#merge-request-test-coverage-results).
+- [Code coverage history](../pipelines/settings.md#view-code-coverage-history).
+You must configure these separately.
+### Limits
+A limit of 100 `<source>` nodes for Cobertura format XML files applies. If your Cobertura report exceeds
+100 nodes, there can be mismatches or no matches in the merge request diff view.
+A single Cobertura XML file can be no more than 10MiB. For large projects, split the Cobertura XML into
+smaller files. See [this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/328772) for more details.
+When submitting many files, it can take a few minutes for coverage to show on a merge request.
+The visualization only displays after the pipeline is complete. If the pipeline has
+a [blocking manual job](../jobs/job_control.md#types-of-manual-jobs), the
+pipeline waits for the manual job before continuing and is not considered complete.
+The visualization cannot be displayed if the blocking manual job did not run.
+### Artifact expiration
+By default, the [pipeline artifact](../pipelines/pipeline_artifacts.md#storage) used
+to draw the visualization on the merge request expires **one week** after creation.
+### Coverage report from child pipeline
+> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/363301) in GitLab 15.1 [with a flag](../../administration/feature_flags.md) named `ci_child_pipeline_coverage_reports`. Disabled by default.
+> - [Enabled on GitLab.com and self-managed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/363557) and feature flag `ci_child_pipeline_coverage_reports` removed in GitLab 15.2.
+If a job in a child pipeline creates a coverage report, the report is included in
+the parent pipeline's coverage report.
+ trigger:
+ include:
+ - local: path/to/child_pipeline_with_coverage.yml
+### Automatic class path correction
+> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/217664) in GitLab 13.8.
+> - [Feature flag removed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/284822) in GitLab 13.9.
+The coverage report properly matches changed files only if the `filename` of a `class` element
+contains the full path relative to the project root. However, in some coverage analysis frameworks,
+the generated Cobertura XML has the `filename` path relative to the class package directory instead.
+To make an intelligent guess on the project root relative `class` path, the Cobertura XML parser
+attempts to build the full path by:
+- Extracting a portion of the `source` paths from the `sources` element and combining them with the
+ class `filename` path.
+- Checking if the candidate path exists in the project.
+- Using the first candidate that matches as the class full path.
+#### Path correction example
+As an example, a project with:
+- A full path of `test-org/test-project`.
+- The following files relative to the project root:
+ ```shell
+ Auth/User.cs
+ Lib/Utils/User.cs
+ src/main/java
+ ```
+In the:
+- Cobertura XML, the `filename` attribute in the `class` element assumes the value is a relative
+ path to the project's root:
+ ```xml
+ <class name="packet.name" filename="src/main/java" line-rate="0.0" branch-rate="0.0" complexity="5">
+ ```
+- `sources` from Cobertura XML, the following paths in the format
+ ```xml
+ <sources>
+ <source>/builds/test-org/test-project/Auth</source>
+ <source>/builds/test-org/test-project/Lib/Utils</source>
+ </sources>
+ ```
+The parser:
+- Extracts `Auth` and `Lib/Utils` from the `sources` and uses these to determine the `class` path
+ relative to the project root.
+- Combines these extracted `sources` and the class filename. For example, if there is a `class`
+ element with the `filename` value of `User.cs`, the parser takes the first candidate path that
+ matches, which is `Auth/User.cs`.
+- For each `class` element, attempts to look for a match for each extracted `source` path up to
+ 100 iterations. If it reaches this limit without finding a matching path in the file tree, the
+ class is not included in the final coverage report.
+Automatic class path correction only works on `source` paths in the format `<CI_BUILDS_DIR>/<PROJECT_FULL_PATH>/...`.
+The `source` is ignored if the path does not follow this pattern. The parser assumes that the
+`filename` of a `class` element contains the full path relative to the project root.
+## Example test coverage configurations
+This section provides test coverage configuration examples for different programming languages. You can also see a working example in
+the [`coverage-report`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-sample-projects/coverage-report/) demonstration project.
+### JavaScript example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example uses [Mocha](https://mochajs.org/)
+JavaScript testing and [nyc](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc) coverage-tooling to
+generate the coverage artifact:
+ script:
+ - npm install
+ - npx nyc --reporter cobertura mocha
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml
+### Java and Kotlin examples
+#### Maven example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Java or Kotlin uses [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/)
+to build the project and [JaCoCo](https://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/) coverage-tooling to
+generate the coverage artifact.
+You can check the [Docker image configuration and scripts](https://gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura) if you want to build your own image.
+GitLab expects the artifact in the Cobertura format, so you have to execute a few
+scripts before uploading it. The `test-jdk11` job tests the code and generates an
+XML artifact. The `coverage-jdk-11` job converts the artifact into a Cobertura report:
+ stage: test
+ image: maven:3.6.3-jdk-11
+ script:
+ - mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent test jacoco:report
+ artifacts:
+ paths:
+ - target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml
+ # Must be in a stage later than test-jdk11's stage.
+ # The `visualize` stage does not exist by default.
+ # Please define it first, or choose an existing stage like `deploy`.
+ stage: visualize
+ image: registry.gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura:1.0.7
+ script:
+ # convert report from jacoco to cobertura, using relative project path
+ - python /opt/cover2cover.py target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml $CI_PROJECT_DIR/src/main/java/ > target/site/cobertura.xml
+ needs: ["test-jdk11"]
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: target/site/cobertura.xml
+#### Gradle example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Java or Kotlin uses [Gradle](https://gradle.org/)
+to build the project and [JaCoCo](https://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/) coverage-tooling to
+generate the coverage artifact.
+You can check the [Docker image configuration and scripts](https://gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura) if you want to build your own image.
+GitLab expects the artifact in the Cobertura format, so you have to execute a few
+scripts before uploading it. The `test-jdk11` job tests the code and generates an
+XML artifact. The `coverage-jdk-11` job converts the artifact into a Cobertura report:
+ stage: test
+ image: gradle:6.6.1-jdk11
+ script:
+ - 'gradle test jacocoTestReport' # jacoco must be configured to create an xml report
+ artifacts:
+ paths:
+ - build/jacoco/jacoco.xml
+ # Must be in a stage later than test-jdk11's stage.
+ # The `visualize` stage does not exist by default.
+ # Please define it first, or chose an existing stage like `deploy`.
+ stage: visualize
+ image: registry.gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura:1.0.7
+ script:
+ # convert report from jacoco to cobertura, using relative project path
+ - python /opt/cover2cover.py build/jacoco/jacoco.xml $CI_PROJECT_DIR/src/main/java/ > build/cobertura.xml
+ needs: ["test-jdk11"]
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: build/cobertura.xml
+### Python example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Python uses [pytest-cov](https://pytest-cov.readthedocs.io/) to collect test coverage data and [coverage.py](https://coverage.readthedocs.io/) to convert the report to use full relative paths.
+The information isn't displayed without the conversion.
+This example assumes that the code for your package is in `src/` and your tests are in `tests.py`:
+run tests:
+ stage: test
+ image: python:3
+ script:
+ - pip install pytest pytest-cov
+ - coverage run -m pytest
+ - coverage report
+ - coverage xml
+ coverage: '/(?i)total.*? (100(?:\.0+)?\%|[1-9]?\d(?:\.\d+)?\%)$/'
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: coverage.xml
+### PHP example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for PHP uses [PHPUnit](https://phpunit.readthedocs.io/)
+to collect test coverage data and generate the report.
+With a minimal [`phpunit.xml`](https://phpunit.readthedocs.io/en/9.5/configuration.html) file (you may reference
+[this example repository](https://gitlab.com/yookoala/code-coverage-visualization-with-php/)), you can run the test and
+generate the `coverage.xml`:
+run tests:
+ stage: test
+ image: php:latest
+ variables:
+ XDEBUG_MODE: coverage
+ before_script:
+ - apt-get update && apt-get -yq install git unzip zip libzip-dev zlib1g-dev
+ - docker-php-ext-install zip
+ - pecl install xdebug && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
+ - php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
+ - php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
+ - composer install
+ - composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit phpunit/php-code-coverage
+ script:
+ - php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --coverage-cobertura=coverage.cobertura.xml
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: coverage.cobertura.xml
+[Codeception](https://codeception.com/), through PHPUnit, also supports generating Cobertura report with
+[`run`](https://codeception.com/docs/reference/Commands#run). The path for the generated file
+depends on the `--coverage-cobertura` option and [`paths`](https://codeception.com/docs/reference/Configuration#paths)
+configuration for the [unit test suite](https://codeception.com/docs/05-UnitTests). Configure `.gitlab-ci.yml`
+to find Cobertura in the appropriate path.
+### C/C++ example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for C/C++ with
+`gcc` or `g++` as the compiler uses [`gcovr`](https://gcovr.com/en/stable/) to generate the coverage
+output file in Cobertura XML format.
+This example assumes:
+- That the `Makefile` is created by `cmake` in the `build` directory,
+ within another job in a previous stage.
+ (If you use `automake` to generate the `Makefile`,
+ then you need to call `make check` instead of `make test`.)
+- `cmake` (or `automake`) has set the compiler option `--coverage`.
+run tests:
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - cd build
+ - make test
+ - gcovr --xml-pretty --exclude-unreachable-branches --print-summary -o coverage.xml --root ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}
+ coverage: /^\s*lines:\s*\d+.\d+\%/
+ artifacts:
+ expire_in: 2 days
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: build/coverage.xml
+### Go example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Go uses:
+- [`go test`](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/add-a-test) to run tests.
+- [`gocover-cobertura`](https://github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura) to convert Go's coverage profile into the Cobertura XML format.
+This example assumes that [Go modules](https://go.dev/ref/mod)
+are being used. Please note that the `-covermode count` option does not work with the `-race` flag.
+If you want to generate code coverage while also using the `-race` flag, you must switch to
+`-covermode atomic` which is slower than `-covermode count`. See [this blog post](https://go.dev/blog/cover)
+for more details.
+run tests:
+ stage: test
+ image: golang:1.17
+ script:
+ - go install
+ - go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode count
+ - go get github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura
+ - go run github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura < coverage.txt > coverage.xml
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: coverage.xml
+### Ruby example
+The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Ruby uses
+- [`rspec`](https://rspec.info/) to run tests.
+- [`simplecov`](https://github.com/simplecov-ruby/simplecov) and [`simplecov-cobertura`](https://github.com/dashingrocket/simplecov-cobertura)
+ to record the coverage profile and create a report in the Cobertura XML format.
+This example assumes:
+- That [`bundler`](https://bundler.io/) is being used for dependency management.
+ The `rspec`, `simplecov` and `simplecov-cobertura` gems have been added to your `Gemfile`.
+- The `CoberturaFormatter` has been added to your `SimpleCov.formatters`
+ configuration within the `spec_helper.rb` file.
+run tests:
+ stage: test
+ image: ruby:3.1
+ script:
+ - bundle install
+ - bundle exec rspec
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: coverage/coverage.xml
+## Troubleshooting
+### Test coverage visualization not displayed
+If the test coverage visualization is not displayed in the diff view, you can check
+the coverage report itself and verify that:
+- The file you are viewing in the diff view is mentioned in the coverage report.
+- The `source` and `filename` nodes in the report follows the [expected structure](#automatic-class-path-correction)
+ to match the files in your repository.
+Report artifacts are not downloadable by default. If you want the report to be downloadable
+from the job details page, add your coverage report to the artifact `paths`:
+ paths:
+ - coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml
+ reports:
+ coverage_report:
+ coverage_format: cobertura
+ path: coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml