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-stage: Data Stores
-group: Global Search
-info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
-# Elasticsearch knowledge
-This area is to maintain a compendium of useful information when working with Elasticsearch.
-Information on how to enable Elasticsearch and perform the initial indexing is in
-the [Elasticsearch integration documentation](../integration/advanced_search/elasticsearch.md#enable-advanced-search).
-## Deep Dive
-In June 2019, Mario de la Ossa hosted a Deep Dive (GitLab team members only: `https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/create-stage/issues/1`) on the GitLab [Elasticsearch integration](../integration/advanced_search/elasticsearch.md) to share his domain specific knowledge with anyone who may work in this part of the codebase in the future. You can find the <i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i> [recording on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrvl-tN2EaA), and the slides on [Google Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1H-pCzI_LNrgrL5pJAIQgvLX8Ji0-jIKOg1QeJQzChug/edit) and in [PDF](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/create-stage/uploads/c5aa32b6b07476fa8b597004899ec538/Elasticsearch_Deep_Dive.pdf). Everything covered in this deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 12.0, and while specific details may have changed since then, it should still serve as a good introduction.
-In August 2020, a second Deep Dive was hosted, focusing on [GitLab-specific architecture for multi-indices support](#zero-downtime-reindexing-with-multiple-indices). The <i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i> [recording on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WdPR9oB2fg) and the [slides](https://lulalala.gitlab.io/gitlab-elasticsearch-deepdive/) are available. Everything covered in this deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 13.3.
-## Supported Versions
-See [Version Requirements](../integration/advanced_search/elasticsearch.md#version-requirements).
-Developers making significant changes to Elasticsearch queries should test their features against all our supported versions.
-## Setting up development environment
-See the [Elasticsearch GDK setup instructions](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/blob/main/doc/howto/elasticsearch.md)
-## Helpful Rake tasks
-- `gitlab:elastic:test:index_size`: Tells you how much space the current index is using, as well as how many documents are in the index.
-- `gitlab:elastic:test:index_size_change`: Outputs index size, reindexes, and outputs index size again. Useful when testing improvements to indexing size.
-Additionally, if you need large repositories or multiple forks for testing, please consider [following these instructions](rake_tasks.md#extra-project-seed-options)
-## How does it work?
-The Elasticsearch integration depends on an external indexer. We ship an [indexer written in Go](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer). The user must trigger the initial indexing via a Rake task but, after this is done, GitLab itself will trigger reindexing when required via `after_` callbacks on create, update, and destroy that are inherited from [`/ee/app/models/concerns/elastic/application_versioned_search.rb`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/models/concerns/elastic/application_versioned_search.rb).
-After initial indexing is complete, create, update, and delete operations for all models except projects (see [#207494](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/207494)) are tracked in a Redis [`ZSET`](https://redis.io/docs/manual/data-types/#sorted-sets). A regular `sidekiq-cron` `ElasticIndexBulkCronWorker` processes this queue, updating many Elasticsearch documents at a time with the [Bulk Request API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-bulk.html).
-Search queries are generated by the concerns found in [`ee/app/models/concerns/elastic`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/tree/master/ee/app/models/concerns/elastic). These concerns are also in charge of access control, and have been a historic source of security bugs so please pay close attention to them!
-## Existing Analyzers/Tokenizers/Filters
-These are all defined in [`ee/lib/elastic/latest/config.rb`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/lib/elastic/latest/config.rb)
-### Analyzers
-#### `path_analyzer`
-Used when indexing blobs' paths. Uses the `path_tokenizer` and the `lowercase` and `asciifolding` filters.
-Please see the `path_tokenizer` explanation below for an example.
-#### `sha_analyzer`
-Used in blobs and commits. Uses the `sha_tokenizer` and the `lowercase` and `asciifolding` filters.
-Please see the `sha_tokenizer` explanation later below for an example.
-#### `code_analyzer`
-Used when indexing a blob's filename and content. Uses the `whitespace` tokenizer and the filters: [`code`](#code), `lowercase`, and `asciifolding`
-The `whitespace` tokenizer was selected to have more control over how tokens are split. For example the string `Foo::bar(4)` needs to generate tokens like `Foo` and `bar(4)` to be properly searched.
-Please see the `code` filter for an explanation on how tokens are split.
-The [Elasticsearch `code_analyzer` doesn't account for all code cases](../integration/advanced_search/elasticsearch_troubleshooting.md#elasticsearch-code_analyzer-doesnt-account-for-all-code-cases).
-#### `code_search_analyzer`
-Not directly used for indexing, but rather used to transform a search input. Uses the `whitespace` tokenizer and the `lowercase` and `asciifolding` filters.
-### Tokenizers
-#### `sha_tokenizer`
-This is a custom tokenizer that uses the [`edgeNGram` tokenizer](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.5/analysis-edgengram-tokenizer.html) to allow SHAs to be searchable by any sub-set of it (minimum of 5 chars).
-`240c29dc7e` becomes:
-- `240c2`
-- `240c29`
-- `240c29d`
-- `240c29dc`
-- `240c29dc7`
-- `240c29dc7e`
-#### `path_tokenizer`
-This is a custom tokenizer that uses the [`path_hierarchy` tokenizer](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.5/analysis-pathhierarchy-tokenizer.html) with `reverse: true` to allow searches to find paths no matter how much or how little of the path is given as input.
-`'/some/path/application.js'` becomes:
-- `'/some/path/application.js'`
-- `'some/path/application.js'`
-- `'path/application.js'`
-- `'application.js'`
-### Filters
-#### `code`
-Uses a [Pattern Capture token filter](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.5/analysis-pattern-capture-tokenfilter.html) to split tokens into more easily searched versions of themselves.
-- `"(\\p{Ll}+|\\p{Lu}\\p{Ll}+|\\p{Lu}+)"`: captures CamelCase and lowerCamelCase strings as separate tokens
-- `"(\\d+)"`: extracts digits
-- `"(?=([\\p{Lu}]+[\\p{L}]+))"`: captures CamelCase strings recursively. For example: `ThisIsATest` => `[ThisIsATest, IsATest, ATest, Test]`
-- `'"((?:\\"|[^"]|\\")*)"'`: captures terms inside quotes, removing the quotes
-- `"'((?:\\'|[^']|\\')*)'"`: same as above, for single-quotes
-- `'\.([^.]+)(?=\.|\s|\Z)'`: separate terms with periods in-between
-- `'([\p{L}_.-]+)'`: some common chars in file names to keep the whole filename intact (for example `my_file-ñame.txt`)
-- `'([\p{L}\d_]+)'`: letters, numbers and underscores are the most common tokens in programming. Always capture them greedily regardless of context.
-## Gotchas
-- Searches can have their own analyzers. Remember to check when editing analyzers
-- `Character` filters (as opposed to token filters) always replace the original character, so they're not a good choice as they can hinder exact searches
-## Zero downtime reindexing with multiple indices
-This is not applicable yet as multiple indices functionality is not fully implemented.
-Currently GitLab can only handle a single version of setting. Any setting/schema changes would require reindexing everything from scratch. Since reindexing can take a long time, this can cause search functionality downtime.
-To avoid downtime, GitLab is working to support multiple indices that
-can function at the same time. Whenever the schema changes, the administrator
-will be able to create a new index and reindex to it, while searches
-continue to go to the older, stable index. Any data updates will be
-forwarded to both indices. Once the new index is ready, an administrator can
-mark it active, which will direct all searches to it, and remove the old
-This is also helpful for migrating to new servers, for example, moving to/from AWS.
-Currently we are on the process of migrating to this new design. Everything is hardwired to work with one single version for now.
-### Architecture
-The traditional setup, provided by `elasticsearch-rails`, is to communicate through its internal proxy classes. Developers would write model-specific logic in a module for the model to include in (for example, `SnippetsSearch`). The `__elasticsearch__` methods would return a proxy object, for example:
-- `Issue.__elasticsearch__` returns an instance of `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::ClassMethodsProxy`
-- `Issue.first.__elasticsearch__` returns an instance of `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::InstanceMethodsProxy`.
-These proxy objects would talk to Elasticsearch server directly (see top half of the diagram).
-![Elasticsearch Architecture](img/elasticsearch_architecture.svg)
-In the planned new design, each model would have a pair of corresponding sub-classed proxy objects, in which model-specific logic is located. For example, `Snippet` would have `SnippetClassProxy` and `SnippetInstanceProxy` (being subclass of `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::ClassMethodsProxy` and `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::InstanceMethodsProxy`, respectively).
-`__elasticsearch__` would represent another layer of proxy object, keeping track of multiple actual proxy objects. It would forward method calls to the appropriate index. For example:
-- `model.__elasticsearch__.search` would be forwarded to the one stable index, since it is a read operation.
-- `model.__elasticsearch__.update_document` would be forwarded to all indices, to keep all indices up-to-date.
-The global configurations per version are now in the `Elastic::(Version)::Config` class. You can change mappings there.
-### Creating new version of schema
-This is not applicable yet as multiple indices functionality is not fully implemented.
-Folders like `ee/lib/elastic/v12p1` contain snapshots of search logic from different versions. To keep a continuous Git history, the latest version lives under `ee/lib/elastic/latest`, but its classes are aliased under an actual version (for example, `ee/lib/elastic/v12p3`). When referencing these classes, never use the `Latest` namespace directly, but use the actual version (for example, `V12p3`).
-The version name basically follows the GitLab release version. If setting is changed in 12.3, we will create a new namespace called `V12p3` (p stands for "point"). Raise an issue if there is a need to name a version differently.
-If the current version is `v12p1`, and we need to create a new version for `v12p3`, the steps are as follows:
-1. Copy the entire folder of `v12p1` as `v12p3`
-1. Change the namespace for files under `v12p3` folder from `V12p1` to `V12p3` (which are still aliased to `Latest`)
-1. Delete `v12p1` folder
-1. Copy the entire folder of `latest` as `v12p1`
-1. Change the namespace for files under `v12p1` folder from `Latest` to `V12p1`
-1. Make changes to files under the `latest` folder as needed
-## Creating a new Advanced Search migration
-> This functionality was introduced by [#234046](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/234046).
-This only supported for indices created with GitLab 13.0 or greater.
-In the [`ee/elastic/migrate/`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/tree/master/ee/elastic/migrate) folder, create a new file with the filename format `YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_migration_name.rb`. This format is the same for Rails database migrations.
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- # Important: Any updates to the Elastic index mappings must be replicated in the respective
- # configuration files:
- # - `Elastic::Latest::Config`, for the main index.
- # - `Elastic::Latest::<Type>Config`, for standalone indices.
- def migrate
- end
- # Check if the migration has completed
- # Return true if completed, otherwise return false
- def completed?
- end
-Applied migrations are stored in `gitlab-#{RAILS_ENV}-migrations` index. All migrations not executed
-are applied by the [`Elastic::MigrationWorker`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/workers/elastic/migration_worker.rb)
-cron worker sequentially.
-To update Elastic index mappings, apply the configuration to the respective files:
-- For the main index: [`Elastic::Latest::Config`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/lib/elastic/latest/config.rb).
-- For standalone indices: `Elastic::Latest::<Type>Config`.
-Migrations can be built with a retry limit and have the ability to be [failed and marked as halted](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/66e899b6637372a4faf61cfd2f254cbdd2fb9f6d/ee/lib/elastic/migration.rb#L40).
-Any data or index cleanup needed to support migration retries should be handled within the migration.
-### Migration helpers
-The following migration helpers are available in `ee/app/workers/concerns/elastic/`:
-#### `Elastic::MigrationBackfillHelper`
-Backfills a specific field in an index. In most cases, the mapping for the field should already be added.
-Requires the `index_name` and `field_name` methods.
-class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- include Elastic::MigrationBackfillHelper
- private
- def index_name
- Issue.__elasticsearch__.index_name
- end
- def field_name
- :schema_version
- end
-#### `Elastic::MigrationUpdateMappingsHelper`
-Updates a mapping in an index by calling `put_mapping` with the mapping specified.
-Requires the `index_name` and `new_mappings` methods.
-class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- include Elastic::MigrationUpdateMappingsHelper
- private
- def index_name
- Issue.__elasticsearch__.index_name
- end
- def new_mappings
- {
- schema_version: {
- type: 'short'
- }
- }
- end
-#### `Elastic::MigrationRemoveFieldsHelper`
-Removes specified fields from an index.
-Requires the `index_name`, `document_type` methods. If there is one field to remove, add the `field_to_remove` method, otherwise add `fields_to_remove` with an array of fields.
-Checks in batches if any documents that match `document_type` have the fields specified in Elasticsearch. If documents exist, uses a Painless script to perform `update_by_query`.
-class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- include Elastic::MigrationRemoveFieldsHelper
- batched!
- throttle_delay 1.minute
- private
- def index_name
- User.__elasticsearch__.index_name
- end
- def document_type
- 'user'
- end
- def fields_to_remove
- %w[two_factor_enabled has_projects]
- end
-The default batch size is `10_000`. You can override this value by specifying `BATCH_SIZE`:
-class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- include Elastic::MigrationRemoveFieldsHelper
- batched!
- BATCH_SIZE = 100
- ...
-#### `Elastic::MigrationObsolete`
-Marks a migration as obsolete when it's no longer required.
-class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- include Elastic::MigrationObsolete
-#### `Elastic::MigrationHelper`
-Contains methods you can use when a migration doesn't fit the previous examples.
-class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- include Elastic::MigrationHelper
- def migrate
- ...
- end
- def completed?
- ...
- end
-### Migration options supported by the `Elastic::MigrationWorker`
-[`Elastic::MigrationWorker`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/workers/elastic/migration_worker.rb) supports the following migration options:
-- `batched!` - Allow the migration to run in batches. If set, the [`Elastic::MigrationWorker`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/workers/elastic/migration_worker.rb)
-will re-enqueue itself with a delay which is set using the `throttle_delay` option described below. The batching
-must be handled within the `migrate` method, this setting controls the re-enqueuing only.
-- `batch_size` - Sets the number of documents modified during a `batched!` migration run. This size should be set to a value which allows the updates
-enough time to finish. This can be tuned in combination with the `throttle_delay` option described below. The batching
-must be handled within a custom `migrate` method or by using the [`Elastic::MigrationBackfillHelper`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/workers/concerns/elastic/migration_backfill_helper.rb)
-`migrate` method which uses this setting. Default value is 1000 documents.
-- `throttle_delay` - Sets the wait time in between batch runs. This time should be set high enough to allow each migration batch
-enough time to finish. Additionally, the time should be less than 30 minutes since that is how often the
-cron worker runs. Default value is 5 minutes.
-- `pause_indexing!` - Pause indexing while the migration runs. This setting will record the indexing setting before
-the migration runs and set it back to that value when the migration is completed.
-- `space_requirements!` - Verify that enough free space is available in the cluster when the migration runs. This setting
- will halt the migration if the storage required is not available when the migration runs. The migration must provide
- the space required in bytes by defining a `space_required_bytes` method.
-- `retry_on_failure` - Enable the retry on failure feature. By default, it retries
- the migration 30 times. After it runs out of retries, the migration is marked as halted.
- To customize the number of retries, pass the `max_attempts` argument:
- `retry_on_failure max_attempts: 10`
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class BatchedMigrationName < Elastic::Migration
- # Declares a migration should be run in batches
- batched!
- throttle_delay 10.minutes
- pause_indexing!
- space_requirements!
- retry_on_failure
- # ...
-### Multi-version compatibility
-These Advanced Search migrations, like any other GitLab changes, need to support the case where
-[multiple versions of the application are running at the same time](multi_version_compatibility.md).
-Depending on the order of deployment, it's possible that the migration
-has started or finished and there's still a server running the application code from before the
-migration. We need to take this into consideration until we can
-[ensure all Advanced Search migrations start after the deployment has finished](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/321619).
-### Reverting a migration
-Because Elasticsearch does not support transactions, we always need to design our
-migrations to accommodate a situation where the application
-code is reverted after the migration has started or after it is finished.
-For this reason we generally defer destructive actions (for example, deletions after
-some data is moved) to a later merge request after the migrations have
-completed successfully. To be safe, for self-managed customers we should also
-defer it to another release if there is risk of important data loss.
-### Best practices for Advanced Search migrations
-Follow these best practices for best results:
-- When working in batches, keep the batch size under 9,000 documents
- and `throttle_delay` for at least 3 minutes. The bulk indexer is set to run
- every 1 minute and process a batch of 10,000 documents. These limits
- allow the bulk indexer time to process records before another migration
- batch is attempted.
-- To ensure that document counts are up to date, it is recommended to refresh
- the index before checking if a migration is completed.
-- Add logging statements to each migration when the migration starts, when a
- completion check occurs, and when the migration is completed. These logs
- are helpful when debugging issues with migrations.
-- Pause indexing if you're using any Elasticsearch Reindex API operations.
-- Consider adding a retry limit if there is potential for the migration to fail.
- This ensures that migrations can be halted if an issue occurs.
-## Deleting Advanced Search migrations in a major version upgrade
-Since our Advanced Search migrations usually require us to support multiple
-code paths for a long period of time, it's important to clean those up when we
-safely can.
-We choose to use GitLab major version upgrades as a safe time to remove
-backwards compatibility for indices that have not been fully migrated. We
-[document this in our upgrade documentation](../update/index.md#upgrading-to-a-new-major-version).
-We also choose to replace the migration code with the halted migration
-and remove tests so that:
-- We don't need to maintain any code that is called from our Advanced Search
- migrations.
-- We don't waste CI time running tests for migrations that we don't support
- anymore.
-- Operators who have not run this migration and who upgrade directly to the
- target version will see a message prompting them to reindex from scratch.
-To be extra safe, we will not delete migrations that were created in the last
-minor version before the major upgrade. So, if we are upgrading to `%14.0`,
-we should not delete migrations that were only added in `%13.12`. This is an
-extra safety net as we expect there are migrations that get merged that may
-take multiple weeks to finish on GitLab.com. It would be bad if we upgraded
-GitLab.com to `%14.0` before the migrations in `%13.12` were finished. Since
-our deployments to GitLab.com are automated and we currently don't have
-automated checks to prevent this, the extra precaution is warranted.
-Additionally, even if we did have automated checks to prevent it, we wouldn't
-actually want to hold up GitLab.com deployments on Advanced Search migrations,
-as they may still have another week to go, and that's too long to block
-### Process for removing migrations
-For every migration that was created 2 minor versions before the major version
-being upgraded to, we do the following:
-1. Confirm the migration has actually completed successfully for GitLab.com.
-1. Replace the content of the migration with:
- ```ruby
- include Elastic::MigrationObsolete
- ```
-1. Delete any spec files to support this migration.
-1. Remove any logic handling backwards compatibility for this migration. You
- can find this by looking for
- `Elastic::DataMigrationService.migration_has_finished?(:migration_name_in_lowercase)`.
-1. Create a merge request with these changes. Noting that we should not
- accidentally merge this before the major release is started.
-## Performance Monitoring
-### Prometheus
-GitLab exports [Prometheus metrics](../administration/monitoring/prometheus/gitlab_metrics.md)
-relating to the number of requests and timing for all web/API requests and Sidekiq jobs,
-which can help diagnose performance trends and compare how Elasticsearch timing
-is impacting overall performance relative to the time spent doing other things.
-#### Indexing queues
-GitLab also exports [Prometheus metrics](../administration/monitoring/prometheus/gitlab_metrics.md)
-for indexing queues, which can help diagnose performance bottlenecks and determine
-whether or not your GitLab instance or Elasticsearch server can keep up with
-the volume of updates.
-### Logs
-All of the indexing happens in Sidekiq, so much of the relevant logs for the
-Elasticsearch integration can be found in
-[`sidekiq.log`](../administration/logs/index.md#sidekiqlog). In particular, all
-Sidekiq workers that make requests to Elasticsearch in any way will log the
-number of requests and time taken querying/writing to Elasticsearch. This can
-be useful to understand whether or not your cluster is keeping up with
-Searching Elasticsearch is done via ordinary web workers handling requests. Any
-requests to load a page or make an API request, which then make requests to
-Elasticsearch, will log the number of requests and the time taken to
-[`production_json.log`](../administration/logs/index.md#production_jsonlog). These
-logs will also include the time spent on Database and Gitaly requests, which
-may help to diagnose which part of the search is performing poorly.
-There are additional logs specific to Elasticsearch that are sent to
-that may contain information to help diagnose performance issues.
-### Performance Bar
-Elasticsearch requests will be displayed in the
-[`Performance Bar`](../administration/monitoring/performance/performance_bar.md), which can
-be used both locally in development and on any deployed GitLab instance to
-diagnose poor search performance. This will show the exact queries being made,
-which is useful to diagnose why a search might be slow.
-### Correlation ID and `X-Opaque-Id`
-Our [correlation ID](distributed_tracing.md#developer-guidelines-for-working-with-correlation-ids)
-is forwarded by all requests from Rails to Elasticsearch as the
-header which allows us to track any
-in the cluster back the request in GitLab.
-## Troubleshooting
-### Getting `flood stage disk watermark [95%] exceeded`
-You might get an error such as
-[2018-10-31T15:54:19,762][WARN ][o.e.c.r.a.DiskThresholdMonitor] [pval5Ct]
- flood stage disk watermark [95%] exceeded on
- [pval5Ct7SieH90t5MykM5w][pval5Ct][/usr/local/var/lib/elasticsearch/nodes/0] free: 56.2gb[3%],
- all indices on this node will be marked read-only
-This is because you've exceeded the disk space threshold - it thinks you don't have enough disk space left, based on the default 95% threshold.
-In addition, the `read_only_allow_delete` setting will be set to `true`. It will block indexing, `forcemerge`, etc
-curl "http://localhost:9200/gitlab-development/_settings?pretty"
-Add this to your `elasticsearch.yml` file:
-# turn off the disk allocator
-cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: false
-# set your own limits
-cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: true
-cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage: 5gb # ES 6.x only
-cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low: 15gb
-cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high: 10gb
-Restart Elasticsearch, and the `read_only_allow_delete` will clear on its own.
-_from "Disk-based Shard Allocation | Elasticsearch Reference" [5.6](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/disk-allocator.html#disk-allocator) and [6.x](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.7/disk-allocator.html)_
-### Disaster recovery/data loss/backups
-The use of Elasticsearch in GitLab is only ever as a secondary data store.
-This means that all of the data stored in Elasticsearch can always be derived
-again from other data sources, specifically PostgreSQL and Gitaly. Therefore if
-the Elasticsearch data store is ever corrupted for whatever reason you can reindex
-everything from scratch.
-If your Elasticsearch index is incredibly large it may be too time consuming or
-cause too much downtime to reindex from scratch. There aren't any built in
-mechanisms for automatically finding discrepancies and resyncing an
-Elasticsearch index if it gets out of sync but one tool that may be useful is
-looking at the logs for all the updates that occurred in a time range you
-believe may have been missed. This information is very low level and only
-useful for operators that are familiar with the GitLab codebase. It is
-documented here in case it is useful for others. The relevant logs that could
-theoretically be used to figure out what needs to be replayed are:
-1. All non-repository updates that were synced can be found in
- [`elasticsearch.log`](../administration/logs/index.md#elasticsearchlog) by
- searching for
- [`track_items`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/1e60ea99bd8110a97d8fc481e2f41cab14e63d31/ee/app/services/elastic/process_bookkeeping_service.rb#L25)
- and these can be replayed by sending these items again through
- `::Elastic::ProcessBookkeepingService.track!`
-1. All repository updates that occurred can be found in
- [`elasticsearch.log`](../administration/logs/index.md#elasticsearchlog) by
- searching for
- [`indexing_commit_range`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/6f9d75dd3898536b9ec2fb206e0bd677ab59bd6d/ee/lib/gitlab/elastic/indexer.rb#L41).
- Replaying these requires resetting the
- [`IndexStatus#last_commit/last_wiki_commit`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/models/index_status.rb)
- to the oldest `from_sha` in the logs and then triggering another index of
- the project using
- [`ElasticCommitIndexerWorker`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/workers/elastic_commit_indexer_worker.rb)
-1. All project deletes that occurred can be found in
- [`sidekiq.log`](../administration/logs/index.md#sidekiqlog) by searching for
- [`ElasticDeleteProjectWorker`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/workers/elastic_delete_project_worker.rb).
- These updates can be replayed by triggering another
- `ElasticDeleteProjectWorker`.
-With the above methods and taking regular
-[Elasticsearch snapshots](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/snapshot-restore.html)
-we should be able to recover from different kinds of data loss issues in a
-relatively short period of time compared to indexing everything from