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Diffstat (limited to 'qa/qa/vendor/jenkins/client.rb')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/qa/vendor/jenkins/client.rb b/qa/qa/vendor/jenkins/client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7666255010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/qa/vendor/jenkins/client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'base64'
+require 'cgi'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'json'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require 'rest-client'
+require 'securerandom'
+require_relative './helpers'
+require_relative './job'
+module QA
+ module Vendor
+ module Jenkins
+ NetworkError = Class.new(StandardError)
+ NotParseableError = Class.new(StandardError)
+ class Client
+ include Helpers
+ attr_accessor :cookies
+ # @param host [String] the ip or hostname of the jenkins server
+ # @param user [String] the Jenkins admin user
+ # @param password [String] the Jenkins admin password
+ # @param port [Integer] the port that Jenkins is serving on
+ def initialize(host, user:, password:, port: nil)
+ @host = host
+ @user = user
+ @password = password
+ @port = port
+ @cookies = {}
+ end
+ def ready?
+ !!try_parse(RestClient.get(crumb_path, auth_headers).body)
+ end
+ # Creates a new job in Jenkins
+ #
+ # @param name [String] the name of the job
+ # @yieldparam job [Jenkins::Job] the job to be configured
+ # @return [Jenkins::Job] the created job in Jenkins
+ def create_job(name)
+ job = Job.new(name, self)
+ yield job if block_given?
+ job.create
+ job
+ end
+ # Is a given job running?
+ #
+ # @param name [String] the name of the job
+ # @return [Boolean] is the job running?
+ def job_running?(name)
+ res = execute <<~GROOVY
+ project = Jenkins.instance.getProjects().find{p -> p.getName().equals('#{name}')}
+ build = project.getBuilds().find{b -> b.getExecutor()}
+ return build ? build.getExecutor().isActive() : false
+ JSON.parse parse_result(res)
+ end
+ # Number of builds currently executing for a given job
+ #
+ # @param name [String] the name of the job
+ # @return [Integer] the number of builds currently running
+ def number_of_jobs_running(name)
+ res = execute <<~GROOVY
+ project = Jenkins.instance.getProjects().find{p -> p.getName().equals('#{name}')}
+ builds = project.getBuilds().findAll{b -> b.getExecutor()}
+ return builds.size
+ JSON.parse parse_result(res)&.to_i
+ end
+ # Latest build status for a job
+ #
+ # @param name [String] the name of the job
+ # @return [Symbol] the latest build status eg, (:success, :failure, etc)
+ def last_build_status(name)
+ res = execute <<~GROOVY
+ project = Jenkins.instance.getProjects().find{p -> p.getName().equals('#{name}')}
+ build = project.getBuilds()[-1]
+ return build.getResult()
+ parse_result(res)&.downcase&.to_sym
+ end
+ # Latest build id for a job
+ # Can be used to reference in other queries
+ #
+ # @param job_name [String] the name of the job
+ # @return [Integer] the latest build id
+ def last_build_id(job_name)
+ res = execute <<~GROOVY
+ project = Jenkins.instance.getProjects().find{p -> p.getName().equals('#{job_name}')}
+ build = project.getBuilds()[-1]
+ return build.getId()
+ parse_result(res)&.to_i
+ end
+ # Latest build log for a job
+ #
+ # @param job_name [String] the name of the job
+ # @param start [Integer] the log offset to return
+ # @return [String] the latest Jenkins log/output for this job
+ def last_build_log(job_name, start = 0)
+ get(
+ path: "/job/#{job_name}/#{last_build_id(job_name)}/logText/progressiveText",
+ params: { start: start }
+ ).body
+ end
+ # Triggers a build for a given job
+ #
+ # @param name [String] the name of the job to trigger a build for
+ # @param [Hash] params the query parameters as a hash for the build endpoint
+ def build(name, params: {})
+ post(params, path: "/job/#{name}/build")
+ end
+ # Executes a Groovy script against the Jenkins instance
+ #
+ # @param script [String] the Groovy script to execute
+ def execute(script)
+ post("script=#{script}", path: '/scriptText')
+ end
+ # Sends XML to a given Jenkins endpoint
+ # This might be useful for filling in gaps in this lib
+ #
+ # @param xml [String] the xml to post
+ # @param params [Hash] the query parameters as a hash
+ # @param path [String] the path to post to ex: /job/<name>/build
+ # @return [Typhoeus::Response]
+ def post_xml(xml, params: {}, path: '')
+ post(xml, params: params, path: path, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' })
+ end
+ # Posts data to Jenkins
+ # This might be useful for filling in gaps in this lib
+ #
+ # @param data [String | Hash] the xml to post
+ # @param params [Hash] the query parameters as a hash
+ # @param path [String] the path to post to ex: /job/<name>/build
+ # @param headers [Hash] additional headers to send
+ # @return [Typhoeus::Response]
+ def post(data, params: {}, path: '', headers: {})
+ get_crumb
+ RestClient.post(
+ "#{api_path}#{path}?#{params_to_s(params)}",
+ data,
+ headers.merge(full_headers)
+ )
+ end
+ # Gets from a Jenkins endpoint
+ # This might be useful for filling in gaps in this lib
+ #
+ # @param path [String] the path to get from ex: /job/<name>/builds/<build_id>/logText/progressiveText
+ # @param params [Hash] the query parameters as a hash
+ # @return [Typhoeus::Response]
+ def get(path: '', params: {})
+ get_crumb
+ RestClient.get(
+ "#{api_path}#{path}?#{params_to_s(params)}",
+ full_headers
+ )
+ end
+ # configures the Jenkins GitLab plugin
+ #
+ # @param url [String] the url for the GitLab instance
+ # @param access_token [String] an access token for the GitLab instance
+ # @param secret_id [String] an secret id used for the Jenkins GitLab credentials
+ # @param hargs [Hash] extra keyword arguments to provide
+ # @option hargs [String] :connection_name the name to use for the gitlab connection
+ # @option hargs [Integer] :read_timeout the read timeout for GitLab Jenkins
+ # @option hargs [Integer] :connection_timeout the connection timeout for GitLab Jenkins
+ # @option hargs [Boolean] :ignore_ssl_errors whether GitLab Jenkins should ignore SSL errors
+ # @return [String] the execute response from Jenkins
+ def configure_gitlab_plugin(url, access_token:, secret_id: SecureRandom.hex(4), **hargs)
+ configure_secret(access_token, secret_id)
+ configure_gitlab(url, secret_id, **hargs)
+ end
+ private
+ def parse_result(res)
+ check_network_error(res)
+ res.body.scan(/Result: (.*)/)&.dig(0, 0)
+ end
+ def configure_gitlab(
+ url,
+ secret_id,
+ connection_name: 'default',
+ read_timeout: 10,
+ connection_timeout: 10,
+ ignore_ssl_errors: true
+ )
+ res = execute <<~GROOVY
+ import com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.connection.*;
+ conn = new GitLabConnection(
+ "#{connection_name}",
+ "#{url}",
+ "#{secret_id}",
+ #{ignore_ssl_errors},
+ #{connection_timeout},
+ #{read_timeout}
+ );
+ config = GitLabConnectionConfig.get();
+ config.setConnections([conn]);
+ res.body
+ end
+ def configure_secret(access_token, credential_id)
+ execute <<~GROOVY
+ import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
+ import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.domains.Domain;
+ import org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.impl.StringCredentialsImpl;
+ import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsScope;
+ import hudson.util.Secret;
+ instance = Jenkins.instance;
+ domain = Domain.global();
+ store = instance.getExtensionList("com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.SystemCredentialsProvider")[0].getStore();
+ secretText = new StringCredentialsImpl(
+ CredentialsScope.GLOBAL,
+ "#{credential_id}",
+ "GitLab API Token",
+ Secret.fromString("#{access_token}")
+ );
+ store.addCredentials(domain, secretText);
+ end
+ def get_crumb
+ return if @crumb
+ response = RestClient.get(crumb_path, auth_headers)
+ response_body = handle_json_response(response)
+ @crumb = response_body['crumb']
+ end
+ def params_to_s(params)
+ params.each_with_object([]) do |(k, v), memo|
+ memo << "#{k}=#{v}"
+ end.join('&')
+ end
+ def full_headers
+ crumb_headers
+ .merge(auth_headers)
+ .merge(cookie_headers)
+ end
+ def crumb_headers
+ { 'Jenkins-Crumb' => @crumb }
+ end
+ def auth_headers
+ { 'Authorization' => "Basic #{userpwd}" }
+ end
+ def cookie_headers
+ { cookies: @cookies }
+ end
+ def userpwd
+ Base64.encode64("#{@user}:#{@password}")
+ end
+ def api_path
+ "http://#{@host}:#{port}"
+ end
+ def crumb_path
+ "#{api_path}/crumbIssuer/api/json"
+ end
+ def port
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end