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gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gitlab-ci-yml/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 568 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gitlab-ci-yml/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml b/vendor/gitlab-ci-yml/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4223dc18933..00000000000
--- a/vendor/gitlab-ci-yml/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-# Auto DevOps
-# This CI/CD configuration provides a standard pipeline for
-# * building a Docker image (using a buildpack if necessary),
-# * storing the image in the container registry,
-# * running tests from a buildpack,
-# * running code quality analysis,
-# * creating a review app for each topic branch,
-# * and continuous deployment to production
-# In order to deploy, you must have a Kubernetes cluster configured either
-# via a project integration, or via group/project variables.
-# AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN must also be set as a variable at the group or project
-# level, or manually added below.
-# If you want to deploy to staging first, or enable canary deploys,
-# uncomment the relevant jobs in the pipeline below.
-# If Auto DevOps fails to detect the proper buildpack, or if you want to
-# specify a custom buildpack, set a project variable `BUILDPACK_URL` to the
-# repository URL of the buildpack.
-# e.g. BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby.git#v142
-# If you need multiple buildpacks, add a file to your project called
-# `.buildpacks` that contains the URLs, one on each line, in order.
-# Note: Auto CI does not work with multiple buildpacks yet
-image: alpine:latest
- # AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN is the application deployment domain and should be set as a variable at the group or project level.
- # AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN: domain.example.com
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD: testing-password
- - build
- - test
- - review
- - dast
- - staging
- - canary
- - production
- - performance
- - cleanup
- stage: build
- image: docker:git
- services:
- - docker:dind
- variables:
- DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
- script:
- - setup_docker
- - build
- only:
- - branches
- services:
- - postgres:latest
- variables:
- stage: test
- image: gliderlabs/herokuish:latest
- script:
- - setup_test_db
- - cp -R . /tmp/app
- - /bin/herokuish buildpack test
- only:
- - branches
- image: docker:latest
- variables:
- DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
- allow_failure: true
- services:
- - docker:dind
- script:
- - setup_docker
- - codeclimate
- artifacts:
- paths: [codeclimate.json]
- stage: performance
- image: docker:latest
- variables:
- DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
- allow_failure: true
- services:
- - docker:dind
- script:
- - setup_docker
- - performance
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - performance.json
- - sitespeed-results/
- only:
- refs:
- - branches
- kubernetes: active
- image: docker:latest
- variables:
- DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
- allow_failure: true
- services:
- - docker:dind
- script:
- - setup_docker
- - sast
- artifacts:
- paths: [gl-sast-report.json]
- image: docker:latest
- variables:
- DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
- allow_failure: true
- services:
- - docker:dind
- script:
- - setup_docker
- - sast_container
- artifacts:
- paths: [gl-sast-container-report.json]
- stage: dast
- allow_failure: true
- image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/zaproxy
- variables:
- POSTGRES_DB: "false"
- script:
- - dast
- artifacts:
- paths: [gl-dast-report.json]
- only:
- refs:
- - branches
- kubernetes: active
- except:
- - master
- stage: review
- script:
- - check_kube_domain
- - install_dependencies
- - download_chart
- - ensure_namespace
- - install_tiller
- - create_secret
- - deploy
- - persist_environment_url
- environment:
- name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
- on_stop: stop_review
- artifacts:
- paths: [environment_url.txt]
- only:
- refs:
- - branches
- kubernetes: active
- except:
- - master
- stage: cleanup
- variables:
- script:
- - install_dependencies
- - delete
- environment:
- name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
- action: stop
- when: manual
- allow_failure: true
- only:
- refs:
- - branches
- kubernetes: active
- except:
- - master
-# Keys that start with a dot (.) will not be processed by GitLab CI.
-# Staging and canary jobs are disabled by default, to enable them
-# remove the dot (.) before the job name.
-# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/README.html#hidden-keys
-# Staging deploys are disabled by default since
-# continuous deployment to production is enabled by default
-# If you prefer to automatically deploy to staging and
-# only manually promote to production, enable this job by removing the dot (.),
-# and uncomment the `when: manual` line in the `production` job.
- stage: staging
- script:
- - check_kube_domain
- - install_dependencies
- - download_chart
- - ensure_namespace
- - install_tiller
- - create_secret
- - deploy
- environment:
- name: staging
- only:
- refs:
- - master
- kubernetes: active
-# Canaries are disabled by default, but if you want them,
-# and know what the downsides are, enable this job by removing the dot (.),
-# and uncomment the `when: manual` line in the `production` job.
- stage: canary
- script:
- - check_kube_domain
- - install_dependencies
- - download_chart
- - ensure_namespace
- - install_tiller
- - create_secret
- - deploy canary
- environment:
- name: production
- when: manual
- only:
- refs:
- - master
- kubernetes: active
-# This job continuously deploys to production on every push to `master`.
-# To make this a manual process, either because you're enabling `staging`
-# or `canary` deploys, or you simply want more control over when you deploy
-# to production, uncomment the `when: manual` line in the `production` job.
- stage: production
- script:
- - check_kube_domain
- - install_dependencies
- - download_chart
- - ensure_namespace
- - install_tiller
- - create_secret
- - deploy
- - delete canary
- - persist_environment_url
- environment:
- name: production
- artifacts:
- paths: [environment_url.txt]
-# when: manual
- only:
- refs:
- - master
- kubernetes: active
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.auto_devops: &auto_devops |
- # Auto DevOps variables and functions
- [[ "$TRACE" ]] && set -x
- auto_database_url=postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}-postgres:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}
- export DATABASE_URL=${DATABASE_URL-$auto_database_url}
- export CI_CONTAINER_NAME=ci_job_build_${CI_JOB_ID}
- # Extract "MAJOR.MINOR" from CI_SERVER_VERSION and generate "MAJOR-MINOR-stable" for Security Products
- export SP_VERSION=$(echo "$CI_SERVER_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1-\2-stable/')
- function sast_container() {
- if [[ -n "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" ]]; then
- echo "Logging to GitLab Container Registry with CI credentials..."
- echo ""
- fi
- docker run -d --name db arminc/clair-db:latest
- docker run -p 6060:6060 --link db:postgres -d --name clair arminc/clair-local-scan:v2.0.1
- apk add -U wget ca-certificates
- wget https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner/releases/download/v8/clair-scanner_linux_amd64
- mv clair-scanner_linux_amd64 clair-scanner
- chmod +x clair-scanner
- touch clair-whitelist.yml
- ./clair-scanner -c http://docker:6060 --ip $(hostname -i) -r gl-sast-container-report.json -l clair.log -w clair-whitelist.yml ${CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY}:${CI_APPLICATION_TAG} || true
- }
- function codeclimate() {
- docker run --env SOURCE_CODE="$PWD" \
- --volume "$PWD":/code \
- --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
- "registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/codequality:$SP_VERSION" /code
- }
- function sast() {
- case "$CI_SERVER_VERSION" in
- *-ee)
- # Deprecation notice for CONFIDENCE_LEVEL variable
- echo "WARNING: CONFIDENCE_LEVEL is deprecated and MUST be replaced with SAST_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL"
- fi
- --volume "$PWD:/code" \
- --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
- "registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/sast:$SP_VERSION" /app/bin/run /code
- ;;
- *)
- echo "GitLab EE is required"
- ;;
- esac
- }
- function deploy() {
- track="${1-stable}"
- if [[ "$track" != "stable" ]]; then
- name="$name-$track"
- fi
- replicas="1"
- service_enabled="false"
- postgres_enabled="$POSTGRES_ENABLED"
- # canary uses stable db
- [[ "$track" == "canary" ]] && postgres_enabled="false"
- env_track=$( echo $track | tr -s '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' )
- env_slug=$( echo ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG//-/_} | tr -s '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' )
- if [[ "$track" == "stable" ]]; then
- # for stable track get number of replicas from `PRODUCTION_REPLICAS`
- eval new_replicas=\$${env_slug}_REPLICAS
- service_enabled="true"
- else
- # for all tracks get number of replicas from `CANARY_PRODUCTION_REPLICAS`
- eval new_replicas=\$${env_track}_${env_slug}_REPLICAS
- fi
- if [[ -n "$new_replicas" ]]; then
- replicas="$new_replicas"
- fi
- if [[ "$CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY" != "public" ]]; then
- secret_name='gitlab-registry'
- else
- secret_name=''
- fi
- helm upgrade --install \
- --wait \
- --set service.enabled="$service_enabled" \
- --set releaseOverride="$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG" \
- --set image.repository="$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY" \
- --set image.tag="$CI_APPLICATION_TAG" \
- --set image.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent \
- --set image.secrets[0].name="$secret_name" \
- --set application.track="$track" \
- --set application.database_url="$DATABASE_URL" \
- --set service.url="$CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL" \
- --set replicaCount="$replicas" \
- --set postgresql.enabled="$postgres_enabled" \
- --set postgresql.nameOverride="postgres" \
- --set postgresql.postgresUser="$POSTGRES_USER" \
- --set postgresql.postgresPassword="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" \
- --set postgresql.postgresDatabase="$POSTGRES_DB" \
- --namespace="$KUBE_NAMESPACE" \
- --version="$CI_PIPELINE_ID-$CI_JOB_ID" \
- "$name" \
- chart/
- }
- function install_dependencies() {
- apk add -U openssl curl tar gzip bash ca-certificates git
- wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/sgerrand.rsa.pub https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/master/sgerrand.rsa.pub
- wget https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/2.23-r3/glibc-2.23-r3.apk
- apk add glibc-2.23-r3.apk
- rm glibc-2.23-r3.apk
- curl "https://kubernetes-helm.storage.googleapis.com/helm-v${HELM_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz" | tar zx
- mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/bin/
- helm version --client
- curl -L -o /usr/bin/kubectl "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v${KUBERNETES_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"
- chmod +x /usr/bin/kubectl
- kubectl version --client
- }
- function setup_docker() {
- if ! docker info &>/dev/null; then
- if [ -z "$DOCKER_HOST" -a "$KUBERNETES_PORT" ]; then
- export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://localhost:2375'
- fi
- fi
- }
- function setup_test_db() {
- if [ -z ${KUBERNETES_PORT+x} ]; then
- DB_HOST=postgres
- else
- DB_HOST=localhost
- fi
- }
- function download_chart() {
- if [[ ! -d chart ]]; then
- auto_chart=${AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART:-gitlab/auto-deploy-app}
- auto_chart_name=$(basename $auto_chart)
- auto_chart_name=${auto_chart_name%.tgz}
- else
- auto_chart="chart"
- auto_chart_name="chart"
- fi
- helm init --client-only
- helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.io
- if [[ ! -d "$auto_chart" ]]; then
- helm fetch ${auto_chart} --untar
- fi
- if [ "$auto_chart_name" != "chart" ]; then
- mv ${auto_chart_name} chart
- fi
- helm dependency update chart/
- helm dependency build chart/
- }
- function ensure_namespace() {
- kubectl describe namespace "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" || kubectl create namespace "$KUBE_NAMESPACE"
- }
- function check_kube_domain() {
- if [ -z ${AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN+x} ]; then
- echo "In order to deploy or use Review Apps, AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN variable must be set"
- echo "You can do it in Auto DevOps project settings or defining a secret variable at group or project level"
- echo "You can also manually add it in .gitlab-ci.yml"
- false
- else
- true
- fi
- }
- function build() {
- if [[ -n "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" ]]; then
- echo "Logging to GitLab Container Registry with CI credentials..."
- echo ""
- fi
- if [[ -f Dockerfile ]]; then
- echo "Building Dockerfile-based application..."
- else
- echo "Building Heroku-based application using gliderlabs/herokuish docker image..."
- docker run -i --name="$CI_CONTAINER_NAME" -v "$(pwd):/tmp/app:ro" gliderlabs/herokuish /bin/herokuish buildpack build
- docker rm "$CI_CONTAINER_NAME" >/dev/null
- echo ""
- echo "Configuring $CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY:$CI_APPLICATION_TAG docker image..."
- docker create --expose 5000 --env PORT=5000 --name="$CI_CONTAINER_NAME" "$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY:$CI_APPLICATION_TAG" /bin/herokuish procfile start web
- docker rm "$CI_CONTAINER_NAME" >/dev/null
- echo ""
- fi
- echo "Pushing to GitLab Container Registry..."
- echo ""
- }
- function install_tiller() {
- echo "Checking Tiller..."
- helm init --upgrade
- kubectl rollout status -n "$TILLER_NAMESPACE" -w "deployment/tiller-deploy"
- if ! helm version --debug; then
- echo "Failed to init Tiller."
- return 1
- fi
- echo ""
- }
- function create_secret() {
- echo "Create secret..."
- if [[ "$CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY" == "public" ]]; then
- return
- fi
- kubectl create secret -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" \
- docker-registry gitlab-registry \
- --docker-server="$CI_REGISTRY" \
- --docker-username="$CI_REGISTRY_USER" \
- --docker-password="$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" \
- --docker-email="$GITLAB_USER_EMAIL" \
- -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" --force -f -
- }
- function dast() {
- export CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL=$(cat environment_url.txt)
- mkdir /zap/wrk/
- /zap/zap-baseline.py -J gl-dast-report.json -t "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL" || true
- cp /zap/wrk/gl-dast-report.json .
- }
- function performance() {
- export CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL=$(cat environment_url.txt)
- mkdir gitlab-exporter
- wget -O gitlab-exporter/index.js https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gl-performance/raw/10-5/index.js
- mkdir sitespeed-results
- if [ -f .gitlab-urls.txt ]
- then
- sed -i -e 's@^@'"$CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL"'@' .gitlab-urls.txt
- docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/sitespeed.io sitespeedio/sitespeed.io:6.3.1 --plugins.add ./gitlab-exporter --outputFolder sitespeed-results .gitlab-urls.txt
- else
- docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/sitespeed.io sitespeedio/sitespeed.io:6.3.1 --plugins.add ./gitlab-exporter --outputFolder sitespeed-results "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL"
- fi
- mv sitespeed-results/data/performance.json performance.json
- }
- function persist_environment_url() {
- echo $CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL > environment_url.txt
- }
- function delete() {
- track="${1-stable}"
- if [[ "$track" != "stable" ]]; then
- name="$name-$track"
- fi
- if [[ -n "$(helm ls -q "^$name$")" ]]; then
- helm delete "$name"
- fi
- }
- - *auto_devops