import $ from 'jquery'; import axios from '../lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { __ } from '../locale'; import Flash from '../flash'; import LazyLoader from '../lazy_loader'; import { togglePopover } from '../shared/popover'; export const getSelector = highlightId => `.js-feature-highlight[data-highlight=${highlightId}]`; export function dismiss(highlightId) {'data-dismiss-endpoint'), { feature_name: highlightId, }) .catch(() => Flash(__('An error occurred while dismissing the feature highlight. Refresh the page and try dismissing again.')));, false); this.hide(); } export function inserted() { const popoverId = this.getAttribute('aria-describedby'); const highlightId = this.dataset.highlight; const $popover = $(this); const dismissWrapper = dismiss.bind($popover, highlightId); $(`#${popoverId} .dismiss-feature-highlight`) .on('click', dismissWrapper); const lazyImg = $(`#${popoverId} .feature-highlight-illustration`)[0]; if (lazyImg) { LazyLoader.loadImage(lazyImg); } }