import _ from 'underscore'; import FilteredSearchContainer from '~/filtered_search/container'; import FilteredSearchVisualTokens from '~/filtered_search/filtered_search_visual_tokens'; import AjaxCache from '~/lib/utils/ajax_cache'; import DropdownUtils from '~/filtered_search/dropdown_utils'; import Flash from '~/flash'; import UsersCache from '~/lib/utils/users_cache'; export default class VisualTokenValue { constructor(tokenValue, tokenType) { this.tokenValue = tokenValue; this.tokenType = tokenType; } render(tokenValueContainer, tokenValueElement) { const { tokenType } = this; if (['none', 'any'].includes(tokenType)) { return; } if (tokenType === 'label') { this.updateLabelTokenColor(tokenValueContainer); } else if (tokenType === 'author' || tokenType === 'assignee') { this.updateUserTokenAppearance(tokenValueContainer, tokenValueElement); } else if (tokenType === 'my-reaction') { this.updateEmojiTokenAppearance(tokenValueContainer, tokenValueElement); } } updateUserTokenAppearance(tokenValueContainer, tokenValueElement) { const { tokenValue } = this; const username = this.tokenValue.replace(/^@/, ''); return ( UsersCache.retrieve(username) .then(user => { if (!user) { return; } /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ tokenValueContainer.dataset.originalValue = tokenValue; tokenValueElement.innerHTML = ` ${_.escape(} `; /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ }) // ignore error and leave username in the search bar .catch(() => {}) ); } updateLabelTokenColor(tokenValueContainer) { const { tokenValue } = this; const filteredSearchInput = FilteredSearchContainer.container.querySelector('.filtered-search'); const { baseEndpoint } = filteredSearchInput.dataset; const labelsEndpoint = FilteredSearchVisualTokens.getEndpointWithQueryParams( `${baseEndpoint}/labels.json`, filteredSearchInput.dataset.endpointQueryParams, ); return AjaxCache.retrieve(labelsEndpoint) .then(labels => { const matchingLabel = (labels || []).find( label => `~${DropdownUtils.getEscapedText(label.title)}` === tokenValue, ); if (!matchingLabel) { return; } VisualTokenValue.setTokenStyle( tokenValueContainer, matchingLabel.color, matchingLabel.text_color, ); }) .catch(() => new Flash('An error occurred while fetching label colors.')); } static setTokenStyle(tokenValueContainer, backgroundColor, textColor) { const token = tokenValueContainer; = backgroundColor; = textColor; if (textColor === '#FFFFFF') { const removeToken = token.querySelector('.remove-token'); removeToken.classList.add('inverted'); } return token; } updateEmojiTokenAppearance(tokenValueContainer, tokenValueElement) { const container = tokenValueContainer; const element = tokenValueElement; const value = this.tokenValue; return ( import(/* webpackChunkName: 'emoji' */ '../emoji') .then(Emoji => { Emoji.initEmojiMap() .then(() => { if (!Emoji.isEmojiNameValid(value)) { return; } container.dataset.originalValue = value; element.innerHTML = Emoji.glEmojiTag(value); }) // ignore error and leave emoji name in the search bar .catch(err => { throw err; }); }) // ignore error and leave emoji name in the search bar .catch(importError => { throw importError; }) ); } }