/* eslint-disable comma-dangle, quotes, consistent-return, func-names, array-callback-return, space-before-function-paren, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len, no-unused-expressions, no-sequences, no-underscore-dangle, no-unused-vars, no-param-reassign */ /* global IssuableIndex */ import _ from 'underscore'; import Flash from './flash'; export default { init({ container, form, issues, prefixId } = {}) { this.prefixId = prefixId || 'issue_'; this.form = form || this.getElement('.bulk-update'); this.$labelDropdown = this.form.find('.js-label-select'); this.issues = issues || this.getElement('.issues-list .issue'); this.willUpdateLabels = false; this.bindEvents(); }, bindEvents() { return this.form.off('submit').on('submit', this.onFormSubmit.bind(this)); }, onFormSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); return this.submit(); }, submit() { const _this = this; const xhr = $.ajax({ url: this.form.attr('action'), method: this.form.attr('method'), dataType: 'JSON', data: this.getFormDataAsObject() }); xhr.done(() => window.location.reload()); xhr.fail(() => this.onFormSubmitFailure()); }, onFormSubmitFailure() { this.form.find('[type="submit"]').enable(); return new Flash("Issue update failed"); }, getSelectedIssues() { return this.issues.has('.selected_issue:checked'); }, getLabelsFromSelection() { const labels = []; this.getSelectedIssues().map(function() { const labelsData = $(this).data('labels'); if (labelsData) { return labelsData.map(function(labelId) { if (labels.indexOf(labelId) === -1) { return labels.push(labelId); } }); } }); return labels; }, /** * Will return only labels that were marked previously and the user has unmarked * @return {Array} Label IDs */ getUnmarkedIndeterminedLabels() { const result = []; const labelsToKeep = this.$labelDropdown.data('indeterminate'); this.getLabelsFromSelection().forEach((id) => { if (labelsToKeep.indexOf(id) === -1) { result.push(id); } }); return result; }, /** * Simple form serialization, it will return just what we need * Returns key/value pairs from form data */ getFormDataAsObject() { const formData = { update: { state_event: this.form.find('input[name="update[state_event]"]').val(), // For Merge Requests assignee_id: this.form.find('input[name="update[assignee_id]"]').val(), // For Issues assignee_ids: [this.form.find('input[name="update[assignee_ids][]"]').val()], milestone_id: this.form.find('input[name="update[milestone_id]"]').val(), issuable_ids: this.form.find('input[name="update[issuable_ids]"]').val(), subscription_event: this.form.find('input[name="update[subscription_event]"]').val(), add_label_ids: [], remove_label_ids: [] } }; if (this.willUpdateLabels) { formData.update.add_label_ids = this.$labelDropdown.data('marked'); formData.update.remove_label_ids = this.$labelDropdown.data('unmarked'); } return formData; }, setOriginalDropdownData() { const $labelSelect = $('.bulk-update .js-label-select'); $labelSelect.data('common', this.getOriginalCommonIds()); $labelSelect.data('marked', this.getOriginalMarkedIds()); $labelSelect.data('indeterminate', this.getOriginalIndeterminateIds()); }, // From issuable's initial bulk selection getOriginalCommonIds() { const labelIds = []; this.getElement('.selected_issue:checked').each((i, el) => { labelIds.push(this.getElement(`#${this.prefixId}${el.dataset.id}`).data('labels')); }); return _.intersection.apply(this, labelIds); }, // From issuable's initial bulk selection getOriginalMarkedIds() { const labelIds = []; this.getElement('.selected_issue:checked').each((i, el) => { labelIds.push(this.getElement(`#${this.prefixId}${el.dataset.id}`).data('labels')); }); return _.intersection.apply(this, labelIds); }, // From issuable's initial bulk selection getOriginalIndeterminateIds() { const uniqueIds = []; const labelIds = []; let issuableLabels = []; // Collect unique label IDs for all checked issues this.getElement('.selected_issue:checked').each((i, el) => { issuableLabels = this.getElement(`#${this.prefixId}${el.dataset.id}`).data('labels'); issuableLabels.forEach((labelId) => { // Store unique IDs if (uniqueIds.indexOf(labelId) === -1) { uniqueIds.push(labelId); } }); // Store array of IDs per issuable labelIds.push(issuableLabels); }); // Add uniqueIds to add it as argument for _.intersection labelIds.unshift(uniqueIds); // Return IDs that are present but not in all selected issueables return _.difference(uniqueIds, _.intersection.apply(this, labelIds)); }, getElement(selector) { this.scopeEl = this.scopeEl || $('.content'); return this.scopeEl.find(selector); }, };