/* global Pikaday */ /* global dateFormat */ (() => { // Add datepickers to all `js-access-expiration-date` elements. If those elements are // children of an element with the `clearable-input` class, and have a sibling // `js-clear-input` element, then show that element when there is a value in the // datepicker, and make clicking on that element clear the field. // window.gl = window.gl || {}; gl.MemberExpirationDate = (selector = '.js-access-expiration-date') => { function toggleClearInput() { $(this).closest('.clearable-input').toggleClass('has-value', $(this).val() !== ''); } const inputs = $(selector); inputs.each((i, el) => { const $input = $(el); const calendar = new Pikaday({ field: $input.get(0), theme: 'gitlab-theme animate-picker', format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', minDate: new Date(), container: $input.parent().get(0), onSelect(dateText) { $input.val(dateFormat(new Date(dateText), 'yyyy-mm-dd')); $input.trigger('change'); toggleClearInput.call($input); }, }); calendar.setDate(new Date($input.val())); $input.data('pikaday', calendar); }); inputs.next('.js-clear-input').on('click', function clicked(event) { event.preventDefault(); const input = $(this).closest('.clearable-input').find(selector); const calendar = input.data('pikaday'); calendar.setDate(null); input.trigger('change'); toggleClearInput.call(input); }); inputs.on('blur', toggleClearInput); inputs.each(toggleClearInput); }; }).call(window);