import $ from 'jquery'; import Vue from 'vue'; import setupNativeFormVariableList from '../../../../ci_variable_list/native_form_variable_list'; import GlFieldErrors from '../../../../gl_field_errors'; import Translate from '../../../../vue_shared/translate'; import intervalPatternInput from './components/interval_pattern_input.vue'; import TargetBranchDropdown from './components/target_branch_dropdown'; import TimezoneDropdown from './components/timezone_dropdown'; Vue.use(Translate); function initIntervalPatternInput() { const intervalPatternMount = document.getElementById('interval-pattern-input'); const initialCronInterval = intervalPatternMount?.dataset?.initialInterval; return new Vue({ el: intervalPatternMount, components: { intervalPatternInput, }, render(createElement) { return createElement('interval-pattern-input', { props: { initialCronInterval, }, }); }, }); } export default () => { /* Most of the form is written in haml, but for fields with more complex behaviors, * you should mount individual Vue components here. If at some point components need * to share state, it may make sense to refactor the whole form to Vue */ initIntervalPatternInput(); // Initialize non-Vue JS components in the form const formElement = document.getElementById('new-pipeline-schedule-form'); gl.timezoneDropdown = new TimezoneDropdown({ $dropdownEl: $('.js-timezone-dropdown'), $inputEl: $('#schedule_cron_timezone'), onSelectTimezone: () => { gl.pipelineScheduleFieldErrors.updateFormValidityState(); }, }); gl.targetBranchDropdown = new TargetBranchDropdown(); gl.pipelineScheduleFieldErrors = new GlFieldErrors(formElement); setupNativeFormVariableList({ container: $('.js-ci-variable-list-section'), formField: 'schedule', }); };