import * as d3 from 'd3'; export const createUniqueLinkId = (stageName, jobName) => `${stageName}-${jobName}`; /** * This function expects its first argument data structure * to be the same shaped as the one generated by `parseData`, * which contains nodes and links. For each link, * we find the nodes in the graph, calculate their coordinates and * trace the lines that represent the needs of each job. * @param {Object} nodeDict - Resulting object of `parseData` with nodes and links * @param {String} containerID - Id for the svg the links will be draw in * @returns {Array} Links that contain all the information about them */ export const generateLinksData = ({ links }, containerID, modifier = '') => { const containerEl = document.getElementById(containerID); return => { const path = d3.path(); const sourceId = link.source; const targetId =; const modifiedSourceId = `${sourceId}${modifier}`; const modifiedTargetId = `${targetId}${modifier}`; const sourceNodeEl = document.getElementById(modifiedSourceId); const targetNodeEl = document.getElementById(modifiedTargetId); const sourceNodeCoordinates = sourceNodeEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const targetNodeCoordinates = targetNodeEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const containerCoordinates = containerEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // Because we add the svg dynamically and calculate the coordinates // with plain JS and not D3, we need to account for the fact that // the coordinates we are getting are absolutes, but we want to draw // relative to the svg container, which starts at `containerCoordinates(x,y)` // so we substract these from the total. We also need to remove the padding // from the total to make sure it's aligned properly. We then make the line // positioned in the center of the job node by adding half the height // of the job pill. const paddingLeft = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle(containerEl, null).getPropertyValue('padding-left') || 0, ); const paddingTop = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle(containerEl, null).getPropertyValue('padding-top') || 0, ); const sourceNodeX = sourceNodeCoordinates.right - containerCoordinates.x - paddingLeft; const sourceNodeY = - containerCoordinates.y - paddingTop + sourceNodeCoordinates.height / 2; const targetNodeX = targetNodeCoordinates.x - containerCoordinates.x - paddingLeft; const targetNodeY = targetNodeCoordinates.y - containerCoordinates.y - paddingTop + sourceNodeCoordinates.height / 2; // Start point path.moveTo(sourceNodeX, sourceNodeY); // Make cross-stages lines a straight line all the way // until we can safely draw the bezier to look nice. // The adjustment number here is a magic number to make things // look nice and should change if the padding changes. This goes well // with gl-px-6. gl-px-8 is more like 100. const straightLineDestinationX = targetNodeX - 60; const controlPointX = straightLineDestinationX + (targetNodeX - straightLineDestinationX) / 2; if (straightLineDestinationX > 0) { path.lineTo(straightLineDestinationX, sourceNodeY); } // Add bezier curve. The first 4 coordinates are the 2 control // points to create the curve, and the last one is the end point (x, y). // We want our control points to be in the middle of the line path.bezierCurveTo( controlPointX, sourceNodeY, controlPointX, targetNodeY, targetNodeX, targetNodeY, ); return {, source: sourceId, target: targetId, ref: createUniqueLinkId(sourceId, targetId), path: path.toString(), }; }); };