import { BrowserClient, getCurrentHub, defaultStackParser, makeFetchTransport, defaultIntegrations, BrowserTracing, // exports captureException, captureMessage, SDK_VERSION, } from 'sentrybrowser'; const initSentry = () => { if (!gon?.sentry_dsn) { return; } const hub = getCurrentHub(); const page = document?.body?.dataset?.page; const client = new BrowserClient({ // Sentry.init(...) options dsn: gon.sentry_dsn, release: gon.version, allowUrls: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? [gon.gitlab_url] : [gon.gitlab_url, 'webpack-internal://'], environment: gon.sentry_environment, // Browser tracing configuration tracePropagationTargets: [/^\//], // only trace internal requests tracesSampleRate: gon.sentry_clientside_traces_sample_rate || 0, // This configuration imitates the Sentry.init() default configuration // transport: makeFetchTransport, stackParser: defaultStackParser, integrations: [ ...defaultIntegrations, new BrowserTracing({ beforeNavigate(context) { return { ...context, // `page` acts as transaction name for performance tracing. // If missing, use default Sentry behavior: window.location.pathname name: page || window?.location?.pathname, }; }, }), ], }); hub.bindClient(client); hub.setTags({ revision: gon.revision, feature_category: gon.feature_category, page, }); if (gon.current_user_id) { hub.setUser({ id: gon.current_user_id, }); } // The option `autoSessionTracking` is only avaialble on Sentry.init // this manually starts a session in a similar way. // See: hub.startSession({ ignoreDuration: true }); // `ignoreDuration` counts only the page view. hub.captureSession(); // The _Sentry object is globally exported so it can be used by // ./sentry_browser_wrapper.js // This hack allows us to load a single version of `@sentry/browser` // in the browser, see app/views/layouts/_head.html.haml to find how it is imported. // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle window._Sentry = { captureException, captureMessage, SDK_VERSION, // used to verify compatibility with the Sentry instance }; }; export { initSentry };