import { s__, __ } from '~/locale'; export const I18N_EXPLANATION = s__( "IdentityVerification|For added security, you'll need to verify your identity. We've sent a verification code to %{email}", ); export const I18N_INPUT_LABEL = s__('IdentityVerification|Verification code'); export const I18N_EMAIL_EMPTY_CODE = s__('IdentityVerification|Enter a code.'); export const I18N_EMAIL_INVALID_CODE = s__('IdentityVerification|Please enter a valid code'); export const I18N_SUBMIT_BUTTON = s__('IdentityVerification|Verify code'); export const I18N_RESEND_LINK = s__('IdentityVerification|Resend code'); export const I18N_EMAIL_RESEND_SUCCESS = s__('IdentityVerification|A new code has been sent.'); export const I18N_GENERIC_ERROR = s__( 'IdentityVerification|Something went wrong. Please try again.', ); export const I18N_EMAIL = __('Email'); export const I18N_UPDATE_EMAIL = s__('IdentityVerification|Update email'); export const I18N_UPDATE_EMAIL_GUIDANCE = s__( "EmailVerification|Update your email to a valid permanent address. If you use a temporary email, you won't be able to sign in later.", ); export const I18N_CANCEL = __('Cancel'); export const I18N_EMAIL_INVALID = s__('IdentityVerification|Please enter a valid email address.'); export const I18N_UPDATE_EMAIL_SUCCESS = s__( 'IdentityVerification|A new code has been sent to your updated email address.', ); export const VERIFICATION_CODE_REGEX = /^\d{6}$/; export const EMAIL_REGEXP = /^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+$/; // Taken from DeviseEmailValidator export const SUCCESS_RESPONSE = 'success'; export const FAILURE_RESPONSE = 'failure';