/** * The purpose of this file is to modify Markdown source such that templated code (embedded ruby currently) can be temporarily wrapped and unwrapped in codeblocks: * 1. `wrap()`: temporarily wrap in codeblocks (useful for a WYSIWYG editing experience) * 2. `unwrap()`: undo the temporarily wrapped codeblocks (useful for Markdown editing experience and saving edits) * * Without this `templater`, the templated code is otherwise interpreted as Markdown content resulting in loss of spacing, indentation, escape characters, etc. * */ const ticks = '```'; const marker = 'sse'; const wrapPrefix = `${ticks} ${marker}\n`; // Space intentional due to https://github.com/nhn/tui.editor/blob/6bcec75c69028570d93d973aa7533090257eaae0/libs/to-mark/src/renderer.gfm.js#L26 const wrapPostfix = `\n${ticks}`; const markPrefix = `${marker}-${Date.now()}`; const reHelpers = { template: `.| |\\t|\\n(?!(\\n|${markPrefix}))`, openTag: '<[a-zA-Z]+.*?>', closeTag: '', }; const reTemplated = new RegExp(`(^${wrapPrefix}(${reHelpers.template})+?${wrapPostfix}$)`, 'gm'); const rePreexistingCodeBlocks = new RegExp(`(^${ticks}.*\\n(.|\\s)+?${ticks}$)`, 'gm'); const reHtmlMarkup = new RegExp( `^((${reHelpers.openTag}){1}(${reHelpers.template})*(${reHelpers.closeTag}){1})$`, 'gm', ); const reEmbeddedRubyBlock = new RegExp(`(^<%(${reHelpers.template})+%>$)`, 'gm'); const reEmbeddedRubyInline = new RegExp(`(^.*[<|<]%(${reHelpers.template})+$)`, 'gm'); const patternGroups = { ignore: [rePreexistingCodeBlocks], // Order is intentional (general to specific) where HTML markup is marked first, then ERB blocks, then inline ERB // Order in combo with the `mark()` algorithm is used to mitigate potential duplicate pattern matches (ERB nested in HTML for example) allow: [reHtmlMarkup, reEmbeddedRubyBlock, reEmbeddedRubyInline], }; const mark = (source, groups) => { let text = source; let id = 0; const hash = {}; Object.entries(groups).forEach(([groupKey, group]) => { group.forEach(pattern => { const matches = text.match(pattern); if (matches) { matches.forEach(match => { const key = `${markPrefix}-${groupKey}-${id}`; text = text.replace(match, key); hash[key] = match; id += 1; }); } }); }); return { text, hash }; }; const unmark = (text, hash) => { let source = text; Object.entries(hash).forEach(([key, value]) => { const newVal = key.includes('ignore') ? value : `${wrapPrefix}${value}${wrapPostfix}`; source = source.replace(key, newVal); }); return source; }; const unwrap = source => { let text = source; const matches = text.match(reTemplated); if (matches) { matches.forEach(match => { const initial = match.replace(`${wrapPrefix}`, '').replace(`${wrapPostfix}`, ''); text = text.replace(match, initial); }); } return text; }; const wrap = source => { const { text, hash } = mark(unwrap(source), patternGroups); return unmark(text, hash); }; export default { wrap, unwrap };