const buildToken = (type, tagName, props) => { return { type, tagName, ...props }; }; const TAG_TYPES = { block: 'div', inline: 'a', }; // Open helpers (singular and multiple) const buildUneditableOpenToken = (tagType = TAG_TYPES.block) => buildToken('openTag', tagType, { attributes: { contenteditable: false }, classNames: [ 'gl-px-4 gl-py-2 gl-my-5 gl-opacity-5 gl-bg-gray-100 gl-user-select-none gl-cursor-not-allowed', ], }); export const buildUneditableOpenTokens = (token, tagType = TAG_TYPES.block) => { return [buildUneditableOpenToken(tagType), token]; }; // Close helpers (singular and multiple) export const buildUneditableCloseToken = (tagType = TAG_TYPES.block) => buildToken('closeTag', tagType); export const buildUneditableCloseTokens = (token, tagType = TAG_TYPES.block) => { return [token, buildUneditableCloseToken(tagType)]; }; // Complete helpers (open plus close) export const buildTextToken = content => buildToken('text', null, { content }); export const buildUneditableTokens = token => { return [...buildUneditableOpenTokens(token), buildUneditableCloseToken()]; }; export const buildUneditableInlineTokens = token => { return [ ...buildUneditableOpenTokens(token, TAG_TYPES.inline), buildUneditableCloseToken(TAG_TYPES.inline), ]; }; export const buildUneditableHtmlAsTextTokens = node => { /* Toast UI internally appends ' data-tomark-pass ' attribute flags so it can target certain nested nodes for internal use during Markdown <=> WYSIWYG conversions. In our case, we want to prevent HTML being rendered completely in WYSIWYG mode and thus we use a `text` vs. `html` type when building the token. However, in doing so, we need to strip out the ` data-tomark-pass ` to prevent their persistence within the `text` content as the user did not intend these as edits. */ const regex = / data-tomark-pass /gm; const content = node.literal.replace(regex, ''); const htmlAsTextToken = buildToken('text', null, { content }); return [buildUneditableOpenToken(), htmlAsTextToken, buildUneditableCloseToken()]; };