import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import pollUntilComplete from '~/lib/utils/poll_until_complete'; import { __, n__, sprintf } from '~/locale'; import { CRITICAL, HIGH } from '~/vulnerabilities/constants'; import { FEEDBACK_TYPE_DISMISSAL, FEEDBACK_TYPE_ISSUE, FEEDBACK_TYPE_MERGE_REQUEST, } from '../constants'; export const fetchDiffData = (state, endpoint, category) => { const requests = [pollUntilComplete(endpoint)]; if (state.canReadVulnerabilityFeedback) { requests.push(axios.get(state.vulnerabilityFeedbackPath, { params: { category } })); } return Promise.all(requests).then(([diffResponse, enrichResponse]) => ({ diff:, enrichData: enrichResponse?.data ?? [], })); }; /** * Returns given vulnerability enriched with the corresponding * feedback (`dismissal` or `issue` type) * @param {Object} vulnerability * @param {Array} feedback */ export const enrichVulnerabilityWithFeedback = (vulnerability, feedback = []) => feedback .filter((fb) => fb.project_fingerprint === vulnerability.project_fingerprint) .reduce((vuln, fb) => { if (fb.feedback_type === FEEDBACK_TYPE_DISMISSAL) { return { ...vuln, isDismissed: true, dismissalFeedback: fb, }; } if (fb.feedback_type === FEEDBACK_TYPE_ISSUE && fb.issue_iid) { return { ...vuln, hasIssue: true, issue_feedback: fb, }; } if (fb.feedback_type === FEEDBACK_TYPE_MERGE_REQUEST && fb.merge_request_iid) { return { ...vuln, hasMergeRequest: true, merge_request_feedback: fb, }; } return vuln; }, vulnerability); /** * Generates the added, fixed, and existing vulnerabilities from the API report. * * @param {Object} diff The original reports. * @param {Object} enrichData Feedback data to add to the reports. * @returns {Object} */ export const parseDiff = (diff, enrichData) => { const enrichVulnerability = (vulnerability) => ({ ...enrichVulnerabilityWithFeedback(vulnerability, enrichData), category: vulnerability.report_type, title: vulnerability.message ||, }); return { added: diff.added ? : [], fixed: diff.fixed ? : [], existing: diff.existing ? : [], }; }; const createCountMessage = ({ critical, high, other, total }) => { const otherMessage = n__('%d Other', '%d Others', other); const countMessage = __( '%{criticalStart}%{critical} Critical%{criticalEnd} %{highStart}%{high} High%{highEnd} and %{otherStart}%{otherMessage}%{otherEnd}', ); return total ? sprintf(countMessage, { critical, high, otherMessage }) : ''; }; const createStatusMessage = ({ reportType, status, total }) => { const vulnMessage = n__('vulnerability', 'vulnerabilities', total); let message; if (status) { message = __('%{reportType} %{status}'); } else if (!total) { message = __('%{reportType} detected %{totalStart}no%{totalEnd} vulnerabilities.'); } else { message = __( '%{reportType} detected %{totalStart}%{total}%{totalEnd} potential %{vulnMessage}', ); } return sprintf(message, { reportType, status, total, vulnMessage }); }; /** * Counts vulnerabilities. * Returns the amount of critical, high, and other vulnerabilities. * * @param {Array} vulnerabilities The raw vulnerabilities to parse * @returns {{critical: number, high: number, other: number}} */ export const countVulnerabilities = (vulnerabilities = []) => vulnerabilities.reduce( (acc, { severity }) => { if (severity === CRITICAL) { acc.critical += 1; } else if (severity === HIGH) { acc.high += 1; } else { acc.other += 1; } return acc; }, { critical: 0, high: 0, other: 0 }, ); /** * Takes an object of options and returns the object with an externalized string representing * the critical, high, and other severity vulnerabilities for a given report. * * The resulting string _may_ still contain sprintf-style placeholders. These * are left in place so they can be replaced with markup, via the * SecuritySummary component. * @param {{reportType: string, status: string, critical: number, high: number, other: number}} options * @returns {Object} the parameters with an externalized string */ export const groupedTextBuilder = ({ reportType = '', status = '', critical = 0, high = 0, other = 0, } = {}) => { const total = critical + high + other; return { countMessage: createCountMessage({ critical, high, other, total }), message: createStatusMessage({ reportType, status, total }), critical, high, other, status, total, }; };