class GroupsController < Groups::ApplicationController include IssuesAction include MergeRequestsAction include ParamsBackwardCompatibility include PreviewMarkdown respond_to :html before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:new, :create] before_action :group, except: [:index, :new, :create] # Authorize before_action :authorize_admin_group!, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy, :projects, :transfer] before_action :authorize_create_group!, only: [:new] before_action :group_projects, only: [:projects, :activity, :issues, :merge_requests] before_action :event_filter, only: [:activity] before_action :user_actions, only: [:show, :subgroups] skip_cross_project_access_check :index, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy, :projects # When loading show as an atom feed, we render events that could leak cross # project information skip_cross_project_access_check :show, if: -> { request.format.html? } layout :determine_layout def index redirect_to(current_user ? dashboard_groups_path : explore_groups_path) end def new @group = end def create @group =, group_params).execute if @group.persisted? notice = if @group.chat_team.present? "Group '#{}' and its Mattermost team were successfully created." else "Group '#{}' was successfully created." end redirect_to @group, notice: notice else render action: "new" end end def show respond_to do |format| format.html do @has_children = current_user, parent_group: @group, params: params).has_children? end format.atom do load_events render layout: 'xml.atom' end end end def activity respond_to do |format| format.html format.json do load_events pager_json("events/_events", @events.count) end end end def edit end def projects @projects =[:page]) end def update if, current_user, group_params).execute redirect_to edit_group_path(@group), notice: "Group '#{}' was successfully updated." else @group.restore_path! render action: "edit" end end def destroy, current_user).async_execute redirect_to root_path, status: 302, alert: "Group '#{}' was scheduled for deletion." end def transfer parent_group = Group.find_by(id: params[:new_parent_group_id]) service =, current_user) if service.execute(parent_group) flash[:notice] = "Group '#{}' was successfully transferred." redirect_to group_path(@group) else[:alert] = service.error render :edit end end protected def authorize_create_group! allowed = if params[:parent_id].present? parent = Group.find_by(id: params[:parent_id]) can?(current_user, :create_subgroup, parent) else can?(current_user, :create_group) end render_404 unless allowed end def determine_layout if [:new, :create].include?(action_name.to_sym) 'application' elsif [:edit, :update, :projects].include?(action_name.to_sym) 'group_settings' else 'group' end end def group_params params.require(:group).permit(group_params_attributes) end def group_params_attributes [ :avatar, :description, :lfs_enabled, :name, :path, :public, :request_access_enabled, :share_with_group_lock, :visibility_level, :parent_id, :create_chat_team, :chat_team_name, :require_two_factor_authentication, :two_factor_grace_period ] end def load_events params[:sort] ||= 'latest_activity_desc' options = {} options[:only_owned] = true if params[:shared] == '0' options[:only_shared] = true if params[:shared] == '1' @projects = params, group: group, options: options, current_user: current_user) .execute .includes(:namespace) @events = EventCollection .new(@projects, offset: params[:offset].to_i, filter: event_filter) .to_a Events::RenderService .new(current_user) .execute(@events, atom_request: request.format.atom?) end def user_actions if current_user @notification_setting = current_user.notification_settings_for(group) end end def build_canonical_path(group) return group_path(group) if action_name == 'show' # root group path params[:id] = group.to_param url_for(safe_params) end end