# frozen_string_literal: true class Oauth::ApplicationsController < Doorkeeper::ApplicationsController include Gitlab::GonHelper include PageLayoutHelper include OauthApplications include InitializesCurrentUserMode # Defined by the `Doorkeeper::ApplicationsController` and is redundant as we call `authenticate_user!` below. Not # defining or skipping this will result in a `403` response to all requests. skip_before_action :authenticate_admin! prepend_before_action :verify_user_oauth_applications_enabled, except: :index prepend_before_action :authenticate_user! before_action :add_gon_variables before_action :load_scopes, only: [:index, :create, :edit, :update] around_action :set_locale layout 'profile' def index set_index_vars end def show; end def create @application = Applications::CreateService.new(current_user, application_params).execute(request) if @application.persisted? flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:notice, scope: [:doorkeeper, :flash, :applications, :create]) @created = true render :show else set_index_vars render :index end end def renew set_application @application.renew_secret if @application.save render json: { secret: @application.plaintext_secret } else render json: { errors: @application.errors }, status: :unprocessable_entity end end private def verify_user_oauth_applications_enabled return if Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_oauth_applications? redirect_to profile_path end def set_index_vars @applications = current_user.oauth_applications.load @authorized_tokens = current_user.oauth_authorized_tokens .latest_per_application .preload_application # Don't overwrite a value possibly set by `create` @application ||= Doorkeeper::Application.new end # Override Doorkeeper to scope to the current user def set_application @application = current_user.oauth_applications.find(params[:id]) end rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception| render "errors/not_found", layout: "errors", status: :not_found end def application_params super.tap do |params| params[:owner] = current_user end end def set_locale(&block) Gitlab::I18n.with_user_locale(current_user, &block) end end