# This file should be identical in GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition class Projects::GitHttpClientController < Projects::ApplicationController include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic include KerberosSpnegoHelper attr_reader :authentication_result, :redirected_path delegate :actor, :authentication_abilities, to: :authentication_result, allow_nil: true alias_method :user, :actor # Git clients will not know what authenticity token to send along skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token skip_before_action :repository before_action :authenticate_user private def download_request? raise NotImplementedError end def upload_request? raise NotImplementedError end def authenticate_user @authentication_result = Gitlab::Auth::Result.new if allow_basic_auth? && basic_auth_provided? login, password = user_name_and_password(request) if handle_basic_authentication(login, password) return # Allow access end elsif allow_kerberos_spnego_auth? && spnego_provided? kerberos_user = find_kerberos_user if kerberos_user @authentication_result = Gitlab::Auth::Result.new( kerberos_user, nil, :kerberos, Gitlab::Auth.full_authentication_abilities) send_final_spnego_response return # Allow access end elsif project && download_request? && Guest.can?(:download_code, project) @authentication_result = Gitlab::Auth::Result.new(nil, project, :none, [:download_code]) return # Allow access end send_challenges render plain: "HTTP Basic: Access denied\n", status: 401 rescue Gitlab::Auth::MissingPersonalTokenError render_missing_personal_token end def basic_auth_provided? has_basic_credentials?(request) end def send_challenges challenges = [] challenges << 'Basic realm="GitLab"' if allow_basic_auth? challenges << spnego_challenge if allow_kerberos_spnego_auth? headers['Www-Authenticate'] = challenges.join("\n") if challenges.any? end def project parse_repo_path unless defined?(@project) @project end def parse_repo_path @project, @wiki, @redirected_path = Gitlab::RepoPath.parse("#{params[:namespace_id]}/#{params[:project_id]}") end def render_missing_personal_token render plain: "HTTP Basic: Access denied\n" \ "You must use a personal access token with 'api' scope for Git over HTTP.\n" \ "You can generate one at #{profile_personal_access_tokens_url}", status: 401 end def repository wiki? ? project.wiki.repository : project.repository end def wiki? parse_repo_path unless defined?(@wiki) @wiki end def handle_basic_authentication(login, password) @authentication_result = Gitlab::Auth.find_for_git_client( login, password, project: project, ip: request.ip) @authentication_result.success? end def ci? authentication_result.ci?(project) end end