# RootController # # This controller exists solely to handle requests to `root_url`. When a user is # logged in and has customized their `dashboard` setting, they will be # redirected to their preferred location. # # For users who haven't customized the setting, we simply delegate to # `DashboardController#show`, which is the default. class RootController < Dashboard::ProjectsController skip_before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:index] before_action :redirect_unlogged_user, if: -> { current_user.nil? } before_action :redirect_logged_user, if: -> { current_user.present? } def index # n+1: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/37434 Gitlab::GitalyClient.allow_n_plus_1_calls do super end end private def redirect_unlogged_user if redirect_to_home_page_url? redirect_to(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.home_page_url) else redirect_to(new_user_session_path) end end def redirect_logged_user case current_user.dashboard when 'stars' flash.keep redirect_to(starred_dashboard_projects_path) when 'project_activity' redirect_to(activity_dashboard_path) when 'starred_project_activity' redirect_to(activity_dashboard_path(filter: 'starred')) when 'groups' redirect_to(dashboard_groups_path) when 'todos' redirect_to(dashboard_todos_path) when 'issues' redirect_to(issues_dashboard_path(assignee_id: current_user.id)) when 'merge_requests' redirect_to(merge_requests_dashboard_path(assignee_id: current_user.id)) end end def redirect_to_home_page_url? # If user is not signed-in and tries to access root_path - redirect him to landing page # Don't redirect to the default URL to prevent endless redirections return false unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.home_page_url.present? home_page_url = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.home_page_url.chomp('/') root_urls = [Gitlab.config.gitlab['url'].chomp('/'), root_url.chomp('/')] root_urls.exclude?(home_page_url) end end