# frozen_string_literal: true class UsersController < ApplicationController include InternalRedirect include RoutableActions include RendersMemberAccess include RendersProjectsList include ControllerWithCrossProjectAccessCheck include Gitlab::NoteableMetadata requires_cross_project_access show: false, groups: false, projects: false, contributed: false, snippets: true, calendar: false, followers: false, following: false, calendar_activities: true skip_before_action :authenticate_user! prepend_before_action(only: [:show]) { authenticate_sessionless_user!(:rss) } before_action :user, except: [:exists] before_action :authorize_read_user_profile!, only: [:calendar, :calendar_activities, :groups, :projects, :contributed, :starred, :snippets, :followers, :following] before_action only: [:exists] do check_rate_limit!(:username_exists, scope: request.ip) end feature_category :users, [:show, :activity, :groups, :projects, :contributed, :starred, :followers, :following, :calendar, :calendar_activities, :exists, :activity, :follow, :unfollow, :ssh_keys] feature_category :snippets, [:snippets] feature_category :source_code_management, [:gpg_keys] # TODO: Set higher urgency after resolving https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/357914 urgency :low, [:show, :calendar_activities, :contributed, :activity, :projects, :groups, :calendar] urgency :default, [:followers, :following, :starred] urgency :high, [:exists] def show respond_to do |format| format.html format.atom do load_events render layout: 'xml' end format.json do msg = "This endpoint is deprecated. Use %s instead." % user_activity_path render json: { message: msg }, status: :not_found end end end # Get all keys of a user(params[:username]) in a text format # Helpful for sysadmins to put in respective servers def ssh_keys keys = user.all_ssh_keys.join("\n") keys << "\n" unless keys.empty? render plain: keys end def activity respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'show' } format.json do load_events pager_json("events/_events", @events.count, events: @events) end end end # Get all gpg keys of a user(params[:username]) in a text format def gpg_keys keys = user.gpg_keys.filter_map { |gpg_key| gpg_key.key if gpg_key.verified? }.join("\n") keys << "\n" unless keys.empty? render plain: keys end def groups load_groups respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'show' } format.json do render json: { html: view_to_html_string("shared/groups/_list", groups: @groups) } end end end def projects load_projects present_projects(@projects) end def contributed load_contributed_projects present_projects(@contributed_projects) end def starred load_starred_projects present_projects(@starred_projects) end def followers @user_followers = user.followers.page(params[:page]) present_users(@user_followers) end def following @user_following = user.followees.page(params[:page]) present_users(@user_following) end def present_projects(projects) skip_pagination = Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(params[:skip_pagination]) skip_namespace = Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(params[:skip_namespace]) compact_mode = Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(params[:compact_mode]) respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'show' } format.json do pager_json("shared/projects/_list", projects.count, projects: projects, skip_pagination: skip_pagination, skip_namespace: skip_namespace, compact_mode: compact_mode) end end end def snippets load_snippets respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'show' } format.json do render json: { html: view_to_html_string("snippets/_snippets", collection: @snippets) } end end end def calendar render json: contributions_calendar.activity_dates end def calendar_activities @calendar_date = begin Date.parse(params[:date]) rescue StandardError Date.today end @events = contributions_calendar.events_by_date(@calendar_date).map(&:present) render 'calendar_activities', layout: false end def exists if Gitlab::CurrentSettings.signup_enabled? || current_user render json: { exists: !!Namespace.find_by_path_or_name(params[:username]) } else render json: { error: _('You must be authenticated to access this path.') }, status: :unauthorized end end def follow current_user.follow(user) redirect_path = referer_path(request) || @user redirect_to redirect_path end def unfollow current_user.unfollow(user) redirect_path = referer_path(request) || @user redirect_to redirect_path end private def user @user ||= find_routable!(User, params[:username], request.fullpath) end def personal_projects PersonalProjectsFinder.new(user).execute(current_user) end def contributed_projects ContributedProjectsFinder.new(user).execute(current_user) end def starred_projects StarredProjectsFinder.new(user, params: finder_params, current_user: current_user).execute end def contributions_calendar @contributions_calendar ||= Gitlab::ContributionsCalendar.new(user, current_user) end def load_events @events = UserRecentEventsFinder.new(current_user, user, nil, params).execute Events::RenderService.new(current_user).execute(@events, atom_request: request.format.atom?) end def load_projects @projects = personal_projects .page(params[:page]) .per(params[:limit]) prepare_projects_for_rendering(@projects) end def load_contributed_projects @contributed_projects = contributed_projects.joined(user) prepare_projects_for_rendering(@contributed_projects) end def load_starred_projects @starred_projects = starred_projects prepare_projects_for_rendering(@starred_projects) end def load_groups @groups = JoinedGroupsFinder.new(user).execute(current_user) prepare_groups_for_rendering(@groups) end def load_snippets @snippets = SnippetsFinder.new(current_user, author: user, scope: params[:scope]) .execute .page(params[:page]) .inc_author @noteable_meta_data = noteable_meta_data(@snippets, 'Snippet') end def build_canonical_path(user) url_for(safe_params.merge(username: user.to_param)) end def authorize_read_user_profile! access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :read_user_profile, user) end def present_users(users) respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'show' } format.json do render json: { html: view_to_html_string("shared/users/index", users: users) } end end end def finder_params { # don't display projects pending deletion without_deleted: true, # don't display projects marked for deletion not_aimed_for_deletion: true } end end UsersController.prepend_mod_with('UsersController')