# frozen_string_literal: true # GroupProjectsFinder # # Used to filter Projects by set of params # # Arguments: # current_user - which user use # project_ids_relation: int[] - project ids to use # group # options: # exclude_shared: boolean # When true, only projects within the group are included in the result. # only_shared: boolean # When true, only projects arising from group-project shares are included in the result. # limit: integer # include_subgroups: boolean # include_ancestor_groups: boolean # params: # sort: string # visibility_level: int # tags: string[] # personal: boolean # search: string # non_archived: boolean # with_issues_enabled: boolean # with_merge_requests_enabled: boolean # min_access_level: int # owned: boolean # class GroupProjectsFinder < ProjectsFinder DEFAULT_PROJECTS_LIMIT = 100 attr_reader :group, :options def initialize(group:, params: {}, options: {}, current_user: nil, project_ids_relation: nil) super( params: params, current_user: current_user, project_ids_relation: project_ids_relation ) @group = group @options = options end def execute collection = super limit(collection) end private def filter_projects(collection) projects = super by_feature_availability(projects) end def limit(collection) limit = options[:limit] limit.present? ? collection.with_limit(limit) : collection end def init_collection projects = if only_shared? [shared_projects] elsif exclude_shared? [projects_within_group] else [projects_within_group, shared_projects] end projects.map! do |project_relation| filter_by_visibility(project_relation) end union(projects) end def by_feature_availability(projects) projects = projects.with_issues_available_for_user(current_user) if params[:with_issues_enabled].present? projects = projects.with_merge_requests_available_for_user(current_user) if params[:with_merge_requests_enabled].present? projects end def filter_by_visibility(relation) if current_user if owned_projects? relation.visible_to_user_and_access_level(current_user, Gitlab::Access::OWNER) elsif min_access_level? relation.visible_to_user_and_access_level(current_user, params[:min_access_level]) else relation.public_or_visible_to_user(current_user) end else relation.public_only end end def union(items) if items.one? items.first else find_union(items, Project) end end def exclude_shared? options.fetch(:exclude_shared, false) end def owned_projects? params.fetch(:owned, false) end def only_shared? options.fetch(:only_shared, false) end # subgroups are supported only for owned projects not for shared def include_subgroups? options.fetch(:include_subgroups, false) end # ancestor groups are supported only for owned projects not for shared def include_ancestor_groups? options.fetch(:include_ancestor_groups, false) end def projects_within_group return group.projects unless include_subgroups? || include_ancestor_groups? union_relations = [] union_relations << Project.for_group_and_its_subgroups(group) if include_subgroups? union_relations << Project.for_group_and_its_ancestor_groups(group) if include_ancestor_groups? Project.from_union(union_relations) end def shared_projects group.shared_projects end end GroupProjectsFinder.prepend_mod_with('GroupProjectsFinder')