# frozen_string_literal: true class LabelsFinder < UnionFinder prepend FinderWithCrossProjectAccess include FinderWithGroupHierarchy include FinderMethods include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize requires_cross_project_access unless: -> { project? } def initialize(current_user, params = {}) @current_user = current_user @params = params # Preload container records (project, group) by default, in some cases we invoke # the LabelsPreloader on the loaded records to prevent all N+1 queries. # In that case we disable the default with_preloaded_container scope because it # interferes with the LabelsPreloader. @preload_parent_association = params.fetch(:preload_parent_association, true) end def execute(skip_authorization: false) @skip_authorization = skip_authorization items = find_union(item_ids, Label) || Label.none items = with_title(items) items = by_subscription(items) items = by_search(items) items = by_locked_labels(items) items = items.with_preloaded_container if @preload_parent_association sort(items) end private attr_reader :current_user, :params, :skip_authorization # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def item_ids item_ids = [] if project? if project if project.group.present? labels_table = Label.arel_table group_ids = group_ids_for(project.group) item_ids << Label.where( labels_table[:type].eq('GroupLabel').and(labels_table[:group_id].in(group_ids)).or( labels_table[:type].eq('ProjectLabel').and(labels_table[:project_id].eq(project.id)) ) ) else item_ids << project.labels end end else if group? item_ids << Label.where(group_id: group_ids_for(group)) end item_ids << Label.where(group_id: projects.group_ids) item_ids << Label.where(project_id: ids_user_can_read_labels(projects)) unless only_group_labels? end item_ids end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def sort(items) if params[:sort] items.order_by(params[:sort]) else items.reorder(title: :asc) end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def with_title(items) return items if title.nil? return items.none if title.blank? items.where(title: title) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def by_search(labels) return labels unless search? labels.search(params[:search]) end def by_subscription(labels) labels.optionally_subscribed_by(subscriber_id) end def by_locked_labels(items) return items unless params[:locked_labels] items.with_lock_on_merge end def subscriber_id current_user&.id if subscribed? end def subscribed? params[:subscribed] == 'true' end def projects? params[:project_ids] end def only_group_labels? params[:only_group_labels] end def search? params[:search].present? end def title params[:title] || params[:name] end def project? params[:project].present? || params[:project_id].present? end def project return @project if defined?(@project) if project? @project = params[:project] || Project.find(params[:project_id]) @project = nil unless authorized_to_read_item?(@project) else @project = nil end @project end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def projects return @projects if defined?(@projects) @projects = if skip_authorization Project.all else ProjectsFinder.new(params: { non_archived: true }, current_user: current_user).execute # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/Finder end if group? @projects = if params[:include_descendant_groups] @projects.in_namespace(group.self_and_descendants.select(:id)) else @projects.in_namespace(group.id) end end @projects = @projects.where(id: params[:project_ids]) if projects? @projects = @projects.reorder(nil) @projects end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def read_permission :read_label end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def ids_user_can_read_labels(projects) Project.where(id: projects.select(:id)).ids_with_issuables_available_for(current_user) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end